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I got robbed. Fence question.


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+1 what part of westerville rd, and how did they park on 23? im really sorry, i am guessing the worst part is knowing someone other than you was in your house...not good times.




"sleeping with a glock under my pillow"


Right there at the top of Matt Bonnes's neighborhood

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I have a message into the building department for now. I'm going to dig out the broken off post holes and go to a full 3'. I have 12' posts ready to get sunk if they deny me, I'll just cut the tops off.


In other news, with chris' recomedation, I signed with Executive Security Systems. I called this morning, the owner came out tonight, the system will be installed tomorrow morning. His sales style differs from mine in the fact that he tends to criticize his competition more than is tasteful, but the price was right.

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2 flat screens, a laptop, some gift cards / Christmas cash, my wifes briefcase. They left my htpc, external hardrive, all ny power tools (which was surprising), a credit card, and my passport. They searched through literally everything.


Not to sound too personal but where was your wife going when she left? Was it a scheduled appointment like work or was she just running to the grocery store? If so maybe these guys have been watching your place for a while to see if you had any patterns and when they did finally strike they took their time while inside your home because they knew neither of you would be back? Just an idea.

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Beef up your fence a bit, maybe see about a steel fence with turn-backs on the top that make it hard to climb.

Next, plant something NASTY, on the outside of the fence if possible, inside if not. Juniper bushes have nasty little straight thorns, and other ornamental bushes carry some nasty hooked thorns. I don't know if anyone actually sells Honey Locust trees, but if you can afford to have some transplanted, the 1"-3" long, iron-hard and needle-sharp thorns that grow in clusters all over them will give even the most determined crackhead second thoughts about trying to wade through them. If they actually DO try, they'll be left bleeding from horrific scratches and punctures all over.

Finally, get a monitored alarm, and have it armed with sirens, flashing lights, and whatever else you can have put in to make it the most bloody annoying thing your neighborhood has ever dealt with. Make sure nobody in the neighborhood can possibly ignore it when it goes off.

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Juniper bushes have nasty little straight thorns, and other ornamental bushes carry some nasty hooked thorns. I don't know if anyone actually sells Honey Locust trees, but if you can afford to have some transplanted, the 1"-3" long, iron-hard and needle-sharp thorns that grow in clusters all over them will give even the most determined crackhead second thoughts about trying to wade through them. If they actually DO try, they'll be left bleeding from horrific scratches and punctures all over.


Good insight right there. We have climbing roses on trellis work / window area covering a reverse corner (L-shaped) are on the back of our house. If anyone comes in those two windows, they'll need a ladder and suffer some major hurt trying. We have Barberries on the side of the house so the basement....ouch if you try., etc....


How about climbing a fence and hopping into a bunch of 1-2 inch thorns....that would put a damper on the bad guys intentions. :bangbang:


Not to sound too personal but where was your wife going when she left? Was it a scheduled appointment like work or was she just running to the grocery store? If so maybe these guys have been watching your place for a while to see if you had any patterns and when they did finally strike they took their time while inside your home because they knew neither of you would be back? Just an idea.


How about recent guests or someone you know? Think about it long and hard. It's possible you got picked by strangers at random, but there are good odds that you're 1-2 degrees away from perhaps knowing who did this.


A guy I worked with got hit. Was never proven, but his son was blabbing about going on vacation to India....guess when they got robbed? Someone they knew or someone they knew who told someone their schedule.

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I think the whole dog thing works wonders! I grew up in a shit neighborhood (Barnette & Livingston). We had a 75lb Huskey who was actually friendly but considering most of the people doing the robbing lived in that area they knew the houses with dogs. Either that or we just didn't have shit worth steeling, which is more then likley the case... But still, dogs = great security.


Sucks either way :(

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2 flat screens, a laptop, some gift cards / Christmas cash, my wifes briefcase. They left my htpc, external hardrive, all ny power tools (which was surprising), a credit card, and my passport. They searched through literally everything.


Fuck man, you got hit hard. The worst part is after everything is gone you have to clean up their mess. :mad: Hopefully you get some sort of info from the cops and can press charges against their ass!!!! Sorry again man.

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My wife is usually working from home at that time, and I get in shortly after. It was unusual for us to be out at that time.


I nearly caught them in the act as I had planned to stop by the house and change before my appointment. Running behind, I decided to go straight there.


The monitored alarm will be in within a few hours. Then, we will replace the stuff. I get most of what they took at cost doing what I do so the stuff part of it was never the concern.

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Anyone that wants to get into your house will just drug the dog with a treat and be back in a few mins. What dog do you know what will not take a treat?


Glad you are getting an alarm on your place. Best thing you can do.


Oddly enough, my lab and my mutt. They would rather take you as a treat if I don't say you're fine.

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Since I am now paranoid about every sound I hear, I am looking at exterior and interior cameras that can be centrally distributed to each TV/computer in the house and accessible via iPhone.


From a half locked door to Fort Knox.



Thorne's company does this type of work. Bill came out to my place about a month or so ago and did a very thorough evaluation of the security needs and steered me in the right direction (even when it was to other vendors for some of the items!). First class. Many thanks, Thorne.:thumbup:


Bottom line for me: No amount of elaborate, expensive security measures will make your possessions safe from a Mission Impossible strike. However, the more things you do to discourage and encumber thieves, the lower your probability of loss. Fences, barbed wire, thorny shrubs, security lighting, bump-resistent locks, secure doors/windows, dogs, dog-recordings, posted security warnings, alarms, sound monitors, motion detectors, cameras, concealment, a self-defense plan --- it's all good. You just find the combination that's rational and affordable for your situation, do it now instead of after you're hit, and then enjoy some degree of peace of mind. But don't ever become complacent that you and your family are entirely safe; there's no substitute for common sense.


And don't forget, if you're paying homeowners/renters insurance, you may qualify for discounts based on your added security.

Edited by Doc
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Since I am now paranoid about every sound I hear, I am looking at exterior and interior cameras that can be centrally distributed to each TV/computer in the house and accessible via iPhone.


You have solutions for that where you work right?


Sucks about getting robbed, I can't quite imagine how that feels.

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In other news, with chris' recomedation, I signed with Executive Security Systems. I called this morning, the owner came out tonight, the system will be installed tomorrow morning. His sales style differs from mine in the fact that he tends to criticize his competition more than is tasteful, but the price was right.


Awesome Ken, glad I could provide a useful recommendation. I agree that Doug's sales style is a little brash when discussing his competition, but I think in security systems you kinda have to be because the average homeowner isn't as educated as we are. Nevertheless, it's not exactly classy to lambaste your competitors - his product should and does speak for itself. :nod:

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