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If you are against cutting Library funding


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Am i the only one who thinks cutting funding would be good


here is my letter i put through their system


I am contacting you to express my happiness about the Governor's proposed cuts to library funding.


Libraries have already received a 20% cut in funding; a 50% is a great second step.

The government is spending to much money as it is, and needs drastic cuts as not to in debt the state into the state of California.



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Am i the only one who thinks cutting funding would be good


here is my letter i put through their system


You could use a little time in the library. They have books that will teach you to capitalize certain letters to form a proper sentence.

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I do agree that this would suck for many libraries, but I believe some of them could take a good look at some of there spending and find some good ways to cut some costs if it came to it. I normally go to the Westerville Public Library. They are 62% funded by the state government. But walking around that place the other night, I saw plenty of things that could be cut to save money, all the LCD tvs, video game systems, mp3 players you can borrow, the paintings to can check out, etc... But I am still againist this proposal.
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I'm totally against cutting funding for libraries. We take our kids to the library every week and they love it. Little book worms with the world in front of them and no money needed. There aren't many places where you can walk in, learn and walk out and do it without breaking out cash, credit card or a check.


IMO our education system needs fixed before the health care system. This type of cut just amazes me. Professionally educated yet dumb as hell politicians making decisions FTL. What we need are less politicians running things and more successful business minded people in charge.

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sure library's are great, but they just spend to much, my library of a small town just spent $12.3 million on it, sure its better then the old one but not needed.

here is the breakdown of how it got paid for.


Q. How is the rehabilitation of the Fort Piqua Hotel being funded?


A. The funds are from a fairly complex combination of sources. Some of the funds are already fully secured, and some are still tentative. They include:


a. City of Piqua funds - the city has set aside $1.7 million that has tentatively been earmarked as "Hotel funds." In addition there is $800,000 in excess workers comp and insurance reserves that the commission may commit to the project as well as $300,000 in street funds for right-of-way improvements. These funds are all subject to final approval by the City Commission.


b. State of Ohio Grants - the city has secured $400,000 from the state of Ohio for roof repair plus $1.3 million for the clean-up of environmental issues. The state cultural facilities commission has tentatively approved $210,00 for the museum component of the project. Also, the Community Development Block Grant fund can contribute up to $360,000 in "formula" funds, and an additional $250,000 in a special "Targets of Opportunity," grant.


c. Library lease - The library lease is $135,000 per year. This amount could be used to repay an up-front loan of approximately $1.7 million, over a 20 year period.


d. Federal Historic Tax Credits - A limited partnership has been formed for the sole purpose of taking advantage of historic tax credits for the project. The federal government permits tax credits of 20% of the project costs for restoration of historical structures. Since the city pays no taxes, it cannot benefit from tax credits. However, a limited partnership can sell the tax credits to investors, to offset up to $2 million in construction costs.


e. Federal New markets Tax Credits - The federal government also permits tax credits up to 35% of approved project costs for projects in "low to moderate income" census tracts, in some cases. These tax credits are competitive in nature and thus less certain than the historic tax credits. However, they may generate up to $2.6 million for the project, through the limited partnership.


f. Federal grant - the city has made application for a "Save America's Treasures" grant for $330,000. The city will be notified this summer as to whether or not Piqua's application is approved. Senators Voinovich and Dewine have both written letters of endorsement for Piqua's project.


g. Local grants - The city will make application for grants from local foundations. In addition, a local "Hotel Library Legacy Alliance" will undertake a fund raising initiative as the project draws near.


h. State Historic Tax Credits - the Ohio State legislature is currently considering legislation for state tax credits, similar to the federal tax credits addressed above. If lawmakers approve this funding, it could generate up to $2.5 million.


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I agree,



Cut funding and log on the web and download the book... or go buy it and help the economy.




One of the core benefits of public libraries is that they are PUBLIC places and level the playing field making the world of information available to anyone seeking it. You shouldn't be required to have a computer or money to learn.


Besides, the internet is completely disorganized. I couldn't imagine trying to do real research where I was limited to public/free internet sites. That's why most professionals have paid-service companies that they use. ie lawyers. Way too often the average person gets lead through a series of non-productive searches


When you do find information, there's no guarantee of accuracy or standards either. Yeah....Wiki....great resource...but not reliable.


How many times can I book mark a page and months later go back to find it popping up "site not found" or the information gone.:doh: Hell, most of the research I do on historical stuff is limited. Most current stuff is cool...but old archived information is much more limited. Content is way more geared to what's popular and towards making money not educating.


No thanks.


I'd much rather take my kids to a library.......where there are computers to use when needed....but also a people to actually talk with and help.....ones who know where to find shit too.


Things are organized and there's a standard classification system that's been around for years. Hell, I wonder how many kids today even know how to find shit at the library!


Remember too that there is also a lot of information and books that have print exclusivity too. Yes, there are actually informational sources that are print only.

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How many of you want to INCREASE your taxes?


Obama might not tell you this, but you need to get the money from somewhere.


Fuck Coleman and his push to raise our city taxes and threaten the public through Public Service cuts. This library cut is just a push to try and get everyone to cave....not just here, but in cities across the nation.


I'll pay more when they cut the fat down to the bone. That's not happened yet. In the mean time, I won't shed a tear if that dumbass gets hit by a trolly on his next trip. Better yet, maybe his wife will back over him after tipping back a few too many. :mad:

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Oh yes what a brilliant move lets cut funding to educational resources. Next lets cut K-12 public school funding. Everyone has one of them fancy computer boxes now a days. They can get their learning on that. If all else fails the TV is a great wealth of knowledge.

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Oh yes what a brilliant move lets cut funding to educational resources. Next lets cut K-12 public school funding. Everyone has one of them fancy computer boxes now a days. They can get their learning on that. If all else fails the TV is a great wealth of knowledge.


Trust me the k-12 has not slipped by this at all.... we've been hit with funding cuts the last two years

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I saw it but so many other people don't under stand what a 20 or 30 % cut can do to schools... and if it don't come from somewhere else they'll just keep hitting where ever the can till they get there...


I hate to see funding cuts at the Library. My local Library has movie nights and all kinda of extra things going on all the time that I believe they could cut out on spending.


Why do they really need flat screen tv's and etc.


If the items are donated or fund rasied by the Library I have no issues I guess

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
I'm totally against cutting funding for libraries. We take our kids to the library every week and they love it. Little book worms with the world in front of them and no money needed. There aren't many places where you can walk in, learn and walk out and do it without breaking out cash, credit card or a check.


IMO our education system needs fixed before the health care system. This type of cut just amazes me. Professionally educated yet dumb as hell politicians making decisions FTL. What we need are less politicians running things and more successful business minded people in charge.


Nothing is ever free...just because you don't have to pull your wallet out at the Point of Purchase, doesn't mean you are getting something for nothing. Now, I have no children and don't use the library's services/programs, but I still pay for your family's enjoyment/benefit...sure, I could use the library if I wanted to...but with Half Price Books in town, and I have a computer and I am already literate...I am certain my share could be reduced. I would rather see a needy child receive healthcare and wellness programs than a Tuesday night "Give Mom and Dad a Break" program to read a book to a group of young minds. Why not instead of attention diversion programs, classes or programs to bolster family unity/values?

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I agree with cutting the spending.


But I also agree with cutting spending in schools as well, as there is another area that really needs to being more efficient.


Then again, I don't think I should be paying for schools anyway. If you CHOOSE to have children, then it should be YOUR responsibility to pay for them to go to school. I didn't ask you to breed.


If I have kids, then I know I should be the one responsible for paying to educate them. Instead, my taxes are out the roof so your children can go to school. That makes sense.

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Nothing is ever free...just because you don't have to pull your wallet out at the Point of Purchase, doesn't mean you are getting something for nothing. Now, I have no children and don't use the library's services/programs, but I still pay for your family's enjoyment/benefit...sure, I could use the library if I wanted to...but with Half Price Books in town, and I have a computer and I am already literate...I am certain my share could be reduced. I would rather see a needy child receive healthcare and wellness programs than a Tuesday night "Give Mom and Dad a Break" program to read a book to a group of young minds. Why not instead of attention diversion programs, classes or programs to bolster family unity/values?


I agree with cutting the spending.


But I also agree with cutting spending in schools as well, as there is another area that really needs to being more efficient.


Then again, I don't think I should be paying for schools anyway. If you CHOOSE to have children, then it should be YOUR responsibility to pay for them to go to school. I didn't ask you to breed.


If I have kids, then I know I should be the one responsible for paying to educate them. Instead, my taxes are out the roof so your children can go to school. That makes sense.




This is why our country is full of idiots. For the record I do not want kids. I am even fixed I did it before I got married. I am totally against spending less on education. It doesn't matter if you have kids or not either way some of these kids will be taking care of our town city government when you retire. If you feel that reducing educational funding is correct because "you don't use the services" then you are one of these idiots. Sorry but the truth hurts.


Taxes are required in our country or shit will not happen. You guys need to go to another country where teachers are given more respect and paid more. Take Japan for instance. A teacher and a doctor are considered the same if looking at it from "socially accepted career". Teachers are also paid a lot more in Japan then here. Now thinking in that frame of mind you can see why Japanese children excel over our kids in schooling.


Here is a link for you. In mathematical literacy statistics by countries Japan is number one and USA is 18. This is unreal. In case you didn't learn anything in school math is used in anything in the real world.



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This is why our country is full of idiots. For the record I do not want kids. I am even fixed I did it before I got married. I am totally against spending less on education. It doesn't matter if you have kids or not either way some of these kids will be taking care of our town city government when you retire. If you feel that reducing educational funding is correct because "you don't use the services" then you are one of these idiots. Sorry but the truth hurts.


Taxes are required in our country or shit will not happen. You guys need to go to another country where teachers are given more respect and paid more. Take Japan for instance. A teacher and a doctor are considered the same if looking at it from "socially accepted career". Teachers are also paid a lot more in Japan then here. Now thinking in that frame of mind you can see why Japanese children excel over our kids in schooling.


Here is a link for you. In mathematical literacy statistics by countries Japan is number one and USA is 18. This is unreal. In case you didn't learn anything in school math is used in anything in the real world.





Complete and total win.

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Nothing is ever free...just because you don't have to pull your wallet out at the Point of Purchase, doesn't mean you are getting something for nothing.


I know, but didn't think I needed to make that portion clear. Of course there are underlying costs paid from by taxes. My point however, is that right now today, anyone can go into a library, take out a movie, cd, book or other type of media and they literally don't have to bring any money.


Some will disagree and there is a time and place for everything, but honestly, I'd much rather take 2hrs on a Saturday afternoon reading books and teaching my kids at the library, than going to blow $20 with them at the movies. To those that are much less fortunate, that means even more.


Now, I have no children and don't use the library's services/programs, but I still pay for your family's enjoyment/benefit...sure, I could use the library if I wanted to...but with Half Price Books in town, and I have a computer and I am already literate...I am certain my share could be reduced.


That could be said about just about anything public. Hell, I don't need the police, I have two dogs, an alarm system and both the wife and I are great shots with plenty of firepower. Point is, anything that helps educate the masses is the last thing we should be cutting.


I would rather see a needy child receive healthcare and wellness programs than a Tuesday night "Give Mom and Dad a Break" program to read a book to a group of young minds.


Not me. I'd rather see that same needy family be educated and get a job that pays benefits. I don't know anything about the Tuesday program you speak of, but IMO, parents need to get their off their asses and spend some quality time with their kids in the library more often then they do. They need to put the fucking beer and smokes away, and go read with their kids in an environment that fosters learning.


Sad thing is a large segment of this population doesn't even just plain spend quality time with their family at the dinner table.

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They are cutting police officers and many other "needed" services. Kinda hard to worry about the library.


IMO we have way too many police officers in the state let alone Columbus working traffic duty on 270, 315 anyway. We don't need the OSP, CPD, Perry Township, the Sherriff and the suburban cops all monitoring speed on the outerbelt. Often times at the same time. THAT is what's fucked up.

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