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Whats up this is jordan with the white offensive S2000


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Passingly. I can see the Beretta mark, there on the slide. Good choice of tools. Myself, I'm a .45 guy, with a weakness for .32s. The Colt 1903 and Sauer .32 are my Father's, and if we can ever get the right ammo for the Sauer, and a new mag for the 1903, they'll be sweet little shooters. As of now, though, they both have feed issues. It's not the most powerful round, but they're so nice to shoot.
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  RUEHL925 said:
I really just thought it was funny. I had no clue they made pink handguns. I could have got all black but then no one would laugh at it!!


Its a distraction....someone tries to rob you, and they will be so busy laughing at your pink gun you pull, its like a standing target! They wont have a chance!!

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  RUEHL925 said:
Thanks andy. I actually wanted to go to Nelson this week. But I would rather put a little more money on it maybe $3000 so I could finish my motor;P What is the red car?


It's a 10yr old 911 that my wife daily drives. I don't really have a "fast" track car by any means.


In all seriousness...have you seen that the Sale of Nelson Ledges is all but complete. We should arrange another trip for those of us that want to go in the next couple of months as it's unknown when the new ownership will start building it into it's new country club format. Rumors were that construction could begin as soon as August at which time the Fundays we now know will no longer exist.


Hal...get that yellow beast together so I can see what straight speed is all about....see if you can top the speeds I experienced when I rode in Tinman's SB2 FC last year up there.



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  RUEHL925 said:
Also for those that are soo stuck on the gun pic. If you payed attention in the second grade and learned anything about how to read, you would see in my first post the picture was being used for a cd's artwork, now who on here has shot a handgun??? When you hold the handgun towards the ground and try to cock it the bullet will not line up and jam??Right?? OHHH YEAHHHH!!! Ok so maybe there was a empty clip in the gun by chance???? Hmm NO WAY!!! That guys a IDIOT obviously, Just look at his car!!! OK Now why dont some of these pussies that have nothing better in life then to talk shit "did you your parents forget to buy you a bigwheel""" Please post a picture of you and your car and tell me why your so much better??? I would love it. I mean LOVE it!!!


PS: I wasn't the person who originally posted that pic on here!!!

And again, your finger is on the trigger as you are pulling the slide back. You don't know squat about firearms. Done.

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Yeah jordan. You should bring that thing up to mid-ohio this weekend. Or go to the Cincy Region (SCCA) PDX event and get that thing on the track.
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Originally Posted by RUEHL925

If you payed attention in the second grade and learned anything about how to read, you would see in my first post the picture was being used for a cd's artwork


Have your friend trash that shot and shoot it again. Don't mean to slam them but if they are going to do it, have them shoot it right.


Tell them to use a gold reflector or a proper lighting set up. Meter the shot too...it's a bit underexposed and contrasty....but that's subjective. Looks like it was about 1/2 hr later in the day than it should have been. Maybe go for 1-2 maybe 3 stops darker background than you. Have them edit out the light poles too.


F/20 is rediculous for anything but Macro Shots especially on the D100 which has a diffraction drop off at around f/11. (Diffraction is like KR on a car that has it's boost cranked up) Use Av mode, not Tv mode and go for a shallow DOF. IMO I would have shot this at f/8, likely the sweet spot of a good lens, at about 100mm. You and the whole car would be in focus and the background would have a nice bokeh.


20mm Wide angle shots like this are not flattering. Shoot portraits with a 70-120mm focal length. Tell them to get a good zoom lens that goes up to 200mm and back up. A nice 70-200 f/2.8 or Nikon Equiv. is a great lens.


IMO they should shoot RAW and turn sharpening down. The D100 is a soft camera out of the box for a reason and sharpening should be done at print time or in the final steps of PP for web use not in camera....for best results.

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