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Energy Drinks- What's your favorite?


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Guest 614Streets

Not a big refined sugar eater (hard on teeth and immune system) here so for the effect of taurine Red bull does fine for me , but otherwise Ive had amp and monster.



Jolt cola appears to have the highest levels of taurine. Interesting table here , however there is no row for sugar levels in the comparison.





And here is an interesting read on an energy drink I have never seen one this powerful. Check this out.



"Several warnings are included on the packaging of Spike Shooter.[1] The label advises that people under the age of 18, the elderly, and pregnant women should not use the product. It also warns against combining the product with any prescription or over-the-counter medications, other stimulants or fat loss products, or using the product while being treated for any of a list of medical conditions such as psychiatric diseases, high blood pressure and asthma. Users are advised to start with just half a can to determine tolerance at first, and to never drink more than one can per day.


Spike shooter is a very potent energy supplement. It was made available in pill-form before being marketed as a ready to drink "High Speed Energy Drink". In addition to the original flavor, "'Quila Lime" as well as a new "Orange Gold" are now available in both the Shooter size (8.4 oz) and the larger, 16 oz. Shotgun size. The recently introduced "Lemon Slice" replaces the "'Quila Lime" flavor for the Shotgun and Doubleshot variants.


Spike Shotgun's energy formula is of a reduced concentration and replaces the yohimbe with Beta-alanine. A concentrated version of this formula is available in the Spike Double Shot, a 2 oz. energy shot."


WARNING: Do not use if you are under the age of 18 or elderly. Do not take with any other stimulant or weight-loss supplement or any prescription or over-the-counter medicine. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing or at risk of being treated for high-blood pressure, heart disease, hyperthyroidism, spasms, psychiatric disease, suffer from migraines, have asthma, or are taking asthma medication. Discontinue use if you experience dizziness, headache, nausea, or heart palpitations. If you have trouble sleeping, do not take within 6 hours of bedtime. Keep out of reach of children.





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I don't drink them very often because they don't really give me any energy boost and they are a rip off, but I LOOOOVE Full Throttle. That shit tastes GREAT! AMP and Monster are really good too.


I've tried a lot of them, including NOS, Red Bull, and even that Crunk stuff. The only kind I didn't like was Rockstar

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Idk whats wrong with me, but every time I drink an energy drink I CRASH. And I don't mean like an hour or two later, I mean like almost immediately, like within 10-20 minutes. Now if I was 21 I could drink various bombs all night long...
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I like the monster and 5-hour energy, but these things fuck me up for few days. Some dickhead bought me some grape NOS once, it wasn't bad, but I was just getting made fun of.





:lol: who was that :cool:


and hal you should have told me you liked red bull, i used to have cases of that shit stacked in my garage until august when i went with amp.

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I started w/ monster...then moved to the rockstar w/ no carbs.....then went to the 5 hr energy shot....and now I don't do any of it. They usually make me feel like shit after an hour........I just make myself laugh when I'm tired and then poke myself w/ needles til I stop crying.
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