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Editorial in Robbinsville Paper about TOTD and "Crotch Rockets"


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Fri, 07/06/2018 - 12:06pm GrahamS1

Three fatal motorcycle accidents in less than two weeks? What in the world is going on?
Graham County Fire Chief Keith Eller, who’s responded to hundreds of wrecks in 29 years of answering emergency calls, has a theory.
“For some reason we’re seeing more and more crotch rockets. For the last two or three years we saw more Harleys and big touring bikes, now these are coming back again,” Chief Eller said as he gestured to the Yamaha FZ-10 Chris Harris was riding when he hit a guardrail on the Cherohala Skyway.
For those of you who prefer four wheels to two, a “crotch rocket” is “a specific type of motorcycle, typically distinguished by it’s aerodynamic ‘hunched-over’ seating position and high power-to-weight ratio. Often favoured by stunters, who choose the bikes because they are light and easy to perform tricks (such as wheelies and stoppies) on ... Also known as ‘sportbikes’” according to urbandictionary.com.
No one witnessed Harris’ accident, and there’s no reason to believe he was doing tricks. He was, however, exceeding the 45-mile-per-hour speed limit on a machine rider magazine described as possessing “razor-sharp handling” and “raucous engine ... to sling it from corner to corner ... pushed to near redline it makes enormous power.”
The NC Highway Patrol report estimates Harris was going 100 miles per hour into his final curve, 90 when he impacted the guardrail.
By all accounts, Harris was a responsible, level-headed man. He certainly knew how to drive safely; he had a CDL license to prove it.
So what happened? Adrenaline rush? Overconfidence? The desire to see what his machine could do? We may never know. We only know he was going dangerously fast.
One of Harris’ friends messaged me to challenge the trooper’s estimate that Harris was going 100. “Maybe 70 at the most,” he said. To which I say, “Seventy entering a turn with a suggested posted speed of 25 is both foolish and irresponsible.
As we waited for the hearse to arrive, Harris’ friend Billy Pierce told me, “If you’re trying to race the road, the road’s going to win every time. It will kill you. You’ve got to respect that kind of road.”
Those of us who live here respect our roads. Too many visitors don’t. And their lack of respect endangers those of us who would never drive 70 in a 45 zone.
Too many visiting riders seem to view our roads as their own personal proving grounds and/or drag strips. And the crotch rocket riders seem to be the worst offenders. Raise your hand if you’ve seen wheelies, speeding, tailgating, and passing on double yellow lines. Yeah, me too.
Some of us stay off the Skyway and Dragon during peak riding season because we’re afraid we’ll encounter some daredevil seeing if they can touch the pavement with their hand or knee as they roar through a tight curve.
Personally, I think crotch rockets should be outlawed on Graham County roads. Too drastic? Then let’s open a drag strip/obstacle course on private property, charge admission, and require riders to sign a waiver before they “sling it from corner to corner” and push the redline to their heart’s content.
 From where I’m sitting, these so-called supersports are more dangerous than alcohol.
Did you know that crotch rocket riders are four times more likely to die in a crash than riders of other motorcycles? Did you know that crotch rocket riders account for more than 25 percent of rider deaths, even though crotch rockets make up less than 10 percent of all registered motorcycles? Those numbers come from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and the Insurance Information Institute.
I, for one, expect the percent of fatalities to increase as crotch rockets get faster and faster, more and more videos of riders shredding pavement are posted on YouTube, and bloggers and writers will continue to romanticize “taming” and “slaying” our now famous roads.
We can only pray that daredevil coming here to make an awesome GoPro video doesn’t veer into the path of one of our loved ones. We can only pray that our ambulance drivers never crash as they speed to a motorcycle accident, and that our Fire Rescue volunteers aren’t hit while directing traffic while our EMTs treat a stunt rider who lost control of his bike.


The retort from the local buisness scene....


Our local newspaper editor recently wrote a disparaging editorial regarding motorcyclist that visit our area. Tail of the Dragon is making an official response, and perhaps you can share your comments to the Editor Gary Corsair as well. His email address is editor@grahamstar.com you can also comment on their facebook page https://www.facebook.com/thegrahamstarofficial/. Here is our response:

Your disrespectful editorial towards our motorcycle visitors who come to ride our world famous roads prompts our response. It doesn’t matter if our guests are riding, driving, paddling, or hiking, a small error in judgment can have deadly consequences in our remote and rugged wilderness.

Graham County draws adventure seekers to our class IV rapids on the Cheoah River, hikers and trout fishermen to rugged remote wilderness areas, mountain bikers on trails of Tsali, and road bikers to the Cherohala Skyway. A small mistake can be deadly in our remote area.

We can all question why someone would take risks or have a lapse in judgment. But we should understand that our area will always draw this type of visitor. And they deserve our help when accidents occur and dignity when an unfortunate event happens.

How about a little simple respect for those you disparage when their friends and loved one's are grieving? Your editorial of July 5 is a disgrace to our entire community.

Mr. Corsair, if you are troubled by our adventure seekers perhaps you should retire to a newspaper in The Villages where life is soft and easy. You might have to report on a golf cart accident though. Oh, don't forget about the alligators.

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Crotch rockets are dangerous?  The guy was on an fz10, and that is not a crotch rocket.  It is a naked sport bike.   The rider magazine description in that article makes me want to get one. 

Next, they will want to ban sport touring bikes that can ride Cherohalla Skyway at 70 to 100mph.

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If it wasn’t for tourists like us wanting to ride their roads, their towns would be dead. It’s a very depressed area, and they’re quite literally biting the hand that feeds. Very disappointing. 

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49 minutes ago, CrazySkullCrusher said:

Looks like that newspapers fb page is getting hammer-fucked with bad reviews.

Yea I think there might just be a newspaper editor job opening soon in Graham County NC.

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Like they give a shit what their Facebook rating is. Like they give a shit what a biker from Ohio thinks.

Other than his tone, and use of the crotch rocket term is he really that wrong?  100 in a 45 with a 25 mph advisory is reckless. We have all done it, we will do it again but it's reckless. Many of those tight turns on that road have a scenic parking area on the outside of the turn. He could have blown into that at 100 and hit some kid on vacation with Mom and Dad.

We most certainly do use thier roads that go past their homes as our personal race track.

I look forward to doing it again. We are for the most part assholes.

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From my completely non fact based review....... ie what I’ve seen in person and on killboy.... Harley’s and cars are involved in a much higher percentage of accidents than sportbikes. And as for his piece, I’ve never considered an FZ10 a crotch rocket or a Sportbike 

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2 hours ago, Tonik said:

 100 in a 45 with a 25 mph advisory is reckless. We have all done it, we will do it again but it's reckless. Many of those tight turns on that road have a scenic parking area on the outside of the turn. He could have blown into that at 100 and hit some kid on vacation with Mom and Dad.

We most certainly do use thier roads that go past their homes as our personal race track.

Spoken like a true geriatric. 

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Eh, anywhere there's a large influx of "outsiders" that drive the local economy there's going to be a subset that think they are all idiots and should go back to where they came from. The skiing industry supported the area I grew up in in Vermont. Everybody hated the out of state skiers because they drove like assholes, started fights, created pretty bad traffic and were constantly getting grievously injured or killed on the mountain.


They also allowed 90% of the town to have jobs and support their families. 

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To be fair... Why would anybody travel hundreds or thousands of miles to obey the traffic laws... You can do that at home... I know you MFers were out there a week ago dressed up like power rangers scraping all your body parts on the road 😂... But at the same time, that fucking town only exists because of the tourism. Show some fucking respect for the people who provide for you and yours. There are other ways to get a message across without alienating people. More productive ways too. Fuck this editor and fuck the traffic laws lol

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The sad part is I am good friends with a guy who was leading the group with the guy on the FZ-10 who passed on the Cherohala.  He messaged me that night to talk and was distraught because he said he felt a lot of guilt knowing he was trying to catch back up.  

I explained that everyone knows to ride their own ride and he shouldn't feel guilty about it.   

Those statistics he also stated just don't seem accurate.  I'd love to find real statistics that tell the full story and honestly see the real numbers.

This editor deserves everything that he has coming. But then again... maybe he's just doing these types of articles to get publicity...

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On 7/9/2018 at 8:29 PM, 2talltim said:
Fri, 07/06/2018 - 12:06pm GrahamS1

if any of you are surprised by the words in the article written by a man that looks like this well then I feel bad for you

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