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CCW + drinking...(not what you think)


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so obviously, im aware drinking + ccw = big no no


but here's something i've been trying to find out, and i can't find an answer on the AG website.


lets say i carry my gun in the glovebox of my car. i get invited out for drinks, and im not able to stop home to leave my gun there. what would i need to do? if i go out for a few drinks and unload my gun prior to going into the restaurant, and keep the gun in a locked box in my trunk and the ammo elsewhere, would this be sufficient? where should i keep the ammo? would it be able to be in the trunk as long as its not in the same box as the gun?


thats what ive done the couple times this has come up, but i figured i'd check to see if anyone knows anything else about this...

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so should i just throw the ammo somewhere else in the trunk, or do you think it would be an issue if i tossed the ammo in my glove box (so it doesnt roll around in my trunk) where it would be completely seperate from the gun?


edit...thinking about it (and i dont know why i didnt earlier), my g/fs moms neighbor is a columbus cop...i'll have to check with him next time im over. maybe one of the LEOs on here might chime in as well

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  evan9381 said:
so should i just throw the ammo somewhere else in the trunk, or do you think it would be an issue if i tossed the ammo in my glove box (so it doesnt roll around in my trunk) where it would be completely seperate from the gun?


edit...thinking about it (and i dont know why i didnt earlier), my g/fs moms neighbor is a columbus cop...i'll have to check with him next time im over. maybe one of the LEOs on here might chime in as well


You would be surprised by how many LEO's do not understand the laws...

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Just an FYI if your going to carry your gun loaded in your car it needs to be on your person, in the glove box does not count, drinking aside. But for the drinking part, like others said, separate the ammo and have it unreachable from the drivers seat. You should also do this if your going to haul your gun in the glove box period.
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Guest tbutera2112
  SpaceGhost said:
If you have your gun with you, become a DD? Just don't drink?


thats an impossible concept for some people



oh noez, i cant have fun without alcohol!!! :rolleyes:



im gonna make sure to put my gun in the trunk before i get wasted, then hop in my 2 ton car and pilot it drunk through the streets...but atleast i wont be breaking the law by carrying!

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Guest tbutera2112
  04silvrz said:
seems silly to be packing ALL the time. i don't know, maybe that's me.


if youre not going to carry all the time, it seems pointless to me to carry at all....if you knew when something bad was gonna happen, you could just avoid the situation all together

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you guys took that way to serious. im not talking about going out and doing shots all night after work. im talking about like last friday when i met up with a friend from years ago and went to bdubs for to catch up over 2 beers (really only had 1 1/2) + some grub


and to lowridins1020, check the laws. you can legally carry in your glove box, locked or unlocked, now. it hasnt had to be on you for almost a year

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  evan9381 said:
you guys took that way to serious. im not talking about going out and doing shots all night after work. im talking about like last friday when i met up with a friend from years ago and went to bdubs for to catch up over 2 beers (really only had 1 1/2) + some grub


and to lowridins1020, check the laws. you can legally carry in your glove box, locked or unlocked, now. it hasnt had to be on you for almost a year


I was being serious, I understood you were not getting trashed. Just leave the gun in the car and don't drink a beer, order a coke.... You can't carry in there anyway since they serve Alcohol. Since you need to carry everywhere why drink? Then if something happens you can't pull anyway. See the logic? If you can let your guard down to drink, then you don't need to carry everywhere....

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  evan9381 said:

and to lowridins1020, check the laws. you can legally carry in your glove box, locked or unlocked, now. it hasnt had to be on you for almost a year



In the early days it needed to be "in plain sight" on your person or locked up. Since then that BS has been fixed and you can carry on your person, concealed, glove box (unlocked if you wish), etc.

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  tbutera2112 said:
if youre not going to carry all the time, it seems pointless to me to carry at all....if you knew when something bad was gonna happen, you could just avoid the situation all together



i carry if I am going out of town, or if I am going to a sketchy hood. but, back and forth to work, and when I am out goofing off.... no way. but, everyone is different.

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Well here is the question, how long after you consume alcohol are you allowed to carry a gun? If you have a beer with dinner then drive, you are fine, why would it not be the same with a firearm? If you drink a beer with dinner, you ar enot drunk, you are not under the influence, so what does it matter if you strap it back on when you get back to the vehicle?
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let me start this by saying i do not have my CCW. However, I valeted one of my regular's cars recently and he warned me that his gun was locked in the glove box and his mag was in the door pocket b/c he was eating at a liquor establishment. what he told me is as follows:


that to store a CCW weapon in a vehicle, you MUST keep the ammo/mag and weapon separate, but that ONLY THE WEAPON needs to be in a SEALABLE CONTAINER. a glove box does not count as a sealable container because it is attached to the car, but legally a ziploc bag counts as a sealable container. so just have an empty ziploc in your glove box and you're golden.


that said, these statements have not been approved by a law enforcement officer, but I'm sure one will chime in soon.

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  El Borracho said:
let me start this by saying i do not have my CCW. However, I valeted one of my regular's cars recently and he warned me that his gun was locked in the glove box and his mag was in the door pocket b/c he was eating at a liquor establishment. what he told me is as follows:


that to store a CCW weapon in a vehicle, you MUST keep the ammo/mag and weapon separate, but that ONLY THE WEAPON needs to be in a SEALABLE CONTAINER. a glove box does not count as a sealable container because it is attached to the car, but legally a ziploc bag counts as a sealable container. so just have an empty ziploc in your glove box and you're golden.


that said, these statements have not been approved by a law enforcement officer, but I'm sure one will chime in soon.


I should look at the laws again, but I don't believe any of that is necessary anymore. If I'm carrying and driving I either leave it concealed on my person or put it in my glovebox or center console unlocked. I have never heard the Ziplock bag theory either. Seems pretty silly, but I dunno.


As for drinking - Personally I never carry when I think I might even have a beer or 2. If I'm already out and carrying I don't drink at all unless the wife is driving and can legally drive the car with my gun in the glovebox (she has a permit also). Even then I keep myself in check.


I'd rather not have to deal with possible legal issues even if I had only one or two beers and get pulled over, some shit happens, etc. Also, I tend to be a bit of a silly ass after several beers, so that's why I prefer to just not have guns around at all if I know I may go full retard.

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  twistedfocus said:
I should look at the laws again, but I don't believe any of that is necessary anymore. If I'm carrying and driving I either leave it concealed on my person or put it in my glovebox or center console unlocked. I have never heard the Ziplock bag theory either. Seems pretty silly, but I dunno.


As for drinking - Personally I never carry when I think I might even have a beer or 2. If I'm already out and carrying I don't drink at all unless the wife is driving and can legally drive the car with my gun in the glovebox (she has a permit also). Even then I keep myself in check.


I'd rather not have to deal with possible legal issues even if I had only one or two beers and get pulled over, some shit happens, etc. Also, I tend to be a bit of a silly ass after several beers, so that's why I prefer to just not have guns around at all if I know I may go full retard.


This makes sense to me. +rep

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  twistedfocus said:
I should look at the laws again, but I don't believe any of that is necessary anymore. If I'm carrying and driving I either leave it concealed on my person or put it in my glovebox or center console unlocked. I have never heard the Ziplock bag theory either. Seems pretty silly, but I dunno.


As for drinking - Personally I never carry when I think I might even have a beer or 2. If I'm already out and carrying I don't drink at all unless the wife is driving and can legally drive the car with my gun in the glovebox (she has a permit also). Even then I keep myself in check.


I'd rather not have to deal with possible legal issues even if I had only one or two beers and get pulled over, some shit happens, etc. Also, I tend to be a bit of a silly ass after several beers, so that's why I prefer to just not have guns around at all if I know I may go full retard.





you never go full retard man

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  twistedfocus said:

Unfortunately, though I have a decent tolerance, the jump from drunk to time travel isn't very far for me.:(


i'm with you there. i'm a huge guy, so it takes forever for me to get to the point of actually legally inebriated, but when i'm passing that marker i'm usually going way beyond reasonable pace and have no understanding of the pain i'm about to be in.


back on topic though, what you said about that being outdated may be true; the guy whose car/gun it was is 65-70 years old.

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  twistedfocus said:
I have never heard the Ziplock bag theory either. Seems pretty silly, but I dunno.



you can put the gun in a zip lock baggie and this is considered being a locked up i.e. in a hoslter or glove box is the same thing as throwing it in a zip lock baggie. They both have to be unlocked to get the gun out. I was trained by a CPD LEO.



As far as drinking. It doesnt matter how much you drink (just like dui's) if they can smell it or tell you've been drinking even if its one they can charge you how they fell.


Now keeping that in mind. I have carried into bars. Resturants when ordering alcohol. Mainly becuase fuck you never know whats going to happen and as long as your not imparing your judgement to bad (i will drink 2 beers at the most when i have my gun) then you will be able to handel yourself and never be put into those situations.


There are freak stuff that happens, like maybe you run into a checkpoint idk something. But as long as your not a fucking RATARD you won't have any issues.

Edited by John Bruh
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  CarWhore said:

Now keeping that in mind. I have carried into bars. Resturants when ordering alcohol. Mainly becuase fuck you never know whats going to happen and as long as your not imparing your judgement to bad (i will drink 3 beers at the most when i have my gun) then you will be able to handel yourself and never be put into those situations


:wtf: you just went full retard. Youre opinion in this thread is null and void

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