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So what's with the hating on sportbikes today?


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Can't sleep so I figured I'd get on here and whine a lil bit.  So, I'm coming up on a car in the left lane today. Car is going the speed limit. I'm doing just fast enough to pass.  Truck in the center lane is at least 5 car lengths ahead. I go to pass the car maintaining my speed. The car speeds up and cuts off my pass. It was a slow pass. I didn't think he would speed up. So, ok no problem. He's moving now so I get back behind him to pass the truck. The ahole slows down and matches the speed of the truck. So now I'm a lil irritated and just want to catch site of  the person I'm riding with. The right is clear so I pass them both in the right lane. (yeah I know, I don't normally pass on the right if I can help it). Mind you I'm just cruising, nothing crazy. I get around the truck and see that car speeding up in the left now cutting in front of the truck and cutting of my lane change again and he's fiddling with  what looked like a dash cam.  WTF did he think he was gonna see me do?  


Also today but closer to home. Same scenario. Go to pass at a non-crazy speed and the guy deliberately cuts me off. Nowhere to go so I drop back behind him and he's flipping me off in his mirror.  Anyone that has ridden with me knows I don't ride obnoxious.


Earier this year, I'm on 224 east down here in akron headin out towards rte 44. 3 cruisers in front of me doing the speed limit. Ok, no problem to each his own. It's a public hwy right? But, now cars are starting to back up behind us and right on my a$$.   I pass the cruisers when I had room. I gave them plenty of room and I had plenty of time. As I'm getting back in my lane, I see the girl passenger on the lead bike flipping me off.   Again WTF?


Anyway, I know I know, such is life and I'm over it :)    Like I said mainly just bored and wanna hear if anyone else has any stories like this. I'm sure we all have many.

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People are dicks. They get worse behind the wheel. For some reason the general public (gp from here on out) has this ego trip where they believe that they are the only ones doing the right thing on the freeway. The gp generally regards sport bikes as 'some asshole on a crotch rocket'. Doesn't matter what you do. If they're in the left lane they feel that that's as fast as anyone should go...they regard anyone going faster as an asshole....it's an ego thing....people are self righteous dicks and think they're doing what's best for everyone by camping in the left lane doing 3 over.

Cruiser people generally don't like sport bikes...mostly because they believe that a motorcycle is supposed to be loud and shiny and a great way to get a tan. They believe that it's more safe to ride at 65 in a tank top and jeans than to do 80 in full gear. Some have bought into the mentality so much that they just rubber-stamp anyone on 'Jap crap' as an asshole because they haven't bought into the same mentality.

My advice is to practice one-handed wheelies, then just pass them up on one while either simulating masturbation or felatio with the other hand.

Don't worry, it's not like they'll ever catch up.

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Haters are gonna hate. There is little to anything that you can do to change their perceptions and opinions. I just smile and nod when passing cruisers.

If you ride a zx14, then there are very few (if any) cars that could prevent your pass with the available room. When I pass on the freeway, I execute the pass as quickly as possible. I then return to normal speed.

The sport bike perception will not change quickly, if ever.

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I never have that problem on my Harley everyone always moves right out of the way and then gives me a wave as I go by LMAO that stuff happens with all bikes. Ohio is only 1 of 3 states in the US that allows drivers to block the left lane and not move over to let other drivers pass. In any other state you could get a ticket for blocking the flow of traffic.

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I don't have many issues alone, I think its the pink. When I rode on the back of hellmutts bike he had a lot of the same issues, he would just hit the throttle and was gone.

I wonder if the OP was wearing pink if it would make a difference. Most people think its cool a girl is riding and get out of the way or give a thumps up.

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Was behind a cruiser yesterday that ended up crossing double yellows 2 or three times trying to match my pace from in front of me rather than let me pass in a non asshole fashion. 1/4 mile after the third time he crossed into the opposite lane he waves me by finally. Dunno if it was some stupid pride issue or what but he literally put himself in serious danger on some tight blind corners trying to out-fast me. I laughed the first time, but was ready to stop and take a break when he finally decided he should let me by...I don't need to see you turn yourself into a hood ornament there Blackbeard.

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I'd just start riding like a dick. If people are camping in the left, I pass them on the left in the shoulder. Someone speeds up when I go to pass, accelerate even faster, their pos isn't keeping up with Ember on her worst day. Some bitch on the back of a cruiser wants to salute. Stand up and show her your ass. OR just laugh and shake your head cause that's funny shit.

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It's because there is a small but very visible % of sportbike riders that ride like assholes and piss people off. Cagers tend to lump all sportbike riders into one category so you are seeing the response.


I will say that it's probably mitigated if you are in full gear as we know squids are always in t-shirts and flip flops.

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I don't know if it's all about you riding a bike,I had the same thing happen to me Friday on I70 east of Zanesville,I was in my truck.

It seems to happen more around bigger cities,not just Ohio cities,I just put it down to type A people being territorial about their lane position.

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I year in Europe drove home for me the fact that American drivers are a special breed of ignorant cunt.

You simply will not find cars snail - racing in the left 2 lanes in Germany.

In France cars will make space for motorbikes splitting down the center of a 2 lane undivided highway.

When I split the left 2 lanes on 315 during rush hour I've never had less than 3 people honking at me over a 5 mile strech. Which probably means 10x that number of cages are pissed off. Somehow the reaction that we are "cheatin em" trumps the fact that we are adding a fuck ing extra lane of traffic to speed things up..

Ohio is worst than most places in the US too.. there is just a special kind of turd that resides in America's Midwest.. and he's usually driving a pickup truck.

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Driving out here you normally end up with the opposite problem. Everyone is driving 90mph on the freeway, tail gating, cutting people off...its fucking insane out here....I actually miss driving in ohio....its either ride 100mph and risk getting a ticket, or go 75 and be that asshole everyone is cutting off and flying past

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Driving out here you normally end up with the opposite problem. Everyone is driving 90mph on the freeway, tail gating, cutting people off...its fucking insane out here....I actually miss driving in ohio....its either ride 100mph and risk getting a ticket, or go 75 and be that asshole everyone is cutting off and flying past

I thoroughly enjoyed riding through zona, the road from Kingman to Vegas was fantastic.

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Sounds like you need to work on your passing skills. I like to wheelie pass, but that's just me.

Truth. Need work in a lot of areas. I try to be a good ambassador as a sport rider for the most part. Normally a hawg doesn't offer much of a challenge passing, but this was on a quite squirrelly section of rt26 and I was a bit hesitant to get anywhere near captain cool glasses as he loudly hurtled his wheeled sofa all over the road in search of 80 mph.

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Ohio is worst than most places in the US too..

there is just a special kind of turd that resides in America's Midwest

.. and he's usually driving a pickup truck.


And the taller the truck, the more they hog the left lane.

Then there are those who cruise the left lane and only

speed up when you move into the right lane and try to

get around them.  They catch up to the vehicle ahead

of you that's in your lane and then slow back down so

you can't get around them.  We really need a law to

encourage drivers to move to the right when approached

from behind by faster traffic.  If it takes them more than 30

seconds to pass a vehicle, they have no business in the

left lane when faster traffic is behind them.



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2 years ago Ohio was going to put that law on the ballets for a vote but the Ohio state highway patrol shot it down saying there was no way for them to enforce it. I think the truth is they like having the azzhats block traffic it keeps the speed down and giving them less to do.

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maybe spend money to educate instead of spending money and wasting legislative time to write a law into the books that won't/can't be effectively enforced.  cops can also easily pull people over and give them a warning and that would be enough to get the word out that without pissing everyone off with actual tickets.


i don't think we need a law for every little inconvenience in life.

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