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What automotive clubs are you in?


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Just curious to see what clubs your a part of. I am referring to a club where you are actually expected to show up to meets, contribute and possibly pay memebers dues. I am sure most guys in a club are car specific or manufacturer specific. Possibly looking to start a club like this with maybe a monthly meeting in which members are expected to show, and contribute. No specific details yet and maybe these can be set up once I have a list of anyone interested. Pm me if your interested. Thanks


Anyone interested Pm me and I will start setting something up. Anyone who is interested that can commit to being in a club(meeting once or twice at most a month is encouraged to join. After we get say 10 interested parties, we will set up our first meeting and go over what kind of club we are, bylaws, a name, club logo, elect officers, ect....

Edited by wnaplay
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Im apart of columbusDSM but I haven't given them my latest fees/dues yet. The main guy there just asked for them this past week but I don't get paid until next week so it'll have to wait some but that was one I used to be really active with though it has gotten a bit quieter over the years...


I don't know, I used to be apart of a couple different car clubs but honestly the columbusDSM was the only one (save this board) that had a real active community that you felt vested in to begin with.

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For the last two years I have been part of Viper Club of America. You have to pay dues but is really worth it. Get Viper mags, also part of the ohio group. But I havnt made it to a meet yet, do to being deployed and in the military. Once I get out of the army I plan on meeting up with these guys.
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I imagine it would be hard to get a car specific club going for any period of time unless it was a unique type car.


we can barely get people to show up for cr events an there are thousands of members... there just isant enough passion in ohio for a large group to be consist to come out... well accept buckeye football !!


on any given weekend we had a consistant 50-100+ people for a ride every single weekend during t he season ahhh i miss the good olll days

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Yes this would definately be open to all, theres just no way to be specific. There are thousands of memebers who have registered here over the years but if the system was purged of people who havent posted in 6months that number would drop dramatically. And this would be to help get those who dont like attending the unorganized, "lets just meet here and hopefully other will also", kind of gatherings. This would truley be a car club. With meets only once maybe twice amonth where you know it will be others there guaranteed, more people are likely to go for it.
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Anyone interested Pm me and I will start setting something up. Anyone who is interested that can commit to being in a club(meeting once or twice at most a month is encouraged to join. After we get say 10 interested parties, we will set up our first meeting and go over what kind of club we are, bylaws, a name, club logo, elect officers, ect....
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The only one that I'm a part of is the COFE (Central Ohio Fiero Entusists) Club which has pretty much diminised down to a hand full of people that routinely show up.


I was apart of COFE as well for about 8 months while i had the car. Then when I got the MR2 and they ignored me like some huge traitor so I stopped being apart of the group.

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