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Fatal Motorcycle Crash

RC51 John

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This is a VERY unfortunate story and I will be praying for the ones left behind. I will also let some of my church family know so we can pray as well.

We also need to consider this young KID as well. Not one of us can say we haven't been pre-occupied by something that made us less than optimal drivers. Its so easy to throw stones when we ALL live in glass houses. This young boy needs our prayers as well. He is going to be living with this guilt the rest of his life. I will be praying for him and his family as well. Two families have been affected by this tragedy.

I can remember not so long ago when I was merging onto east broad street from 270. I looked in my blind spot...did EVERYTHING I was supposed to do and did NOT see the little 250 behind me. When I looked in my rear view mirror that dude (about 250# on a little shadow or something like that) was giving me the finger. He was dressed in all black and I honestly do not know how I could have missed him. Point is....people do NOT see us. Its very unfortunate. People get hurt and even die. If I had hurt that gentleman (who I might add followed me home and cussed me out requiring me to notify police) or even killed him I wouldn't have been able to live with myself. And the sad thing is....my intention was never to be a careless driver or to injure someone. Accidents happen. That's why they are called accidents.

I pray that Bill's family and this young kid's family have a peace that passes all understanding that only Jesus can give. I pray that it reigns in each and everyone of their lives tonight. Lord thank you for comforting them in their time of need!!!! Amen!!!

VERY well said. There isn't a SINGLE person on this board that hasn't been driving and made a mistake. We've all been talking on the cell and not paid as much attention to the traffic - nothing happened, but could have... We've been driving and zoned out for a minute and pulled out in front of someone because we didn't look well enough - nothing happened... We've been driving the same stretch of road we drive every day and the attention we lack could easily be a fatal error.

Don't pass judgement on the van driver. Saying they killed someone is correct, but honestly, the way some of you say that, it sounds as if the kid driving is a murderer. Sure, you didn't say it specifically, but it is perceived that way.

How many of us have pulled out and not looked well enough or thought we did and it ended up being "close", but it went ok...? It could have easily been a simple error that while tragic, was just that - a mistake. And to think that the kid who was driving has to live with that every day...

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thats so sad. i feel for his friends and family.

i always try to look at death as a joyful time, not a sad one. it sucks our time on this earth is finite, and in the grand scheme of things, its such a short one...

we have all lost loved ones, but i try to hope that once your time here is done, you go to a better place.

and i do feel bad for that kid too. he fucked up and its something he is going to have to deal with for the rest of his life.

i know a girl who was driving to work one day about five years ago going 20 in a 25 in a neighborhood and accidentally hit a 6 year old girl. the kid ran right out into the street from in between two cars... never even had a chance.

the cops and witnesses old her, look its not your fault. the kid ran right out in front of you... but it still fucked her up really bad. she was in a real deep depression and pretty much withdrew from everything. after about a year she started seeing a doctor, and she is doing a lot better now.

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I don't think anyone mentioned the word 'MURDER', but causing the death of someone accidental or not is still killing them.
This is a VERY unfortunate story and I will be praying for the ones left behind. I will also let some of my church family know so we can pray as well.

We also need to consider this young KID as well. Not one of us can say we haven't been pre-occupied by something that made us less than optimal drivers. Its so easy to throw stones when we ALL live in glass houses. This young boy needs our prayers as well. He is going to be living with this guilt the rest of his life. I will be praying for him and his family as well. Two families have been affected by this tragedy.

I can remember not so long ago when I was merging onto east broad street from 270. I looked in my blind spot...did EVERYTHING I was supposed to do and did NOT see the little 250 behind me. When I looked in my rear view mirror that dude (about 250# on a little shadow or something like that) was giving me the finger. He was dressed in all black and I honestly do not know how I could have missed him. Point is....people do NOT see us. Its very unfortunate. People get hurt and even die. If I had hurt that gentleman (who I might add followed me home and cussed me out requiring me to notify police) or even killed him I wouldn't have been able to live with myself. And the sad thing is....my intention was never to be a careless driver or to injure someone. Accidents happen. That's why they are called accidents.

I pray that Bill's family and this young kid's family have a peace that passes all understanding that only Jesus can give. I pray that it reigns in each and everyone of their lives tonight. Lord thank you for comforting them in their time of need!!!! Amen!!!

Sorry to hear that. The Desmohio guys are safe riders. You have squids riding all day long with flip-flops and no helmet and get by just fine. You got a guy who is wearing a helmet and gets killed. Doesn't seem like he was doing a thing wrong.

The guy goes over to the hell-hole of Iraq and comes home to get killed by a 17 year old in a mini-van. Sometimes life just doesn't make sense. Godspeed Bill.

I'll tell you what guys, I have no sympathy for the kid driving the minivan. Infact, I hope they nail his ass with involuntary vehicular homicide. That would be justice. I'm sure he didn't mean to kill the guy. Did he not see him? Or did he just figure the bike would slow down? Was he talking on the phone? Distracted? I don't know. Either way, he should be held responsible for his actions. His negligence just killed a fellow rider. I hope they use this kid as an example. Then maybe people will pay attention to us on the road. Then maybe people will pull their heads out of their asses long enough to realize they share the road with us. The fact that he kept his hood on the whole time really pisses me off the most. Look at the pictures. He's the kid in the gray hoodie. That just rubs me the wrong way for sure. Anyways, this isn't meant to be a debate about whether or not the kid is a murderer. A fellow rider, and really nice guy was killed on his motorcycle today. We shouldn't be focusing on the crime, but on our thoughts and prayers being sent to his wife, brother, friends, etc.

And Cleaner, I agree 100%.


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that vid said the cops didnt know who was driving?

gender road is dangerous... that is right near where that cop got killed a couple years ago when someone went left of center and hit her cruiser head on.

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Bummer. His family and friends are definitely in our thoughts. RIP brother.

I'll tell you what guys, I have no sympathy for the kid driving the minivan. Infact, I hope they nail his ass with involuntary vehicular homicide. That would be justice. I'm sure he didn't mean to kill the guy. Did he not see him? Or did he just figure the bike would slow down? Was he talking on the phone? Distracted? I don't know. Either way, he should be held responsible for his actions. His negligence just killed a fellow rider. I hope they use this kid as an example. Then maybe people will pay attention to us on the road. Then maybe people will pull their heads out of their asses long enough to realize they share the road with us. The fact that he kept his hood on the whole time really pisses me off the most. Look at the pictures. He's the kid in the gray hoodie. That just rubs me the wrong way for sure. Anyways, this isn't meant to be a debate about whether or not the kid is a murderer. A fellow rider, and really nice guy was killed on his motorcycle today. We shouldn't be focusing on the crime, but on our thoughts and prayers being sent to his wife, brother, friends, etc.

And Cleaner, I agree 100%.


These are pretty much my thoughts too. People drive like this and are less attentive these days and there needs to be a message sent that wakes people up. Frankly I'll be pissed if he doesn't get charged with involuntary vehicular homicide or something similar.

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I'll tell you what guys, I have no sympathy for the kid driving the minivan. Infact, I hope they nail his ass with involuntary vehicular homicide. That would be justice. I'm sure he didn't mean to kill the guy. Did he not see him? Or did he just figure the bike would slow down? Was he talking on the phone? Distracted? I don't know. Either way, he should be held responsible for his actions. His negligence just killed a fellow rider. I hope they use this kid as an example. Then maybe people will pay attention to us on the road. Then maybe people will pull their heads out of their asses long enough to realize they share the road with us. The fact that he kept his hood on the whole time really pisses me off the most. Look at the pictures. He's the kid in the gray hoodie. That just rubs me the wrong way for sure. Anyways, this isn't meant to be a debate about whether or not the kid is a murderer. A fellow rider, and really nice guy was killed on his motorcycle today. We shouldn't be focusing on the crime, but on our thoughts and prayers being sent to his wife, brother, friends, etc.

And Cleaner, I agree 100%.


Well Ben I'm not gonna debate either. All I'm saying is we reap what we sow. If we sow mercy then when we need mercy we too will reap it. BUT if we sow judgement then that too is what we reap. How would you feel if this was your younger brother....or maybe down the road....many, many years son??? lol. I do believe the kid should have to pay for what happened but I also believe we need to be praying for the young kid and his family.

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Sorry there just isn't enough personal responsibility and the repercussions for our actions these days are just too light. In this case the "reap what we sow" should be the driver getting suitable harsh punishment for being responsible for the death of a fellow human being.

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Well Ben I'm not gonna debate either. All I'm saying is we reap what we sow. If we sow mercy then when we need mercy we too will reap it. BUT if we sow judgement then that too is what we reap. How would you feel if this was your younger brother....or maybe down the road....many, many years son??? lol. I do believe the kid should have to pay for what happened but I also believe we need to be praying for the young kid and his family.

My brother is a firefighter and emt. He's the one that has to respond to accidents like this.

If it were my child, I can only hope I'd raise them to drive better.

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Quoted from Desmohio...

I would like as many people as possible to please show up for a ride when we do it for bill. It will most likely be to his funeral, or maybe something the night before.

Road is still closed. The driver of the mini van was a 17 yo male. :nono:

count me in on that ride whenever it's scheduled

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"the police dont know who was driving" if they didnt do anything wrong and it was really an accident a statement like that would never made. Yes if it was my kid I would tell you to pray for him because I would have his ass and the prayers would be the only thing saving him

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This is a very sad situation. Regarless of what, if any, sentence the driver recieves, living with this every day will be harder than anything the courts can do to him. RIP to Bill and my thoughts are with his family during this hard time.

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I'll tell you what guys, I have no sympathy for the kid driving the minivan. Infact, I hope they nail his ass with involuntary vehicular homicide. That would be justice. I'm sure he didn't mean to kill the guy. Did he not see him? Or did he just figure the bike would slow down? Was he talking on the phone? Distracted? I don't know. Either way, he should be held responsible for his actions. His negligence just killed a fellow rider. I hope they use this kid as an example. Then maybe people will pay attention to us on the road. Then maybe people will pull their heads out of their asses long enough to realize they share the road with us.......

My buddy Jeff was killed last year, by a pizza delivery guy who was in such a hurry to deliver his food, he too made a lefty right in front of him, even though Jeff's bike was a BRIGHT green ZX12!!

On the other hand, I was pulling out of a parking lot 2 summers ago. Had looked both ways, everything was clear, so I started to move out. Fortunately I had my windows down & could hear his pipes winding out & took a third look.......There he was, coming on the inside lane. Totally missed him the first 2 scans somehow....Don't know how :confused: Wasn't gonna pull out to that lane anyways, but it surprised me how I'd missed him at first. Loud pipes REALLY DO save lives!!! ;)

I called Blue Bandit's buddy Isaac's killer a murderer.......Perhaps that's where the confusion is lying....But that guy fled the scene, lawyered up, and then fled altogether, so it's a hugely different reaction to the crime

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Rip and my heart goes out to the familys of both parties.

They would not release the name of the driver of the minivan because he is a minor and protected from the normal media attention as it should be. I am sure he made a mistake at the wrong time and will live with this the rest of his life. May he forgive himself, and the widow and family make peace with this tragedy, and live life to its potential in his honor.

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