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What do you do when someone follows you?


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There are going to be assholes you encounter no matter where you drive. Ass-fucks that do what she did is no longer just a once in a while occurrence, but becoming the norm. Rage does get the better of you sometimes, but you have to do the right thing when it come to a boil. It may be the hardest thing you have to do, but there are other things that mean more to who than who you are. At the point of "getting even" you have to think about your family and your loved ones. Is piece of shit like that BITCH really worth you breaking all kinds of laws and doing something that will JEPPORDIZE everything you have worked for? Is it worth the satisfaction of getting the "better" of an asshole? Karma will get him/her. He/she is NOT worth ANY sacrifice on your part. Go home and wipe yourself out punching on a good heavy bag. You will feel better AND you will still have the life you have worked so hard to achieve - Just my opinion.
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When I still had the 330i someone decided to follow me. I did a few random turns and doubled back to be sure they were tailing me. I ended up trying to lose them but go fucked when the drove past an alley I had turned in to. Finally I had enough, I just let them follow me home. As soon as I got to my house I hit the garage door opener. I pulled into my driveway, moved quickly inside, grabbed my rifle, and pointed. They did not hang around.


With the Cobra I just let them get bored. If they piss me off and have their window down I just make their ears hurt.

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I was once followed by some stupid soccer mom, but it wasn't hard to lose her. There was this one time though, I was like 17 at the time, I started to pass some guy that was driving slow. He saw me coming, so he sped up while turning into my lane, forcing me off the road and almost into a ditch. Then he opened his window and flicked me off as I maneuvered back onto the road. Obviously this made me furious, so I followed him to his house. When he pulled into his garage I came to my senses and took off, but not before doing a massive burnout at the bottom of his driveway.


There are going to be assholes you encounter no matter where you drive. Ass-fucks that do what she did is no longer just a once in a while occurrence, but becoming the norm. Rage does get the better of you sometimes, but you have to do the right thing when it come to a boil. It may be the hardest thing you have to do, but there are other things that mean more to who than who you are. At the point of "getting even" you have to think about your family and your loved ones. Is piece of shit like that BITCH really worth you breaking all kinds of laws and doing something that will JEPPORDIZE everything you have worked for? Is it worth the satisfaction of getting the "better" of an asshole? Karma will get him/her. He/she is NOT worth ANY sacrifice on your part. Go home and wipe yourself out punching on a good heavy bag. You will feel better AND you will still have the life you have worked so hard to achieve - Just my opinion.


VERY well said

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THATS THE POINT! Had you simply let her into your lane you would have 'cut the shit off at the pass'. Im not saying you were wrong for not wanting this person to know where you lived but all you had to do was taken the higher, more mature road and simply let her into your lane. I hate being devils advocate for this crazy bitch but you instigated the situation from the beginning and now want to brag about it.


I didn't instigate shit. I always love when people like you take the side of the dick hole drivers because you lump the whole story together. You really believe I instigated it by obeying the law while SHE was not yeilding, attempting to manuever into me, and driving on the shoulder? You're unreal, devil's advocate or not you have no idea what you're talking about.



Holding onto "your spot" in the road isnt even worth it. You would have saved exactly $5.27 in gas if you would have just let her merge
lol, it might have saved her money, I didn't gun the engine trying to keep up with traffic as it was a long line of traffic doing maybe 35mph at the time. She on the other had was doing some 'accelerate as fast as i can, slow down, then repeat' type shit.


Now that you have damaged her car, she can file charges against you and you may be in serious shit at this point.


Not saying some people don't deserve what you did but a Mom in a mini-van is far from meeting the requirements based on the details you provided.

I'd only be worried had there been any other vehicles around to witness anything. She has no witness, no proof,... nothing. It would wind up being her word against mine. I wouldn't have any idea who this chick is or what she's talking about. Case thrown out.


What part of someone intentionally following you home to do/plan God knows what doesn't meet your requirement? Soccer mom or not, who falls under your category? I don't stereotype anyone when it comes to someone putting my safety in question, they'll all be treated equal.


Go home and wipe yourself out punching on a good heavy bag.
I've often thought of that.
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i let shit slide, because its fucking retarded to get pissed that someone cut you off, or sucks at driving or whatever. i know its annoying but its ridiculous to get angry over stuff like that. you got cut off. build a bridge and get over it. it happens. deal with it.


honestly i laugh to myself every time i get cut off by someone or someone blows by at a high rate of speed, then i find myself directly behind them at a stop light. worked out really well for them look how far ahead they got lol


that said, the only people who ever follow me are the 5 0 tryin ta catch me ridin dirty

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I would encourage someone to follow me home and do me harm :) I'd have fun play hide the dead, rotting body.


You need to cut the body up into many pieces. Remove teeth and nails. Then garage bag them. Then feed to starving pigs.



Errr I saw it on TV before. ;)




If I was you being followed I would of called 800-GRAB-DUI. Tell them they have been following you and swerving. Tell them you can follow the driver.

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I have tried that before and when I called they asked me for my personal information to put down in the computer for informing them of the person I called them about. i was like .. fuck that, and just told them if they wanna catch a crazy driver to go down the road I told them, and hung up

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How so? They hit me. Doesn't matter why, they obviously didn't leave enough distance to prevent hitting another vehicle, so, by the laws of Ohio, they are at fault.




Thats why ohio wrote a Road Rage law. And if you brake check someone and they hit you. Your are at fault and your going down.

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I didn't instigate shit. I always love when people like you take the side of the dick hole drivers because you lump the whole story together. You really believe I instigated it by obeying the law while SHE was not yeilding, attempting to manuever into me, and driving on the shoulder? You're unreal, devil's advocate or not you have no idea what you're talking about.


Im not lumping the story together, Im taking the information you gave (which may/may not all be true) and saying that your in the wrong. Go tell any law enforcement officer that little story and ask them who is in the wrong. Hell let john read this thread, im sure he wont mind giving his unbiased opinion at who was at fault the whole time. You had every chance to act like an adult the whole time but decided that her actions warranted you acting like a child. Yeah I wouldnt like anyone knowing where I lived but all you had to do is pull over and let her pass and it would've been over.



I'd only be worried had there been any other vehicles around to witness anything. She has no witness, no proof,... nothing. It would wind up being her word against mine. I wouldn't have any idea who this chick is or what she's talking about. Case thrown out.


No proof? Well she sure didnt break her passenger window by herself. Up until the window incident you would've been able to argue that you've never seen this woman before but since the window is broken its evidence that corroberates her story which would land your ass in jail. Over what? The fact that your ego is just too damn big to have courtesy and take the higher, more mature road by simply letting someone into your lane?

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I'd only be worried had there been any other vehicles around to witness anything. She has no witness, no proof,... nothing. It would wind up being her word against mine. I wouldn't have any idea who this chick is or what she's talking about. Case thrown out.


What part of someone intentionally following you home to do/plan God knows what doesn't meet your requirement? Soccer mom or not, who falls under your category? I don't stereotype anyone when it comes to someone putting my safety in question, they'll all be treated equal.


I've often thought of that.


I've been in this situation and according to law enforcement you should drive to a lighted area to identify them, get the plate # and call police. If that doesn't work, drive to the police station with them in trail.


I'm from Texas where people get shot for less on the road everyday. I treat everyone as armed and don't fuck around when it comes to this stuff. You and her both go lucky as far as I'm concerned because it could have been worse for both of you. Would it have been worth all the trouble for some dumb bitch that can't merge properly....I don't think so.

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No proof? Well she sure didnt break her passenger window by herself. Up until the window incident you would've been able to argue that you've never seen this woman before but since the window is broken its evidence that corroberates her story which would land your ass in jail. Over what? The fact that your ego is just too damn big to have courtesy and take the higher, more mature road by simply letting someone into your lane?


Sorry, broke window doesn't place me doing it or near it. She simply has me mistake for someone else.

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