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Kenny, RIP, you will be remembered.


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Between Brian Carter and Kenny Adams, I feel CR has lost enough people for one year. I want to go back in time and to have called Kenny and asked him to go riding with me that night. I want to go back and undo everything that happened. I am not much of a religious person. I sure hope like hell he has a laptop where ever he might be and is able to follow the threads about him here.


I guess for some strange reason I feel guilty of being alive and it pisses me off that someone much younger then myself had their time on earth come to an end before mine.




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I agree with Brian...the fact that I have thought about Kenny NON STOP since hearing the news is a testament to what I thought of the guy. It's incredibly sad to me that someone 25 years old was snuffed out just as his life was picking up steam. I'm upset at his potential, now lost forever. I'm sad that this board, which I love so much, won't be the same without him contributing every day.


I'm sure there are hundreds of people that were touched by Kenny, and will truly miss him being a part of their lives...

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I feel you pain Brian. Im sure kenny is reading cr right not and say "pfhh f@g" or "aids aids fail" I dont think any of us will fully recover from this I know I wont. I have left is Laptop on so I hope everyone has said something to him on aim , cause im sure he is laying in his bed with his hand down his pants and his blue adidas shorts on.


I wish i has words or something i could do to make us all feel better but i cant find it. all i know is that the next 2 days lets do it up for Kenny.




Between Brian Carter and Kenny Adams, I feel CR has lost enough people for one year. I want to go back in time and to have called Kenny and asked him to go riding with me that night. I want to go back and undo everything that happened. I am not much of a religious person. I sure hope like hell he has a laptop where ever he might be and is able to follow the threads about him here.


I guess for some strange reason I feel guilty of being alive and it pisses me off that someone much younger then myself had their time on earth come to an end before mine.




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Ricky, I don't know if you've put any thought into this, but I'm willing to bet a LOT of people have sent condolences to his AIM screenname. I was thinking it might be nice to record all of those, and give a copy to his parents or something.
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I actually just sent him a PM asking for 100 of them to pass out. I'll update when I get a reply.



He's a pretty good guy, I've dealt with him in the past. Think you could reserve one for me if he sends them to you? I'll rock one on the truck for Kenny

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well shit.


a buddy of mine walked home from the bar that night and said he had to take a huge detour because of some accident....said some motorcycles had a fatality.....


never thought in a million years i'd actually know the guy. :sad:


haven't seen Kenny in a couple years, but we had some good times back in the 'old days.


RIP buddy.

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Sup Joe. Those pics of Kenny from your wedding capture who he was: "Fuck ya. I'll smack you in the mouth with a baseball bat" ah man I remember that conversation he had with someone... lol.




I'll be at the showing today around 5ish. Tomorrow i'm not sure if i'll be at the funeral, but i'll be at the ride directly after. I have a feeling the place won't be able to contain everyone who wants to go.

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I didn't really even know Kenny and I can't stop thinking about it. It could have been anyone riding or anyone driving. Terribly unfortunate and we definitely don't need to lose anymore of the CR clan. Like said before one is far too many. Everyone keep their heads up, be safe, and keep Kenny and his family and friends in your thoughts and prayers.
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I only met him a handful of times but I considered him a comrade in our mutual contempt for stupid people. I feel like he was a smart kid. I've been haunted the last 24 hours envisioning exactly what he was thinking in the moments before his death.


I've had dreams of crashing my Evo where everything is in slow motion. Each passing second seeing a way that it could end harmlessly and I could walk away knowing that if it happened that way, I would have cheated death. I wonder if he had a similar optimism as it was happening.


I've never known one of the other CR tragedy victims enough to respect them to the point where I've said... that could have been me. You always think to yourself: "I'm sure I would have handled that better and not gotten dead". I don't think that this time.


I've now internalized that whether you are in a car or on a bike, shit happens that is out of your control. No matter how smart or quick minded you think you are, you could find yourself in a situation where moments before your demise you realize the peril of your situation and everything you are leaving behind.


I will be thinking positive thoughts for his family and friends.



I think this is worth quoting for a few reasons. One item to note is this: there are specific things in life you just don't have control over. Losing Kenny the way we all have is something that should prove to be a slight wakeup call for some, an eye opener for others and a smack upside the back of the head for the rest.


We need to be safe with whatever we're doing, and try to watch for the other guy because they usually aren't looking out for you.


This is going to sound random as hell, but do any of you guys know if he had any online games he played? Yes, he had all of us here and beyond who knew him but did he have any other games or the like he played where people may be wondering where he is/how he's doing? These are real ties people build over the net, and a lot of folk go through situations where people or friends have passed away and their online aquaintences never got the opportunity or message that they passed.


So i'm asking if anyone out there knew any or the rest of his online people too, try to let them know the news.


It was good seeing you all there today, he would have been happy as shit to see that despite his attitude (or rather because of it), he had a shit ton of people that loved/cared for him just like he did for everyone else. (of course not overtly - he'd be way too faggy if he did that)

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BTW can someone give me a sticker tomorrow? I'm going to pass on the funeral as parking will be hell, but I am going to be apart of the cruise. If someone could PM me their cell or I can give people mine so when this is going down tomorrow, someone can let me know its time to meet up and roll out. I'll be cruising around the funeral home about the time the end of the funeral is happening, so if someone that will be there tomorrow could like I said pm me, i'd greatly appreciate it.


Thanks again and everyone just be safe out there.

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It was good to see all of the support from friends and family for Kenny today. I saw some people that I haven't seen in years today. I just wish it hadn't been for this reason. I found it very hard to convince myself to walk up front and say goodbye, but I did and I feel that I owed atleast that to Kenny. I will really miss all of his smart ass comments on here and I can say that this place will never be the same. There will always be a piece missing. I hope he's somewhere riding off into the night and smiling down on us. I'm going to miss you Kenny.
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