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Ever find a scorpion in Columbus? I did


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Spent some time out in Scottsdale Arizona Golfing and hiking this past week. Got back late last night and unpacked my luggage only to find a friend tagged along. Good thing I didn't decide to wear any of the cloths I bought that week!


He was barely alive, but moved nonetheless. :eek:



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My guess is he came in from the balcony of the room. I was on the 10th floor though so he must have been on a mission. I did do some hiking but I emptied my pack so I can't imagine he made it in there. Clothing wise, I don't think he was on me as I showered after I returned.


Could have made in on my golf bag I suppose? Gives me the Willies for sure :o:eek:


I looked it up and it appears to be a Stripe tailed scorpion or possibly a Devil scorpion.


Damn. The scary part is unless you were camping he must have been on your clothes to get in your bag right?
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if she has sores of any type, I tell her to get the hell out of my room! :p


Yep always check sores before putting them on, I even do it here. :) My dad was stung 2 years ago and it fucked up his nervous system for a long time and damaged his heart. The little ones are dangerous.
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From my understanding im not positive but darker color means ouch bee sting. Lighter color basically means wtf my leg is numb.




Second or third paragraph


"The bark scorpion is unusual in that it is the only species in the southwest that regularly climbs walls, trees, and other objects with a sufficiently rough surface."


Only reported 2 deaths since 1968 but it is one of more deadly species of scropions in united states.

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I use to live in the mojave high destert in california, as a kid I would always came across scorpions, luckly was never stung, I would always make them fight the huge destert fire ants. Lucky you did not get stung or even put your shirt on, and go in public and have it hanging on the back of you, while your out at dinner or somthing.
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I use to live in the mojave high destert in california, as a kid I would always came across scorpions, luckly was never stung, I would always make them fight the huge destert fire ants. Lucky you did not get stung or even put your shirt on, and go in public and have it hanging on the back of you, while your out at dinner or somthing.



umm... I take it English was not one of your best classes in school? You should download Mozilla Firefox. It will automatically spell check text as you type.




Back on subject... ImUrOBGYN beat me too it... what happened to the lil guy?

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I would have been screaming like a little girl and likely fallen in the street and gotten run over. Upside would be that I'd likely have been on You-Tube :D


Lucky you did not get stung or even put your shirt on, and go in public and have it hanging on the back of you, while your out at dinner or somthing.
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typed on my iPhone I must have had a typo in the word shoes and the iPhone auto corrected with "sores".



does it make you a nerd or a d bag that you had to type iphone instead of just phone, well at least your not lazy

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does it make you a nerd or a d bag that you had to type iphone instead of just phone, well at least your not lazy


Well I think he was just saying it b/c the Iphone automatically corrects your typos.

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Im in the desert (Middle East) now and they have came out.... but they arnt that bad what will freak the shit out of ya is a Camel Spider..... You turn a corner and you got one of those fuckers staring you down [sHIVER]
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