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Warming up your car is illegal.


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It's a bogus law that can't possibly actually be enforced. No cop worth a damn is going to cite someone for letting their car warm. 







Lots of cops not worth a damn hanging around convenience stores apparently...

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It's a bogus law that can't possibly actually be enforced. No cop worth a damn is going to cite someone for letting their car warm. Shit, I got busted for selling cigarettes to a school mate when I was a kid, which was bullshit because his father told me to, and the cop actually said, "I am not going to bust you because if I bring in a kid for selling cigarettes to another kid.. I'll be laughed out of the station."

Cops don't give a damn about your car... running, or not.

I guess, until they decide they need to get your information to cite you, see that you had been searched for marijuana in the past, claim that you 'look' like your holding you're butt cheeks tightly, and decided to ass rape you for 14 hours, then send you the bill.

So, I guess I agree, any cop that is worth a damn won't enforce. Maybe crossing your fingers will get you a worth a damn cop... just maybe.

Edited by just_some_dude
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They were getting strict with the law in this area a few years back.  There was a problem of people getting their cars stolen as they were warming up.   But as police started getting picky with it, people also stated that cruisers running with no occupant while they were in a store was the same thing or close to it.    So the police backed off with it.

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No exemptions that i can see on orc... If the engine is running you're illegal in Ohio...

Wonder if you could argue legislative intent. The intent is to prevent thefts.....remote starters are very theft proof. I know judges do have latitude on what the laws intent was but no idea how much or how often they do it.

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Wonder if you could argue legislative intent. The intent is to prevent thefts.....remote starters are very theft proof. I know judges do have latitude on what the laws intent was but no idea how much or how often they do it.

I'm sure you could, but that means showing up to court, burning a vacation day, our losing your pay for the day, best case scenario you get one instance tossed, but the law still sits on the books as is... So the next prick cop having a bad day writes you a ticket and you're back at square 1...

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This was probably written when car doors had hand window cranks and a coat hanger opened any door.

A coat hanger still opens 95% of doors... if you can drive a wedge into the top corner far enough to snake a coat hanger inside, hitting the power lock switch or catching the manual lock is just a matter of patience... and a brick opens 99.5% of doors.

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