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When Did This Happen???


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Since when is the Canadian dollar STRONGER than the US dollar?!?!?! Last time I knew the Canadian dollar was only worth $0.78... i sell some car parts to a guy in Canada today and find out that he's actully giving me $648CAD to the $651US... Geezeusehitchcryst... our country has gone down the fuckin toilet.
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about two weeks ago hey equalled


I go to London every month, the pound costs $2. that's right, everything there is twice as much. Lunch at McDonalds is 5.99, but in reality that is $12.



If lunch costs 5.99 here, wouldnt it be about 3.00 pounds in England?

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no its 6 pounds there which equal 12 dollars here.



Right, but 6 dollars here would be 3 pounds there.


I think we are saying the same thing. Maybe I just misunderstood his comparison.




My bad, he was saying lunch cost 5.99 in London. I just had McD's for 6 bux today and thought he was talking about here in the states.


I'll shut up now:)


Bottom line...DOLLAR IS WEAK! Guess that Fed Cut will stimulate the economy, but inflation is always a worry.

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Right, but 6 dollars here would be 3 pounds there.


I think we are saying the same thing. Maybe I just misunderstood his comparison.




My bad, he was saying lunch cost 5.99 in London. I just had McD's for 6 bux today and thought he was talking about here in the states.


I'll shut up now:)


Bottom line...DOLLAR IS WEAK! Guess that Fed Cut will stimulate the economy, but inflation is always a worry.

The dollar is falling because the national debt is skyrocketing. Now other companies are buying up that debt like crazy. It's a scary thought that China is the number one holder and has the potential to have a lot of influence on the US economy.

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Exactly Conesmasher, and alot of people are thinking thats exactly what the fed is trying to do. That and cause the debt to lower due to a lower dollar value. Also the low interest rates and the recent lowering of rates by the fed effected the dollar much more than national debt ever could. This should definately cause manufactures to get some more foreign orders than they normally would which is great for our situation.



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Exactly Conesmasher, and alot of people are thinking thats exactly what the fed is trying to do. That and cause the debt to lower due to a lower dollar value. Also the low interest rates and the recent lowering of rates by the fed effected the dollar much more than national debt ever could. This should definately cause manufactures to get some more foreign orders than they normally would which is great for our situation.



HUH? A dollar is a dollar, so unless our government converted a bunch of cash to Euro a while ago there's no way that's making the debt lower. Plus, our debt accumulates interest, just like anything else.


The value of the dollar was dropping long before the fed rate cut.


The national debt is now $9 trillion.






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I feel sorry for my great grand children :(


Shit, I feel bad for my daughter, and somewhat for myself, In 50 years when I want to retire, who knows what the world will be like, or if we'll even have an economy to speak of. Maybe that's radical, but its real and there's no end in sight.

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Guest 78novaman
This is not a US only issue. If you take a look at the conversion to Euros, the dollar is almost the same. The Canadian dollar, British Pound, and a few other currencies are pulling ahead of the US Dollar and Euro. I'm not sure why that's the case.
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This is not a US only issue. If you take a look at the conversion to Euros, the dollar is almost the same. The Canadian dollar, British Pound, and a few other currencies are pulling ahead of the US Dollar and Euro. I'm not sure why that's the case.

I don't know how you can say that when the US dollar is trading at a near all time low againt the Euro.



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