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how much per gallon did your first tank of gas cost?


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not sure how accurate overall the above is. I don't remember what it was in 1986 but I remember the first time I really cared was after modifiying my 1997 GTP and premium was like $1.25-$1.45 or so.


back in 99 I used to drive by a UDF all the time and can remember $.99 all the time for regular but again, I needed premium.


If my income went up from 1999 at the same rate gas has, I'd be driving several exotic cars on a regular basis :eek::(

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$1/gallon I think, maybe a touch under.


I never gave any though to fuel economy or how I drive. Now I don't drive unless I need to, organize errands to be efficient and quick, and drive very passively. I guess paying 400% more for gas and being a little smarter about my money than I used to be makes quite a bit of difference(that and I don't make enough damn money to afford driving around like most assholes).

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When I was 16 I think it was about .90 per gallon, about $10 to fill up the old pinto. The cheapest I have ever bought gas was .69 per gallon when i lived in St. Louis about 1997-1998
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