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Friday's meet, hey RICERS, ya you stupid F ...


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So, after reading all this, does this make me rice? I mean just by the way my car looks I won't be welcomed to a meet? I can tell you right now I don't have the dumbass ricer personality, but I feel like I won't be welcome just because my car, right now, is more show than go. Not saying I don't have plans for it, I definitely do. I just like to hang out and bullshit with whoever, and I do have interests on both sides of the car world.


Don't fucking worry about it; if you're cool, you can hang out and bullshit with me and my friends any time. Come say hi to me next time you are out.

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So, after reading all this, does this make me rice? I mean just by the way my car looks I won't be welcomed to a meet? I can tell you right now I don't have the dumbass ricer personality, but I feel like I won't be welcome just because my car, right now, is more show than go. Not saying I don't have plans for it, I definitely do. I just like to hang out and bullshit with whoever, and I do have interests on both sides of the car world.

Just don't do stupid shit (like slid that crx accross broad street and in front of me and other members) and you will be fine. Just keep in mind you are not the only guy with a speaker and not the only guy that can spin the tire(s)

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what is it about these guys? Ive been doing some research in my spare time and the best I have come to as to why ricers do what they do is first:


1.) Lack of knowledge. The styling, the behavior, the attitudes are relative to their lack of knowledge, even lack of experience. Several cases have shown that ppl that are exposed to the higher end of a trend/hobby are most likely to not fall into a 'ricer' mentality.


2.) Money. Again, someof the choice ricers make are dependant on a lack of funds, though some riced out cars cost $$$$ to make so the ricer is trying to accomplish massively expensive feats with just minimal money.


3.) Styling cues. If money is not a problem and you have the knowledge base to create what you invision, then great! However, when you do something drastic and not normal, many ppl, if not most will reject your creation. Like a neon green 240sx with a yellow wing ... to you that is a good combination but since it is rare and not common for most ppl to choose that combo, your color choices will be pissed on regularly.


just a bit of thought, i wanted to add something other than opinion.

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Does anyone remember the time a couple years ago at the thrift store when an orange Trans Am tore ass through the parking lot, got sideways, went over a curb and up a grass hill ending up in the Tim Hortons drive through? IMO V8 rice is just as bad as I4 rice.

+1 for the thrift store though.

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i've always wondered this, when refering to "rice" are they steamed or fried? or does it matter?


I would think it would be fried cause they always seem to be shooting out black smoke.


The question is, are they american rice? lol


Ever notice how some shops sproute rice??

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i remember like a month ago me and a couple friends showed up for a meet and we were told to leave by a cop because some fag in a red civic tore out of the parking lot...we had to move to another location....i hate people with no common sense....it pisses me off


i remember that. Stupid people, no one cares if your civic can do a burnout. Its almost impossible to avoid ricers.

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No, there usually baked. ;)


pot? hahaha they can't afford that, they need to buy big spoilers and apc stickers remember?


I would think it would be fried cause they always seem to be shooting out black smoke.


The question is, are they american rice? lol


Ever notice how some shops sproute rice??


black smoke is sometimes a good sign ;) shops like ones off rt.3 by 161? also known as...well i won't say it for their sake...


i drive a honda, and i'm sure that a lot of you have either a honda/acura/toyota/mitsubitsi in the family somewhere. whether it's a coupe/sedan/van/truck/whatever, it's technically "rice" and i feel that those that use the term discreminately are ignorant because they're calling themselves that one way or another...


i will agree though, the "rice" that do burnouts and rev constantly are those that give imports a bad name. so you can call me a "ricer" if you want to, because tehnically i am, and i'm cool with it. just know i'm not one of those giving everyone else a bad name.


"Q:Who the fuck are you?

A: Don't worry man, someday I'ma be nobody too"

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