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What are you in school for? What degree do you have and what do you do?


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I figured this will give everyone a little more insight into what everyone does or is going to school for.


2 year degree in Medical Insurance Billing and Coding.


6 month personal training cert ( done in July)


Attending University of Florida this fall


will be getting my PhD in...


Exercise science



In the spring I will be doing satellite courses out to Denver for Muscle Activation Technique.


I also plan on getting my Massage Therapy License.


Once I complete my Bachelor degree in ES I will be getting certified as a Strength and Conditioning coach.





What are you in school for?

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2 year degree in Network Systems Administration

finishing up a 4 year degree in Network and Communication Management


Currently Unemployed, thanks economy. Expecting a job interview this week, but before this was a Telecommunications Intern for Emerson Network Power.

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2 year degree in Network Systems Administration

finishing up a 4 year degree in Network and Communication Management


Currently Unemployed, thanks economy. Expecting a job interview this week, but before this was a Telecommunications Intern for Emerson Network Power.


How did the internship go? My friends dad is pretty high up at emerson.

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I have pursuing my bachelor degree at Ohio University with a double major of Finance and Marketing. I am also involved in our Sales Centre to receive a Financial Services Sales Certificate (almost like a minor).


I plan on doing something finance related...just took marketing to double major. Probably more significant is a group I am in which invests $1.2 million of the university's endowment fund in large cap equity. :cool:


Now, someone give me an internship. haha

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I have a BA in Journalism from Ohio Wesleyan University. I was working for a business newspaper here in Columbus, but was let go back in December. Also do freelance automotive writing on the side.


Currently unemployed and getting out of journalism for a while or until I get a job at an automotive magazine.

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B.S. in Hospitality Management from tOSU '93

Minor in Economics


Food and Beverage Manager: Muirfield Village Golf Club & The Memorial Tournament


I have 1 more class (BMI III) to complete my Certified Club Manager's designation. This is the equivalent of a Master's degree in Hospitality Management. It sucks that I have to take the BMI (Business Management Institute) class and exam at Michigan State University, this next winter.

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High school and then getting as fucking far away from here as possible. Northern Arizona University FTW (keeping my fingers crossed).


I hear you, i am moving to florida i cant stand this state anymore!


What is your plan of study?

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I began at OSU in Mechanical Engineering, but about 2 years in I switched majors. I may eventually return to ME in some respect after I graduate, but I'm currently pursuing a degree in Environmental Science at OSU. I work as an intern at Johnson Controls currently, working part time during school and full time all summer and most quarter breaks.
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I hear you, i am moving to florida i cant stand this state anymore!


What is your plan of study?


Shorts and a t-shirt yesterday, jeans and a jacket and STILL shivering today. FMS.


The way I see it, I've got 3 options. I could either go to business school and get my MBA, go to photography school and study photojournalism, or go to engineering school and get my engineering degree. NAU offers all 3, so I could change to whatever I'd want when I'd be there.

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Assoc Network System Administration

BS Network Communication Management

Internship with JP Morgan (Global Technology Infrust.)

Working full time now at Ohio State as a System Admin.

Ill be starting a company soon, the goal is March next year to be open and running

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I have about one year left to complete a double major in Philosophy and History at The Ohio State University. I will be entering the Ph.D program after(with the hopes that I have a crap-ton of recommendations) and hopefully help teach some courses.


Until then, I have a semi-career/potential full career as a manager at Lowe's.

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About to start my 4th year pursuing a BA in Communication Technology at OSU. I just want to finish school. I had been working full time at a chemical plant until my classes conflicted with my work schedule and I just straight up couldn't work anymore. Interview at Gilly Hicks home office Wednesday (lolz) making shit money but at least it's a job and no weekends ever. After I graduate here, I just plan on going to CSCC for Computer Information Systems or something for two years so I don't get hit tooooo hard with student loan payments.
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Graduated Wyotech with numerous certs, about 5 credits away from my As. in applied science criminal justice from CCAF and working on my transfer program from CSCC to OSU. Hopefully I can get into OSU within the next year, and hopefully by then I can figure out what I want to study when I get there.


Full time right now I am deployed and am in Security Forces-Air Force, when I am at home I am a diesel mechanic for a local trucking company.

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BSBA with a focus in Communication. (ODU - GO PANTHERS!)


I hold a director level position with a Silicon Valley tech company called Blue Coat Systems INC. I set Technical Enablement Strategy for our partner base.

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