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Are you fucking kiddig me?


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Dont feel bad you could be getting disqualified for acne



Yup, recruiters are only allowed to put 1 fresh private in per month now. Funding has been cut, not to mention I think the 100% in-state tuition is going out the door or will be cut to 75%.

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When I was on the Sub, I was required to pass physical standards. Additionally I had to be able to carry the "portable" submersible pump for to aft while in a breathing device that had the face blacked out. There isn't a place for guys that aren't physically able to do that, the ship sinks and everyone dies. Should be the same for frontline troops. In fact, the standards should be higher.
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Ohio Guard is 1000 over staffed. Which is a good thing. They are now looking to thin the heard. Finally people are going to be getting put out for not meeting the standards. The bad thing is, the standards are subject to interpretation and Commanders desire.


It was said earlier that rank means you don't have to do as much. I will entertain that to the point of, there is RANK out there NOT doing much. It's subject to who you are and how you do things, Vs. what needs done. I've done more "lower rank jobs" in the last 2 months, than in the last 2 years. I do this to know what needs done and how to get it done so I can train the people I bring in under me.

Scotty didn't just read a book on how to blow some shit up. He read up on it, then someone showed him step by step what needs done. There is just something very personal about static electricity and explosives that you don't get with out hands on. Correct me if I'm wrong Scotty.

Point being, if out leadership is placed by educed standards than the downward spiral begins for our future ability. It should be the leaders or those "in charge", setting a higher standard for their subordinates to follow.

Think of every military/war movie you have seen Were you charged up watching someone not be the way you picture the military?

I talked to TroubleMaker about this last night. It comes to this. You are working for the people of your state or nation. They PAY you to BE ABLE to defend, protect, and serve in your field of training. When was the last time you saw an over weight State Trooper? I never have. They have a standard of weight control to keep their job. Why would it be any less for the military? Do you not look at someone in uniform and think, "I know they can shoot a weapon". It's a given. Right?

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I've never seen an overweight statie but I've seen more than my fair share of old, overweight police officers, why aren't they held to some standards?


There are a ton, literally, out there. I know what you are saying. I see them and think they don't have a foot chase in them at all. They better be a good shot.

I don't know the regulations for them. I wish they were held to the same standards though.

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Scotty didn't just read a book on how to blow some shit up. He read up on it, then someone showed him step by step what needs done. There is just something very personal about static electricity and explosives that you don't get with out hands on. Correct me if I'm wrong Scotty.


Very much :) Being a young PFC sent to Iraq, I had simply amazing NCO's that lead me in the right direction. Even the fact they were higher ranking, not to mention a leader, didn't mean they weren't suffering the wet/cold missery that was winter in Tikrit. Sad to see the way of the NCO going southward, for it needs to be the staple of the Army.

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There are a ton, literally, out there. I know what you are saying. I see them and think they don't have a foot chase in them at all. They better be a good shot.

I don't know the regulations for them. I wish they were held to the same standards though.


I have a friend who oversees the pistol certifications for the Sheriffs Department. From what he explained to me I think anyone who has even the most basic fire arm skills could pass the test.

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