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So, this is a video of some individuals having a confrontation of sorts. My friend showed me the link just now and I found it to be entertaining.







I'm willing to bet you'll hear more about this soon enough, wow.


Save the racist comments too, kiddos.

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Ha. Awesome.


How quickly "I'll put a foot up yo ass" and "say that again, turkey!" turns into


"we can press charges" and "call me a ambulance!'


EDIT - Yes, a younger mouthy white guy getting busted up by an elderly black man would be equally entertaining.


Oh, and just caught the fact the other guy is 50. Oops.

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Ha. Awesome.


How quickly "I'll put a foot up yo ass" and "say that again, turkey!" turns into


"we can press charges" and "call me a ambulance!'


EDIT - Yes, a younger mouthy white guy getting busted up by an elderly black man would be equally entertaining.


Oh, and just caught the fact the other guy is 50. Oops.


Didn't the white guy say he was 67?


I love how the black guy continues to proclaim (after getting his skull cracked) that he would beat the white guy's ass. :lol:



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Didn't the white guy say he was 67?


I love how the black guy continues to proclaim (after getting his skull cracked) that he would beat the white guy's ass. :lol:




Yes, white guy is 67. I meant I think the black guy replies with, "so, I'm 50!" at one point. Maybe not.


And yes, the mouthing that goes on after the guy exits the bus is classic. And, did the dude's woman say something about stealing shit out of the bag?

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Kuddos to the old guy for not taking any shit and standing up like that. Guess he really was serious in that he's not fucking afraid and had no problem backing up his shit about beating ass. More props for walking away too.


I love how the young guy is being egged on to go put his foot up the old guys ass and then seems to actually buy into it by trying. I would have thought he might actually back up his shit talking with some actions.


Maybe now he'll be internet famous about getting his ass beat by an old man and think twice about being the typical bus riding thug.

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M- How much will you charge me for a spitshine?


Black- Wha?


EBM-How much will you charge me to shine my stacey adams? Im going to


a funeral on friday.


Black- Why?


EBM- Hm?


Black- You hear what I said just now? Why a brotha gotta spitshine yo'




EBM - Hey man you offered!


Black - I didnt offer you shit


EBM- What did you just say when you walked by me?


Black - I said WHA-Whay a fuckin brotha gotta spitshine yo' shoes.


EBM- Eeeh you don't have to


Black- Why a white man cant shine his shoes?


EBM- It could be a chinaman, It dont matter


Black- Look dude


EBM- I aint predjudice.. You think I'm predjudice?


Black- Look dude, Take your ass back up there get the fuck out mah face


right naow



EBM- why you being so hostile man?


Black- Shuttup, Im pissed off


EBM - Oh yeah your pissed off you'd better be pissed off. I aint scared of


this black boy. I'm 67 years old you aint scaring me


Black- I'm 50


EBM- You aint scaring me You aint scaring me


Black- Ill put mah foot upyo ass




LadyBlack- hey hay HAY


EBM- Ill put my foot up yours


Black- Ill put my foot up yo ass Ill put my foot up yo ass


EBM- Nehr he wont to nothing to me


Black- Say dat again sey dat again


Angrybaboon******lady- Say it agai- SAY IT AGAIN PINKY


Anonymousvoice- Shuttup!


Angrybaboon******lady- Beat his white ass


LadyBlack- Leave that man alone motherfucker


Angrybaboon******lady- It aint worth it broh it aint worth it



EBM- I'll slap the shit out of you


Black- Wh What, WHAT?


*Epic Fight Scene*


Angrybaboon******lady- Oh what the fuck!






LadyBlack- Jesus christ!


EBM- He hit me, he fucking hit me. He fucking hit me first, he hit me in the


face. Thats self defense. DONT FUCK WITH ME


Black- Auh man, Next time. Imo fuck you up.


Angrybaboon******lady- Oo. Oof. Yaaoh we need an appulamse


CameraBlack- Ay we can press charges. I got it on vidayoo teyp. Yoos


leakin. He's leakin.


Angrybaboon******lady- Are you alright? Did he breakyuh teef?




transcript thanks swing4dafencez



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What ever happened to respecting your elders, come on no matter what was said, do you really think everyone is going to let you smack them in the face? "im pretty sure he said dont fuck with me i'm a marine" all jokes aside that old man can swing with the best of them for his age, add his weight and size behind them punches and you get a bloody ass face quick!
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