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Are you happy?

V8 Beast

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Sounds like my shitty job minus the overtime pay. I work 8 to 6 everyday plus sometimes on the weekends. I don't get paid for anything over 40 hours so technically anything after Thursday is me working for free.


Finding another job just hasn't worked out for me yet either.


Wait isnt there some sort of federal or state law regarding anything over 40 hours is considered time and a half?


And why the hell would you stay there? I work at least an hour OT everyday and get paid for it and always have the option of working saturday.

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I loved what I did before and never thought I could be out of a job. Unexpectedly the Company shut down and I lost my job last year. I found a job I like even more, though I make a bit less. However, I don't think I will ever feel secure in a job again. In this economy nobody is safe!
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I used to love work years ago when I was self employed working on cars but I stayed in it for WAY too long (about 5yrs too long) and got burnt out to the point that even now after being out of it for almost a year I still hait even working on my own cars. But anyway I did finaly get out of it and change fields and am MUCH happier now even if I don't make the money I used too (well not at the end but you get the point).

I used to think $ was everything in the world and it did not if you liked it or not becouse money chould make you enjoy life after work. But now after leaving and seeing the other side I see that being a happier person with less money is a better way too go.

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My wife says I will never be happy and recently I have began to agree. I am very independent and hate concidering I have a "boss" or someone who can tell me what to do. Although I am in a job that allows me to be very independant and pretty much decide myself what I do each day. However I suffer from severe depression and this is what guides my life for the most part. It started when I was a teenager after moving in the middle of high school. Ever since I have never been the same and it continues to progressively get worse. Fortunately I am able to see the signs of it myself and I constantly have to be on guard of it getting to bad.
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I wake up every morning wishing I didnt have to go to work. The jobs pays good and it will eventually help me find something alot better so i ahve to stick with it for the time being. I also had/have a second job just to pay off all my bills when I was an idiot and spent money on everything under the sun. I hate life now but in the months to come I'll be loving it.
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