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What is the first BIG news story you were aware of as a kid?


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On 7/23/2017 at 0:12 AM, zx3vfr said:


I'll never forget that day ever. It was the year they opened Jacobs Field and my neighbors company had a suite so we were up in the suite watching the game on the balcony part. Then on the TV they had the OJ slow speed chase on and during this the old dessert cart came rolling by so 9 year old BAD was smashing some chocolate cake watching baseball one minute then some jack ass doing 35mph on the highway in a Bronco :lol:

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On 7/21/2017 at 10:02 PM, Bad324 said:

OJ's chase and trial 

This was definitely the first thing that came to mind for me as well, but I remember the older kids on my bus (the 7th graders) talking about setting their alarms for midnight, when the U.S. was scheduled to launch missiles at Iraq.  I believe that marked the transition between Operation Desert Shield, and Operation Desert Storm.   I may have been more aware of that situation because my uncle was deployed in Kuwait at the time.  He sent me some Iraqi money, and my dad received an empty Pepsi can with Arabic slogans and ingredients on it.  These items came in a 'care package' full of Army propaganda material.  I remember bringing my "dollar" into school for whatever 90's "show and tell" was called, and handing out "I support operation desert shield" stickers.

The Challenger explosion is something I was aware of, but I think it was taught to me as history, not a current event.

Side note, David Hasselhoff blames O.J. for stifling his music career in the U.S.


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I would like a good blizzard this winter.  Nothing that kills people, but I wouldn't mind society shutting down for a couple of days, and watching everyone freak out about running out of food, etc.

Hell, I'm even okay with losing power for some amount of time.  Generator and cellular data will get me by just fine.  Our gas fire place PUMPS heat, and running the circulation fan would use 2 watts of generator juice!

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Santa was not real...


I remember many things... Regan assassination attempt was the earliest. The 80s was full of news, volcanos, AIDS, plane crashes, wars, the wall, challenger shuttle, and so many others..

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54 minutes ago, snot said:

Santa was not real...


I remember many things... Regan assassination attempt was the earliest. The 80s was full of news, volcanos, AIDS, plane crashes, wars, the wall, challenger shuttle, and so many others..

Now that you mention it, the Mount St Helens eruption. We got a vile of ash from it.

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