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I Didn't Know It Could Happen, But It Did!

Science Abuse

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So, I'm sitting here watching TV late at night. I hear the distinct sound of tinkling coming from the bathroom. Some one is pissing.

Elena is off at a game, the boy is in bed.

"No fuckin way" I said. I tipped toed down the hall, and peek into the bathroom as the cat is coming out. He freezes and looks at me, I look at him....I look at the toilet, yellow and bubbly, I look at him...he bolts.


Un fucking beleivable.

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lol That's how I caught one of my old cats. I had to take a double take. On the same kitty note, left the sliding glass back door open a little last night and a stray came into the kitchen. No idea it was there until the dogs went after it. Very, very close call but saved the little girl. She'll at least learn her lesson now and it'll save her life another time. Wish I coulda kept her. I like cats and dogs.
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my girl claims to have had our new cat jump in the shower with her a couple weeks ago, and actually get under the water...i dont know if i buy it since cats hate water


I've had a couple cats who enjoyed the water. I used to turn on the kitchen sink faucet from one of my Persians. He loved getting in the sink and even in the shower with me.

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I had a cat who used to use the drain over the shower. He would squat right over the opening. Drove me nuts, i had to keep the bathroom door closed all the time, and scrub the shower, when i caught him in the act.


Sure it was a Cat? I had an Ex-girlfriend I caught peeing in the shower, she said "what? It's no big deal!" Like I said ex-girlfriend.

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