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unOFFICIAL FALL Epic Ride - Saturday September 27


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A "scenery" ride would be great, too, if we had enough time. 


Yes, exactly.  I also like the scenery, but I like to ride

briskly, as well.  More than one style of riding would

make for a more interesting weekend.  With a weekend

event, we would have plenty of time for multiple rides.



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A night ride?  Really?  Yes!  Really!  Not fast,

but fun.  Gentle and easy.  It would be a new

experience if you've never ridden through the

woods at night.


Chime in.  We can do it.  The possibilities are






A "scenery" ride would be great, too, if we had enough time.  When you ride twisties, you're looking down most of the time... Granted there's often just corn & cows to look at, so you're not missing much, but on the way down I rode alongside a little river for a few miles that was great!  Every few hundred yards there'd be a little canoe-rental place and such, and with the trees on one side and the river on the other, it was great scenery... Made me pretty happy to be cruising along, not cooped up in a car, and just out for a ride enjoying the sights.  


OK, I'll be the counterpoint...


I personally wouldn't be interested in night or scenery riding, but others may.  I think that people who like to ride fast are going to want to ride fast...slow...etc.


It's like if you have a group that's 50/50 Harleys/Sportbikes, no matter what pace you choose half riders won't be having fun.  In my experience, grouping people by skill is the most amicable way so some people don't feel pressured to ride quicker, while others are bored.


Another thought...while I like riding Ohio roads, I ride them frequently.  If I'm going to do an overnight or 2, it would be in WV, TN, or someplace that I can't reach in a typical 1 day ride.

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Yeah, thanks, Wolfman1, the signs were real nice, it was good to see you before the ride.  In regards to my riding difference from the spring to now...  I was coming from a Nighthawk 750 and just got the FJR about 2 weeks before the Spring Ride.  I was hanging on for dear life in medium-fast!  haha  Put on about 6500 miles on since then, so I'm glad it's not all been a waste!

Hello Jacob.  I am glad to hear you enjoyed the ride.  I saw you posted some video too.  That is sweet!  Let me know when you have a Sat. free next riding season and maybe we can meet up and put some miles on.  I usually ride with part of the NEO crew, Derek & Whaler.  We ride all over the state so I am sure we can put something together.  It was nice to see you again and I am glad your enjoying that FJR!

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I love this idea!  I couldn't make it Sat due to time constraints and I knew the ride would be all day.  Now, over a weekend would be perfect.  Stay the night and camp or just pop in for a few hrs each day, go for a couple rides and just hang out.



If I had to design from scratch, an event, that

more riders could enjoy, and would be willing

to attend, I would add shorter, multiple rides

of various interests, and make the event

appealing to a much larger segment of the

motorcycling world, over an entire weekend.



What say ye?  I'm excited about the idea of an

event, with a more relaxed atmosphere, and one

that would appeal to a larger crowd, to

riders from the four corners of the state, and

beyond.  We don't have to do it all at once, but

over time, several new ideas could be implimented

and tried out to gauge their success.



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In essence, you guys are describing the basic idea of last years Doc's Double Dream Ride. Random groups of us overnighted in cabins and campsites. The same route was ran both days. But it wasn't as productive the 2nd day since rain was forecasted to move in, so iirc there were a lot less in attendance on day 2. We left late morning on day 2 because of chores at home, and too much to drink the night before :D Had a blast anyway, was nice riding a short 6 or 7 miles back to a cabin to retreat in a frothy hot tub and kickback with some drinks while the sun set.

Making it a 2 day event would be nicer if the routes were different both days, just for sake of being different for those riders that are taking in both days. And I believe the whole idea stemmed from folks not able to make one day or the other, so the masses could congregate twice the same weekend and make it possible for as many of us as could be.

Now, this isn't Deals Gap so group rates could be tough to make happen, but that would make it more affordable. And financially wouldn't make sense to overnight for the majority of us Ohioans, yet the convenience is really nice. Makes it feel more like a mini Gap trip when you are staying close by the good riding areas.

I dont do night riding. Too much inherent risk with the very limited visibility and nocturnal critters attempting suicide. But day rides on scenic routes are killer, and a nice way to top off twisty rides. The LLC thing is under discussion, may manifest into something great or could just stay the same. Either way it goes, it will be a good thing. It's nice to have a large and localized group meet every year where we can all enjoy SEO together

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Sorry for the late post. It's been non-stop since I got back. Father-in-Law is a bit sick and I worked Sunday. I had a great time on the ride. The 2nd half was crazy cool with the transitions - nothing like that up north. I'll be honest though the ride down sucked with the fog and temperature plus I had just got off work. My apologies if I was a bit non-talkative. I was a little tired all day and I was solely concentrated from being the sole one to kiss the pavement. That's the longest ride I've ever taken and the trip back through farm country at night was a strange one but glad for the experience. Everyone in the "slow" pack was great; the ride went off without a hitch. Jack was a great lead and our sweep (sorry! can't remember screen name ) was always right there. I wish I had of taken some pictures but again I was kind of focused. 


Thanks to the organizers. I know these events don't just go well by themselves. Surprisingly I wasn't sore at all next day. Funny story - when I came in my wife was waiting to hear the bike so she could open the garage. I went to walk in the house and she let out a scream and told me to get my bug encrusted butt outside and made me drop my gear, including pants outside. My girls came downstairs to see what the ruckus was about and busted out laughing seeing me in my skivvies looking like "a rabid ferret" according to one. Funny now - wasn't then.


If this goes off in the spring I'll plan to attend but will probably stay the night in the area so that I can go out with the group after the run. If I can help with the organizing, setup, etc.  let me know. I like to feel useful. 


How Al Z. Heimer pilots that Star Cruiser around the curves at that speed is still a mystery to me.  :eek: Everyone stay safe.

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New Guy Suggestion: 

I can recommend a location outside of Ohio that is in Romney, Wva. I have been to this events and it's laid back and relaxed fun with some great Garmin (gpx) routes to ride for all types of riding. The ride there and back is an event in itself. The dealership is not the sponsor but he goes out of his way to make sure B-fast and Dinner, fire pit and coffee and test rides are available and the dealership grounds are great for camping.  Also there are hotels and formal campgrounds close by.  Check the link and see if this is something you might like for this group.





Edited by B-Mac
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Sorry for the late post. It's been non-stop since I got back. Father-in-Law is a bit sick and I worked Sunday. I had a great time on the ride. The 2nd half was crazy cool with the transitions - nothing like that up north. I'll be honest though the ride down sucked with the fog and temperature plus I had just got off work. My apologies if I was a bit non-talkative. I was a little tired all day and I was solely concentrated from being the sole one to kiss the pavement. That's the longest ride I've ever taken and the trip back through farm country at night was a strange one but glad for the experience. Everyone in the "slow" pack was great; the ride went off without a hitch. Jack was a great lead and our sweep (sorry! can't remember screen name ) was always right there. I wish I had of taken some pictures but again I was kind of focused. 


Thanks to the organizers. I know these events don't just go well by themselves. Surprisingly I wasn't sore at all next day. Funny story - when I came in my wife was waiting to hear the bike so she could open the garage. I went to walk in the house and she let out a scream and told me to get my bug encrusted butt outside and made me drop my gear, including pants outside. My girls came downstairs to see what the ruckus was about and busted out laughing seeing me in my skivvies looking like "a rabid ferret" according to one. Funny now - wasn't then.


If this goes off in the spring I'll plan to attend but will probably stay the night in the area so that I can go out with the group after the run. If I can help with the organizing, setup, etc.  let me know. I like to feel useful. 


How Al Z. Heimer pilots that Star Cruiser around the curves at that speed is still a mystery to me.  :eek: Everyone stay safe.



I'll be completely honest. My first ever big ride with OhioRiders was also my first long ride on a bike.  I was very skeptical but somehow I convinced myself to do it and it forever changed the way I ride motorcycles.  I, too, was very shy, and didn't talk much because the new environment and riding style kept my mind in full concentration and left no room to socialize.  After a few rides, though, you'll become a lot more comfortable and the off the bike talk will increase.  


Had I known this was your first big ride, I would have gone up 83 with you. I always want to make sure a rider makes it home safe. It's one of my favorite roads because it's got enough twisties to keep you entertained, but very few corners that will get you into any sort of trouble.  You can really haul ass down that road and it's a real good finisher to a great day of riding.  

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My First Epic Ride with the OR crew. Had a great time. What a fun group to ride with.


I got a Garmin VIRB and this is my first attempt of some of our ride:  http://youtu.be/r8t5WcFfsCs?list=UUsBAaDfZkbxULiV3c5MohnA


1. Derek, Thank you for all the hard work you put into this event.

2. Jim, Thanks for the voucher to place me in your Grp.

3. Hellmutt, Sorry for bailling on your group but I have ridden with Jim (jschaf) before and he had a upgrade voucher and I had $20:00


Just watched the whole video.  Group looked locked in. Well done. 

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I Think the route/event was good how it was. It was a very nice mix of some not challenging but fun comfortable roads and good scenery. Perfect for a large group ride of varying skill levels like we had. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I rode nearly 2 hours to get to the meetup point in groveport and had no trouble with that or my return home in the night. Although I understand it is not so easy for others, I am perfectly fine with that and it was worth it. I feel that the epic ride should not change. Maybe an alternate more/less technical route but my favorite part of the experience was being able to meet and socialize with new people. Making a multi day event where people come and go as they please would be AWESOME. But I feel that you would lose some of one of the things that makes the epic ride so epic, the social aspect of it.

That being said. I purpose we maintain the fall/spring epic rides as they are with minor changes/expansions as preferred and ADD an entirely new multi day event in a more exotic area, WV for example.

I feel that since this was my first big ride with the OR group I really don't have much room to talk about the events or other goings on but that is my $.02 anyways.

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I feel that since this was my first big ride with the OR group I really don't have much room to talk about the events or other goings on but that is my $.02 anyways.


Everyone's opinion is as valuable as the next.  No one person's voice goes unheard, no matter how new or inexperienced they are. 

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Too much inherent risk with the very limited visibility and nocturnal critters attempting suicide.

No night for to many critters.

No night-time riding here. Even on the slab I am constantly worried bout critters.


It's not for everyone.  But, it is for me.

I did mention gentle and easy, not fast.

When riding through Wayne National

Forest in the dark, I am always cautious.

I find it to be a different kind of ride, with

very little traffic and a peacefulness that

calms me.



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It's like if you have a group that's 50/50 Harleys/Sportbikes, no matter
what pace you choose half riders won't be having fun.  In my experience,
grouping people by skill is the most amicable way so some people
don't feel pressured to ride quicker, while others are bored.
Agreed.  Grouping by skill is perfect, if you are offering only
one ride.  Offering two or more rides,
over a few days, gives riders of differing styles a variety to
choose from, and grouping by skill can still be done.
 If I'm going to do an overnight or 2, it would be in WV, TN, or someplace
that I can't reach in a typical 1 day ride.


This is the beauty of a multi-day event.  You can gather a

pack of fast movers, buzz on down, pick up some more fast

movers, already in attendance, lead a tour at light speed,

around twisted paths, pop in and say hello, then zip back

up north to tend to your duties, all on your own schedule.


You will be happy you didn't miss out on everything.  We

will be happy to see your smiling face, shake your hand,

share some lies, and reacquaint ourselves.  We bid you

adieu, and before you know it, you are back in your easy

chair, not missing a single bit of Duck Dynasty.


We have our weekend.  You have your day in the twisties,

among friends you can't live without.  Everybody is

happy happy happy.



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I think the ride is good the way it is, just difficult for those of us that live practically in Lake Erie. It's rough to do a 12 or more hour ride (which as mentioned, means you spend the ENTIRE day on the bike) especially for those of us (me) that aren't used to doing even 6 hour rides... I would love to be able to spend time socializing with everyone and put faces to bikes to usernames, but due to the length of trekking down plus trekking back home, there just isn't time.

Shit, maybe this just means I need to ride more... :)

P.S. Riding in the fog sucks. Just sayin'...

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My First Epic Ride with the OR crew. Had a great time. What a fun group to ride with.


I got a Garmin VIRB and this is my first attempt of some of our ride:  http://youtu.be/r8t5WcFfsCs?list=UUsBAaDfZkbxULiV3c5MohnA




Just watched the whole video.  Group looked locked in. Well done. 


The fast group was well disciplined and rode solid overall.  Even when being baited by local road hero.  

UP is an active sweep that watches out for the riders ahead of him and gives good feedback to most everyone.  That was a big help for me trying to lead without having to watch my mirrors too often.


While the pace wasn't blistering fast, I thought it was appropriately quick for a fast group that hasn't ridden with each other while riding mostly unfamiliar roads.  Hopefully everyone was good with the pace and the way the group was handled.

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I think the ride is good the way it is, just difficult for those of us that live practically in Lake Erie. It's rough to do a 12 or more hour ride (which as mentioned, means you spend the ENTIRE day on the bike) especially for those of us (me) that aren't used to doing even 6 hour rides... I would love to be able to spend time socializing with everyone and put faces to bikes to usernames, but due to the length of trekking down plus trekking back home, there just isn't time.

Shit, maybe this just means I need to ride more... :)

P.S. Riding in the fog sucks. Just sayin'...

This is the downside of living in 216/440.  You have to ride 90 miles of boring roads (each way) just to get to the fun roads.  Once you're down there you might as well ride enough good roads to make the day worth while.  Our normal rides are 400-500 miles.  Over the years the pace of the NEO group I ride with has gotten quicker and quicker.  I swear that's just so we can get home sooner :)   

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It's rough to do a 12 or more hour ride (which as mentioned,

means you spend the ENTIRE day on the bike) especially for

those of us (me) that aren't used to doing even 6 hour rides...


I would love to be able to spend time socializing with everyone

and put faces to bikes to usernames, but due to the length of

trekking down plus trekking back home, there just isn't time.


And this is the exact reason why I would like to see a

two (or more) day event, so you would have time to

take a breath, eat some food, make some friends,

get some sleep, ride some rides, see some sights,

and have a nice ride back home, and look forward

to the next time, instead of dreading the long ride

down and back.





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It's not for everyone. But, it is for me.

I did mention gentle and easy, not fast.

When riding through Wayne National

Forest in the dark, I am always cautious.

I find it to be a different kind of ride, with

very little traffic and a peacefulness that

calms me.


Those little critters are fast and its just not a risk I will take 100 miles from home.

The spring groups have been the more active groups but we only have ~ 40 riders at most of the rides. If people are willing to stay over night I can see one big ride and then people can do whatever. Why don't you start a new thread and have a vote? Then you can see the real interest in doing small random group rides including night.

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