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Got hit by a plastic bottle on my bike.

Slomo Eric

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So I am on my way home from sawmill rd area. This is about 3:30pm today I just got on 270s and need to get over and I was on my bike at this time. I had my signal on and a red Porsche Cayenne would not let me over so. I sped up a little got in front of him safely. Then he came to the left of me rolled his passenger window down and through a plastic bottle at me. It hit my head light bounced off and hit my helmet. I sped back up got next to him and was pointing at him as in pull over. he took off so I chased him and was thinking you nerd you can't out run a bike...lol. So were coming up on the westerville rd ext he cut 4 lanes over almost louse's it and get's off the westerville rd ext. I would have done the same thing but I figured i already got his plate # so I'm good. I hope they find this guy. This is way not cool. If I see your car next time u better pull over or if its in a parking lot I will call you in and wait for the cops to show. This is how people on bikes get killed because you people can't drive and do the most stupid things You are so lucky I didn't get hurt. I could have been killed and ran over by car's that were all over 270. I got there plate #. If you guys and gals could do me a favor and keep eyes out on this guy I would really appreciate it very much.
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I lold, but its not funny, I pray everytime I've gotten on my bike that nothing bad happens to me. That's super dangerous and u could have easily swerved and been hit by a car. It doesn't take much. Hope they find them, but it would be funny to see you whip some ass
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I don't wanna damage his car because if he see's my bike then he will fuck my bike up and i don't want that. It's the only red cayenne Ive seen in the sawmill area so it should not be hard to spot him out. I hope i see is ass tomorrow when I'm out mowing.....:mad:
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I live up in that area and know the SUV. I've seen up north on Sawmill towards Powell when I pick up my kids at school. IIRC it had 30 day tags on it this summer. Not sure if it's new though. Thought it looked used.


I'll keep my eyes open for him and if I see him at a light will let him know he's being watch by the entire internet and one of most feared gangs in Columbus.


Seriously, I'll spot it and PM you. PM Me your cell number and I'll text you when I see it.

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  pdqgp said:
I live up in that area and know the SUV. I've seen up north on Sawmill towards Powell when I pick up my kids at school. IIRC it had 30 day tags on it this summer. Not sure if it's new though. Thought it looked used.


I'll keep my eyes open for him and if I see him at a light will let him know he's being watch by the entire internet and one of most feared gangs in Columbus.


Seriously, I'll spot it and PM you. PM Me your cell number and I'll text you when I see it.


Pm sent.

I'm on sawmill rd every day when I am with Schmelmer so hope we see that dude soon.

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  Slomo Eric said:
Thats not a very bad idea. Karma is a bitch and its coming for him!!!!:D


Rancid Tuna water/fish in the air vents under the windshield even better. Someone I know had that happen to them in college and his car was rank for months.

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this is what scares me. people have no fucking respect for bikers. no matter how safe you ride theres people that think they always have the right of way, cant even have the respect to move over or slow down. no joke i would find his ass asap and have a nice talking to with him and the police. ;)
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  Slomo Eric said:
So I am on my way home yada yada and I sped up and cut off some normal guy and he threw a plastic bottle at me. Then like a ricer I sped back up got next to him and was flipping him off and wanted to beat him up so he took off so I chased him like a ricer and was thinking I drive "A Better Car Than Yours"...lol. So we're coming up on the westerville rd ext he exited safely and I ran home to make up a story on CR to make me look like the good guy. Next time I see him (which will never happen) I'm going to beat him up!!1!



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