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Anyone else get bored easily? What do you do during your down time?


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I go to OSU full time and work part time. I still have a lot of free time and get fucking bored, fast. I love cars, but don't have the money or space to mod my GTI yet or to get a project car (both will come next year though). I take my dogs to the park once in a while, I clean up the house, do laundry etc.


But I still get fucking bored. Its mega fucking annoying and it pisses me off lol.


So what hobbies do you guys have that help pass the time? Mountain biking? Exercising? Stamp collecting? etc.


Let me know what you guys do for fun (not drinking or smoking) and to kill time. I am tired of refreshing my half dozen forum pages every hour or so to hope something funny or entertaining is happening.

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honestly, invest your time in doing something to make some extra cash. I started my work in photography several years ago. for 2-3 hrs per night I edit images. mostly every night I have at least that much in work from clients I have in my book of business. I can average 45-150 per night easily just doing my hobby. it wasn't until earlier this year that I actually started soliciting business and am so busy in my "free time" that I really don't have any free time.


what are you good at that can make you some cash?


seriously......go work with Thorne to get his security business going and between you and a couple others here, I think there could potentially be some real serious business to be had.


check out http://www.teamnorthwoods.com/web/about.aspx


a buddy of mine is the proud owner of a $13M+ company and just bought a massive home in Powell. two of my other buddies are his main go-to guys in the company. wasn't started as a hobby mind you, but it was two guys that worked together, an unemployed friend who go together and started the business on three credit cards and a bunch of risk. Today, they are all very wealthy and doing well.

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I screw around on the internet posting on forums.

I plan out imaginary car builds, and research new performance parts. This may sound lame but I love to learn all I can about cars and how they can be modified.

Watch movies.

Or I just like to take things apart, clean them up, figure out how it works and put it back together. This goes hand in hand with voluntering to help people out with their cars.


I could try to make money doing some of these things, but I feel it would take the fun out of it.

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Internet BS

Video Games

Finances (I balance everything and check over my investments about every other day)

Study a foreign language

Play guitar

Find some electronic, like a spare computer, to take apart and tool around with, then put back together


I try to keep it cheap since I don't have much money nowadays

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I screw around on the internet posting on forums. Do this for multiple hours daily - getting bored seeing what other people are out doing, I want to be out there doing it.


I plan out imaginary car builds, and research new performance parts. Do this as well, then get pissed off I can't go buy everything I just researched lol


Watch movies. I used to watch movies a lot, but feel like garbage after I sit for 2 hours on the couch. I feel less like a waste of space on the internet.


Or I just like to take things apart, clean them up, figure out how it works and put it back together. This goes hand in hand with voluntering to help people out with their cars. I need to do more of this. Good suggestion.


I could try to make money doing some of these things, but I feel it would take the fun out of it. Agreed




Video Games - not my thing

Finances (I balance everything and check over my investments about every other day) - Already do this (balance and budget, no investments yet)

Study a foreign language - No (read it in spanish) Check that one off the list.


Find some electronic, like a spare computer, to take apart and tool around with, then put back together - I will do that with my old laptop. Thanks




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Well I work 8-5 M-F then in the evenings I play EVE-ONLINE (doesn't require a lot of work, but is interesting to chat with people everywhere who are also nerds.) I work on images from my photography business, read tech manuals and other nerdy stuff while the EVE client is running.


I also usually have a major project that I'm working on. At the moment that project is my observatory and its nearly finished so I'll probably come up with more interesting things to add to it through the winter.

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Well I work 8-5 M-F then in the evenings I play EVE-ONLINE (doesn't require a lot of work, but is interesting to chat with people everywhere who are also nerds.) I work on images from my photography business, read tech manuals and other nerdy stuff while the EVE client is running.


I also usually have a major project that I'm working on. At the moment that project is my observatory and its nearly finished so I'll probably come up with more interesting things to add to it through the winter.


I hear through a little birdie the photog world may take you full time? ;) Congrats if so :)

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Come race R/C cars! It's a great hobby for those into motorsports, and we have an awesome club in Hilliard and race every weekend. Their are fun, competitive classes you can get into for about 200 bucks. Check it out... http://crcrc.blogspot.com/2009/10/crcrc-electric-point-series-race-1-18.html
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Come race R/C cars! It's a great hobby for those into motorsports, and we have an awesome club in Hilliard and race every weekend. Their are fun, competitive classes you can get into for about 200 bucks. Check it out... http://crcrc.blogspot.com/2009/10/crcrc-electric-point-series-race-1-18.html


I actually have a RC car. The kind you build your own, car itself without the motor or controler or anything was like 260, We have over 1k in it, but its an electric RWD one. Needs a speed control thinger.


I might dust it off and try to get it working again. How do I figure out my options though? 4x4 conversion, gas engine conversion etc.

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I actually have a RC car. The kind you build your own, car itself without the motor or controler or anything was like 260, We have over 1k in it, but its an electric RWD one. Needs a speed control thinger.


I might dust it off and try to get it working again. How do I figure out my options though? 4x4 conversion, gas engine conversion etc.


Try and find out the brand and model and I can prob tell you all about it! :) There are classes for almost every kind of off road car or truck. On friday night we run a bit of everything, Sat. is the nitro classes and Sun is electric. A few guys from here race at crcrc, waggz is a race director over there.

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I hear through a little birdie the photog world may take you full time? ;) Congrats if so :)


Thanks, its a dream at this stage, but becoming more likely every day. Not so much the dream of being a pro photog, but the dream of having my own full time business. Working for the man is something my wife and I don't really wanna be doing till we're dead so we're motivated plenty;-)

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I bought a 14.99 Air Hogs remote control air plane. I spend hours playing with my son. It is great fun and he really enjoys the father/son time.


So make babies? If not ready yet practice making babies.


I just got my RC car out of the basement. Needs some work to get it running. Looks like that will do to kill some of my down time for a while. Cheap to play with since I have everything, just need a few parts to get it working again.



We aren't having babies for a good 2 years. Graduation, pay off debt, then house.

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I am starting to apply for jobs after graduation, and I think the answer is a gym membership.


Keep the hobbies/time killing activities coming though.


Play hockey. start cheap with inline/floor or plunk down some money for ice hockey. Well, maybe hockey isnt your thing but its my thing. A few years ago I got into this nostalgia thing in doing the things i loved to do as a kid (ie playing hockey, riding bikes etc...) and decided i wanted to do it again. What did you do as a kid that you absolutly loved? Play a rec sport, softball, volleyball, indoor soccer, there's a novice rugby team in Cbus. if I didnt work the schedule I did I'd play.


I already have two jobs so while Tim's idea maybe good for you i want to do something I dont feel like i "have" to do ya know? Goodluck.

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