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FYI...ITS A BOY!!! Fathers, I got questions.


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Completely random and most of you probably had no idea my fiancee` and myself were expecting but our first childs going to be a baby boy!!!!!


So uh... the rest of you dad's out there, do you happen to have any suggestions for a new father that I can look out for during this pregnancy? I've got books, im checking out random stuff online and in class but I like hearing from people I know. Heheheh I hope he's into racing like I am.



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Completely random and most of you probably had no idea my fiancee` and myself were expecting but our first childs going to be a baby boy!!!!!


So uh... the rest of you dad's out there, do you happen to have any suggestions for a new father that I can look out for during this pregnancy? I've got books, im checking out random stuff online and in class but I like hearing from people I know. Heheheh I hope he's into racing like I am.




Congrats. :cool:


Read "What to Expect When You're Expecting" so you know what's coming up. She will be a fucking bear to live with for a while. She will gain weight, tell her she looks good. The more time you spend with her over the next several months will pay off for you. Good luck!

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First off, congrats. And going off of what Mensan posted, just be there for her. That's the most important thing.


As a father of 3 boys, I would highly recommend buying as much stuff as you can before the actual delivery. Start buying diapers, and stockpile them - you can NEVER have too many. Buy clothes, toys and a crib.


Most important thing, just be there for her, and remember to PM if you need anything. Good Luck!

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if its your first one don'y buy anything untill after the baby shower your going to get hooked up....


if you buy clothes buy neutral stuff becuase as good as doctors are you never know ( we had to return a bunch of pink stuff when our second came out a boy and not a girl)


give the woman whatever she wants even if its unreasonable life will be more tolerable


and for practice try sleeping for two hours at time once or twice a day thats all your liable to get at first

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Also, sign up for Parenting classes.... if you have no child experience. The Misses and I did through OSU. They were VERY informative and helped A LOT! Everything from from how to change a diaper, to how to swadel and even how to feed and bathe.


:thumbup: #2



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Thank you guys. I'm pretty familiar with babies since I had to help raise two of my little cousins (they aren't so little anymore though...) so I wont be a complete novice and god DAMN YOU Rob! He pulled that mess with her with me once and she gave me this look.. lol.


The book I shall pick up as I was going thru this one called the expectant father. The baby shower tips and stock piling are things I've now written down, thank you gentlemen.

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make sure at baby showers your lady asks for wipes and diapers. We had so many we made it to like 5 months before we had to buy a diaper. I think we are still on pre-baby wipes.


1. Hormones all over....she's right. 110%

2. Gotta rub feet and back. Do it at will w/out her having to ask.



There's a few more, but I cant think. For later on....don't watch baby come out. It'll change your perspective on the vag, if you see it after or during the war. That's if you're an imagery kinda guy

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There's a DVD about baby language it gives you examples of different kinds of baby cries, it helps figure out what they want i.e. food,sleep,changed, gassy, etc.. Secondly you can take all the advice you want however EVERY kid is different so don't rely soley on advice from other people, parenting classes are a crock as well. The best thing to do is talk to you parents and her parents listen to how you both behaved as babies and you be some what in the ball park. Congrats and good luck. BTW If you have any cats or dogs you need to monitor them to see how they are going to act around the baby.
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i know my old boss had her baby, they did a thing at the baby shower anyone who brought diapers got a ticket into a drawing for a decent bottle of wine and 4 glasses...she never had to buy diapers for the baby. all she had to do was keep going back to walmart and changing them out for the right size. score!


but ive got a nephew on the way, and i can tell you right now, my sister is a moody bitch. i got her a couple things for her shower in febuary, and im planning on going out this weekend once i get paid and getting her quite a few of the big 200ct economy packs of diapers. probably going to get a costco membership since i will not be shopping at walmart anymore

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nesting is the best part of the whole thing. People like to think we're this superior being but in the end we're just animals. She'll start nesting towards the end and cleaning the shit out of the house and painting walls and shit like that.


The only advice I can give you is to buy plenty of extra beer and plan on spending more time in the garage until it's over. Once it's over it's piss,poop, and puke for a while. The first year sucks but after that it's smooth sailing.

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CONGRATS!!!! everything you do from now and over the next year and a half or two is TOTALLY worth it. just roll with the flow. shes always right. no matter what. when your sticking it to her while shes still prego, dont start laughing at random. i did. she asked what i was laughing at. i said "im afraid im gonna poke him and make him a real DICKHEAD". after that i didnt get any for like 2 weeks. and right around 7 months the women want IT a lot. well mine did. and for the future, when changing his diaper, point the cannon downward or all those nice new clothes get peed all over.
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Women are the moodiest PITAs when pregnant. Just sit back and let it happen.


My wife never changed, didnt ask for a lot and was actually easier to deal with... guess I was lucky. Only thing I had to do was rub her feet and go out for late night snacks.

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one thing you want to start doing now... go to walmart once a week and buy a 25 (or 50 if you can swing it) gift card to help with the costs while she's off work. My wife and I have been doing it for a few months now so hopefully it will pay off.
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Don't talk to the kid like a baby. Talk to him as a normal person. No goo goo gaa gaa. I hate it when people talk to their kids like you want some juice juice. It's one word. It's actually shown that kids learn the language and are more intelligent when you talk to them as a normal human being, my son is very advanced for being 2 1/2.
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Language wise they're pretty set. I had read that same thing verse a while back and never have spoken to babies that way anyways. The woman's tri lingual and I'm bi almost tri so we're going to be hopefully able to teach it english +1 (japanese or french at least some small words) as that's supposedly a good thing to help advance them as well.


And as for taking advice... I personally just like hearing how others have dealt with their little ones and being able to see some things thats worked for some but not other people gives me some ideas of things to try or look up or things like that. Besides, you never know when someone could chime in with something you hadn't ever thought of prior so the whole 'village to raise a child' thing works well at least with that particular thing.

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