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Fuck You Car Thieves


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Thanks for taking my cd player out of my car while I was at home sleeping. I am really going to enjoy listening to my wheels rub on the road instead of my CDs. I hope you die in a car accident causing a fire that burns your flesh off all while the car is inching to your watery grave on the bottom of the ocean floor. At least you didn't fuck up my windows or my door handle locks. But that still makes you a fucking shit turd that is using up my oxygen. Save the planet and kill yourself while you are ahead.


On a better note I picked up my glock 21 today from layaway. It is paid off now and sitting in my house. I got a great deal on it and it is brand new. Who wants to go to NASR with me this weekend and let out some anger?

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I think my count is up to almost 10 times now... and that isn't counting the two cars I've lost.


The CD player was even stolen out of my POS Talon.


Meanwhile, CPD runs radar on business parkways. http://www.teampointless.com/smilies/bowdown.gif

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I gave up on aftermarket cd players. I lost count of how many times my cars got broken into. Now if I have a car not parked in a garage it is unlocked and they only things they can steal are A. The entire car. or B. The change in the center console.
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I wonder what it is about a CD player that gets their rocks off?


the key word there is rocks.


steal CD player

take it to a pawn shop

get 20 dollars

buy crack

get high

pass out in the gutter



OP should start looking around pawn shops within like 5 miles of his house, and see if his stereo doesnt turn up there. hopefully he has some way of proving that its his exact cd player, and not just another one of the same model.

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no, no......the key word is Glock


replace stolen CD player

park car outside

buy $20 in beer and cigs

wait for bad guy to come

unload a single shot to his head

dump him in the gutter


rinse and repeat until nieghborhood is clean.


the key word there is rocks.


steal CD player

take it to a pawn shop

get 20 dollars

buy crack

get high

pass out in the gutter

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the key word there is rocks.


steal CD player

take it to a pawn shop

get 20 dollars

buy crack

get high

pass out in the gutter



OP should start looking around pawn shops within like 5 miles of his house, and see if his stereo doesnt turn up there. hopefully he has some way of proving that its his exact cd player, and not just another one of the same model.


You're pretty close to a best-case scenario here. He should go look around the pawn shops for his stereo. He won't get it back, otherwise. At least it'll be cheaper than a new one unless he can prove it's his. If he finds it, of course. Then, there's always the other places, ie; Craigslist, Ebay and shit.

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At least it was not the whole car AND you had to watch the piece of shit who stole it flee form cops and then be shoved by the cops into a pole and total the cars AND then be told if we want want is left of the car to try to scrape and what not we had to pay a tow bill!! OH and the f'er is 17 so a slap on the wrist is all he will get!


Sorry Venting over

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