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Has a veterinarian ever killed your dog?


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yep, sure did mine, the ignorant motherfuckers. the dog was moaning real loud for about a day(you could step on his foot and he would jump but wouldn't make a sound, so he was obviously in bad pain), so we took him to the vet and they said he threw out his back(evidentally shih tzus are known for having back problems). they gave him a shot with a combination of painkillers and muscle relaxers in his spine and he was zoned out for the past 2 days or so. he was walking around(well, stumbling around) earlier, so we figured it was a sign that he was getting better, but quite the opposite. about 5 hours ago he started coughing up this horrible smelling fluid, sounded like it was in his lungs, and about 15 minutes later he had like a seizure and died. considering that he was perfectly healthy besides the back problem, it's pretty safe to assume the he was overdosed out the ass. you could tell he was druged up for quite a while.

i don't remember the place off hand, but i'll be sure to let you guys know tomorrow.

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I'm not saying you're not right, but what I am saying is that you're probably emotional right now and looking for someone to blame; the Vet being the obvious choice. Do you KNOW that the vet killed the dog? How do you know it wasn't some sort of neurological problem to begin with?


Again, I'm not saying the Doc didn't screw up (we're all human), but for people to start screaming 'SUE!'........well.........I think that's one of the major problems with our own healthcare system and in part why the rates are so damn high.


All I'm saying is, make sure you know 100% that it was his/her fault before you start pointing fingers.

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Generally, if a dog is "zoned out" that's not something to take lightly. I would have taken him back right then immediately. I definitely feel for you, but it sounds like your dog had an unusual reaction to the medication and showed signs of it a couple days ago.
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I'm not saying you're not right, but what I am saying is that you're probably emotional right now and looking for someone to blame; the Vet being the obvious choice. Do you KNOW that the vet killed the dog? How do you know it wasn't some sort of neurological problem to begin with?


Again, I'm not saying the Doc didn't screw up (we're all human), but for people to start screaming 'SUE!'........well.........I think that's one of the major problems with our own healthcare system and in part why the rates are so damn high.


All I'm saying is, make sure you know 100% that it was his/her fault before you start pointing fingers.

I agree with this post.


Sorry Ry_Trapp0 to hear your dog passed away. My dog passed away in Feb 2009 so I know where you are coming from.

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Losing a pet can be some emotional shit. I'm sorry to hear about this. I do think Austin is correct in his reply though, could've been anything really. The pain the dog was having originally could've been a precursor to a more serious condition that was misdiagnosed, due to a common breed issue. I wouldn't jump all over the vet unless it could be proven he was completely negligent. Regardless, I can understand why you're pissed.
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I'm not saying you're not right, but what I am saying is that you're probably emotional right now and looking for someone to blame; the Vet being the obvious choice. Do you KNOW that the vet killed the dog? How do you know it wasn't some sort of neurological problem to begin with?


Again, I'm not saying the Doc didn't screw up (we're all human), but for people to start screaming 'SUE!'........well.........I think that's one of the major problems with our own healthcare system and in part why the rates are so damn high.


All I'm saying is, make sure you know 100% that it was his/her fault before you start pointing fingers.



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I'm not saying you're not right, but what I am saying is that you're probably emotional right now and looking for someone to blame; the Vet being the obvious choice. Do you KNOW that the vet killed the dog? How do you know it wasn't some sort of neurological problem to begin with?


Again, I'm not saying the Doc didn't screw up (we're all human), but for people to start screaming 'SUE!'........well.........I think that's one of the major problems with our own healthcare system and in part why the rates are so damn high.


All I'm saying is, make sure you know 100% that it was his/her fault before you start pointing fingers.


Austin is completely right. The dog did throw out his back, he could have damaged nerves in the spinal area that the vet didn't catch resulting what happened. I am not saying that is what happened but that is what could have happened. Consult the vet or a few vets and get a consensus on what happened. And I am sorry about your lost. I have 2 dogs and could not imagine the pain it would be to loose one of them.

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Man, I'm really sorry to hear that. My gf's dog has been in for surgery and complications 3 times in the last 2 months. SHe's having a very hard time and we think there may be complications from the original surgery. We can't seem to get a good enough game plan from the vet, now and we're becoming very worried as she's stopped eating again since last night.:(
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Guest tbutera2112
Man, I'm really sorry to hear that. My gf's dog has been in for surgery and complications 3 times in the last 2 months. SHe's having a very hard time and we think there may be complications from the original surgery. We can't seem to get a good enough game plan from the vet, now and we're becoming very worried as she's stopped eating again since last night.:(


wow....is your gf loaded? theres no way i could afford 3 surgeries for a dog...and i guess it just depends on the person, but for me, if i had a dog that needed so much surgery, i would think they are better off being put down...damn vette wanted $800 to drain a cyst on my dogs stomach that is right at the top of her skin, i cant imagine if they actually had to do a surgery

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I wouldn't assume anything until you have necropsy results. Animals can't speak, therefore it is much harder to practice medicine on them.




sorry for your loss. vets have a more difficult job for the very reason listed above. the dog may not have even had a back problem to begin with---could have been anything. you can't expect a vet to diagnose every problem every time--its just not possible. animals and humans' bodies don't read textbooks--in other words, a specific disease can manifest itself in a wide variety of ways, causing the diagnosis to be difficult to nail down immediately.


hell, the dog could have had an allergic reaction to one of the medications--these allergies don't always occur immediately. there are 1000 different possibilities.


to sue would be ridiculous imo. unless you're fairly confident that the vet acted recklessly, and outside the norm of what is generally expected given that situation, then you don't have a case. many times, the treatment has risks associated with it as well, and you can't predict how every dog/animal/human will react to a given treatment. also, depending on where the shot was administered, there is an ACCEPTIBLE level of risk with doing these shots--in other words, due to possible anomalies/differences in animal anatomy, 98% of the time the shot goes where it should, and 2% of the time it may hit a vital structure that is not normally there (but due to differences in anatomy, happens to be there in this specific dog).


in conclusion, i'm very sorry for your loss, but i don't think the doctor knowingly killed your dog. let your emotions calm down a bit before you go so aggressive.

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Man, I'm really sorry to hear that. My gf's dog has been in for surgery and complications 3 times in the last 2 months. SHe's having a very hard time and we think there may be complications from the original surgery. We can't seem to get a good enough game plan from the vet, now and we're becoming very worried as she's stopped eating again since last night.:(



May be too late on your pup, but VPI Pet Insurance FTW. I signed up for it on our new pup and they even covered my 9yr boxer with all but preventative care. $42mo on the pup and $27mo on the Old Man.

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sorry for your loss. vets have a more difficult job for the very reason listed above. the dog may not have even had a back problem to begin with---could have been anything. you can't expect a vet to diagnose every problem every time--its just not possible. animals and humans' bodies don't read textbooks--in other words, a specific disease can manifest itself in a wide variety of ways, causing the diagnosis to be difficult to nail down immediately.


hell, the dog could have had an allergic reaction to one of the medications--these allergies don't always occur immediately. there are 1000 different possibilities.


to sue would be ridiculous imo. unless you're fairly confident that the vet acted recklessly, and outside the norm of what is generally expected given that situation, then you don't have a case. many times, the treatment has risks associated with it as well, and you can't predict how every dog/animal/human will react to a given treatment. also, depending on where the shot was administered, there is an ACCEPTIBLE level of risk with doing these shots--in other words, due to possible anomalies/differences in animal anatomy, 98% of the time the shot goes where it should, and 2% of the time it may hit a vital structure that is not normally there (but due to differences in anatomy, happens to be there in this specific dog).


in conclusion, i'm very sorry for your loss, but i don't think the doctor knowingly killed your dog. let your emotions calm down a bit before you go so aggressive.


My gf is a 4th year vet student at OSU currently doing clinics at the OSU Vet Hospital. The stories she can tell about how fast an animal can go downhill are absolutely mind blowing. Most of it stems from an animal not being able to say "hey guys, something doesnt feel right". It's like a horse with Colic. You don't know it's sick till it hasn't pooped in a long time and is cast in it's stall. If a horse could talk, the $6,000 colic surgery could be avoided more often than not.

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May be too late on your pup, but VPI Pet Insurance FTW. I signed up for it on our new pup and they even covered my 9yr boxer with all but preventative care. $42mo on the pup and $27mo on the Old Man.


VPI sucks, I use have VPI on my dogs and cats. But when the Cat did get sick. They only paid 200 dollars out of an 900 dollar bill from the vet.

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