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Saying bye to Ohio :(


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What have I missed and what am I missing? I thought you already left us and went to that state up north.

I remember the Monster ZX6 that had a couple scratches on both sides of it the first time we rode together. Inyazz was there leading and I stayed back with you to keep you safe and connected to the group. Wow, have you improved since then and no longer need help.

Thanks for all your advice in PMs and don't be a stranger, this internet thing works from everywhere you're at.

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I am off to Raleigh NC :) 

will see you all during the annual gap trip Ed get a trip worthy bike instead of restored classic. 

yes, UP I still remember those days from 10 yrs ago. Showing up to ride with Nike shoes and Levi’s jeans and people looking at you funny. Lol lot of squids on forum and showing up for ride and crashing out those days. :) 

i was in Michigan only 2 yrs came right back to Ohio when I had the first chance to move. This time I am biting the bullet and going to experiment a different world. Mainly for future  of my son. 

Edited by NinjaDoc
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I spent a month in that area from February to March this year, most of it at Duke. The Research Triangle is a great up and coming place. To bad it's so far from good riding but it's closer to the beach if you're into that kind of thing. I have family in Apex, just outside of Cary.

Edited by Uncle Punk
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10 hours ago, Uncle Punk said:

I remember the Monster ZX6 that had a couple scratches on both sides of it the first time we rode together. Inyazz was there leading and I stayed back with you to keep you safe and connected to the group. Wow, have you improved since then and no longer need help.


I think that was one of two rides I had with the NinjaDoc.... that was, 4-5 bikes ago for him, lol.

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Hey, sorry to hear that you'll be farther away.  I count myself as one of those quiet people, well as at least not one of the ... well, you know. 

I will always remember that EPIC ride when you helped push an older couple's car off of the road, up a freaking hill. Thanks.

Please keep in touch. They do have internet in RTP - right? 


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On 4/25/2020 at 11:37 PM, NinjaDoc said:

I am off to Raleigh NC :) 

will see you all during the annual gap trip Ed get a trip worthy bike instead of restored classic. 

yes, UP I still remember those days from 10 yrs ago. Showing up to ride with Nike shoes and Levi’s jeans and people looking at you funny. Lol lot of squids on forum and showing up for ride and crashing out those days. :) 

i was in Michigan only 2 yrs came right back to Ohio when I had the first chance to move. This time I am biting the bullet and going to experiment a different world. Mainly for future  of my son. 

Hey, we ride NCBike :)

Nivin, I'm glad we got together last year and got to ride with you on track. You have been one that I've considered instrumental to my riding and my mindset towards riding. I do not think I would be the rider I am today if it weren't for your guidance. Good luck on the move, may your family stay happy and healthy. And maybe you can join us down at NCBike when things get opened back up again.

Also, YOLO posting these pics because you wont be around to kick my ass. Nivin got his knee down this day gentleman, and I was fortunate enough to be behind him and watch it scare him.:lol:



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I know you will make something great happen down there Nivin!  I wish we got to ride more together, but enjoyed the time that we did.  You might be a little self conscious and feel that you're socially awkward in your own words, but the things you endured and risked to get you and your family to where you are always struck me as very courageous and daring far beyond what I thought you gave yourself credit for and certainly more than i can say for most of these goons around here (myself included).   You're a great dude, a great dad, and you deserve every bit of goodness that comes your way.

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thank you for all the kind words gentlemen and ladies :( 

Its like the day was perfect, ton of motorcycles outside and weirdly a beautiful perfect motorcycle day despite the  lockdown and pandemic  and felt sad as today was winding down.

its like only few more days left and i wish to ride with as many of you on as many ohio roads as possible.  Even if its just 8-10  hours away that i am moving i cant see a scenario of coming back to ride here again ever. 

I am even trying to be my old self again from 8-10 yrs ago with that baby enthusiasm of saying hi to all new riders, waving down random riders, showing new riders around, and trying to bring more people in here. Hope this place stays active and busy forever. 


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3 hours ago, NinjaDoc said:

thank you for all the kind words gentlemen and ladies :( 

Its like the day was perfect, ton of motorcycles outside and weirdly a beautiful perfect motorcycle day despite the  lockdown and pandemic  and felt sad as today was winding down.

its like only few more days left and i wish to ride with as many of you on as many ohio roads as possible.  Even if its just 8-10  hours away that i am moving i cant see a scenario of coming back to ride here again ever. 

I am even trying to be my old self again from 8-10 yrs ago with that baby enthusiasm of saying hi to all new riders, waving down random riders, showing new riders around, and trying to bring more people in here. Hope this place stays active and busy forever. 


Nivin, we will have to meet in the middle. I see a new OhioRiders rally being forged somewhere in the VA/WV area. A quick shoot up 501 to Lynchburg and you are right here with us.

Stay active here, Friend. I know I speak for everyone when I say your enthusiasm and spirit brighten this world of motorcycling for us. I appreciate you and plan to see you on several rides as we grow older. You don't let the good ones slip away because they move physical locations. You're stuck with us, Nivin. We are your moto-family and you are loved very much. 

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Pauly you said some thing gold. VA/WV weekend or 3 days trips are double bang for buck than gap trip. Plus no one has to trailer, cheaper stays and far less crowded,  all within riding distance even for the “luxury” rider.  Now that’s a solid plan and very good one at it. Let’s make it at least twice a year :) 

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Congrats on the move Nivin.  Its been a while since we've reidding together...at one time we both had the monster zx6r at the same time.  I also appreciated your youtube vids.  Although I'm not on here as much anymore you'll be missed...however, please continue to post up from NC and when you have time create some more of those great vids on youtube.


Ride safe!


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