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If you had one day in LA, where/what would you do?


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So we're going next weekend to Los Angeles next Friday. We'll have one day.. Saturday to do anything in LA. What would you do? It doesn't look like we're that far from Hollywood so that might be cool.


Anyone who's been out there got any recommendations on what to do out there for a day?


I don't want to spend barely any money. Sight seeing would be great. We're definatley going to check the ocean out (neither my wife or I have ever been to Cali to begin with). So what are some cool places to check out.


Also.. food places. local stuff, no chain resturants (also cheap). ideas?

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i really like the la brea tar pits total cheesy touristy stuff but its cool they have a ton of tar pits.. there web site seems dorky but its interesting in person. plus its FREE





used to be free now its 7 bucks gayy


x2 on holly wood studios(but thats something that will take all day an cost 35+ per person) http://www.universalstudioshollywood.com/


personally if im going to use a whole day to do some thing go to six flags magic mountain it is just as good if not better then ceder point. (beware though its built on a mountain. ALOT of up an down hill walking



there are some Museums for free to go in




here is a site that gives 100 free things to do



go do the pacific coast highway.http://www.sixflags.com/magicmountain/index.aspx


driving up to see the holly wood sign(getting there snakes you threw some high $$$$$$ areas where you can see amazing houses an if your lucky a celebrity.



also food wise. hit a fast food restaurant called IN an out.. get your self a double double fries an a shake. all made in the store fresh it is A M A Z I N G :D mmm you cant miss the sign eathier




also any Mexican food restaurant that ends with bertos weather it be allbertos jill bertos joebertos hillbertos just do it an get a carne asada burrito .. (these burritos were where chipotle came from) mmm they are also cheap usually 3-5 Dollars an you wont eat more then one trust me there huge


have fun bub. just don't venture off into bad neighborhoods i don't want to see you on the news as local tourists killed :lol:


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Nice.. Thanks Paul. Yeah I was hoping to hit up some home eatery stuff out there (no chain stores). He lives in some rich snob area of LA so going in the ghetto won't be a big deal.


I forgot about the in and out burger. Definatley will check it out.



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