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How to cope if you find yourself agreeing with magz....


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I know it's happened to some of you... you're going along, minding your own business, and you read a post by magz that you happen to unexpectedly agree with. This can be quite a downer on your day, so here are some tips and tricks to consider when such an unfortunate experience comes to pass...

1. Remember some old adage regarding broken clocks, or blind squirrels, or what have you.

2. Consider changing your position; a position held by such a person is quite unlikely correct, so consider just how strongly you hold that position, and if by sheer will you can change it... perhaps that would be the best course of action.

3. If you hold the position strongly and are unlikely to change, as a last resort you might try drinking... I like drinking.

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I know it's happened to some of you... you're going along, minding your own business, and you read a post by magz that you happen to unexpectedly agree with. This can be quite a downer on your day, so here are some tips and tricks to consider when such an unfortunate experience comes to pass...

1. Remember some old adage regarding broken clocks, or blind squirrels, or what have you.

2. Consider changing your position; a position held by such a person is quite unlikely correct, so consider just how strongly you hold that position, and if by sheer will you can change it... perhaps that would be the best course of action.

3. If you hold the position strongly and are unlikely to change, as a last resort you might try drinking... I like drinking.

This may be your most original trolling to date.  Congratulations!   

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When I first saw this thread I abstained from posting. Then I saw a few comments and still abstained.

then I drank.

I have both called magz out on his bullshit AND agreed and even defended...well kind of defended him....well vocally agreed with him.

Magz is a dick. He may not intentionally be a dick, it could be his nature...or a genetic disease...He has his opinions on a lot of political issues, and tho they may seen inconsistent, misguided or in some cases convoluted or contradictory they are his and he has the balls to express them....He arguably takes the Lion's share of shit on here...which he may bring upon himself...unless we get a noob trying to enlist members in an Mc or other nonsense...but he takes it and stands his fucking ground and doesn't let the fact that most of the core members of this forum want 5 minutes alone with him in a room full of hammers stop him and still invites those same judgemental pricks to his place every fucking summer for a huge party. We've had our differences and he says stupid shit and so do I and most of you other slack jawed meat-gazers. He's a dick, but he's our dick. I'll ride with him, I'll have a beer with him and hell, maybe I'll fist fight him. What I won't do is bully or demean him for being a dick.

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When I first saw this thread I abstained from posting. Then I saw a few comments and still abstained.

then I drank.

I have both called magz out on his bullshit AND agreed and even defended...well kind of defended him....well vocally agreed with him.

Magz is a dick. He may not intentionally be a dick, it could be his nature...or a genetic disease...He has his opinions on a lot of political issues, and tho they may seen inconsistent, misguided or in some cases convoluted or contradictory they are his and he has the balls to express them....He arguably takes the Lion's share of shit on here...which he may bring upon himself...unless we get a noob trying to enlist members in an Mc or other nonsense...but he takes it and stands his fucking ground and doesn't let the fact that most of the core members of this forum want 5 minutes alone with him in a room full of hammers stop him and still invites those same judgemental pricks to his place every fucking summer for a huge party. We've had our differences and he says stupid shit and so do I and most of you other slack jawed meat-gazers. He's a dick, but he's our dick. I'll ride with him, I'll have a beer with him and hell, maybe I'll fist fight him. What I won't do is bully or demean him for being a dick.

Alcohol is a wonderful thing.

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Magz is a dick. He may not intentionally be a dick, it could be his nature...or a genetic disease...He has his opinions on a lot of political issues, and tho they may seen inconsistent, misguided or in some cases convoluted or contradictory they are his and he has the balls to express them.


I know this was intended to be complimentary.  And it is...sorta...I guess.  But, in all seriousness...how is this any different than any of the millions of idiots at any bar in America??? 


What you have identified is someone who is way less informed than he thinks he is, refuses to shut the fuck up about it, and has somehow (rather surprisingly) convinced himself that he's some kind of intellectual.  Oh where, oh where can you find such a rare, beautiful creature?  He's like a slack jawed unicorn, with a clinical form of denial that shits rainbows and spews bullshit.   


In order to maintain the integrity of this thread, no one should reply until they've had a few drinks, or their party favor of choice :)

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In order to maintain the integrity of this thread, no one should reply until they've had a few drinks, or their party favor of choice :)


Since I haven't been sober since I was about six.... :jd:  and I am old,   :wheelchair:, Magz has exercises his right of "Freedom of Speech" here in the interwebs.  This freedom does not cover the butthurt he may or may not cause.  But occasionally I do find myself agreeing with him, and I then take another shot of my "medicine", and that urge to go wash my hands passes.

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