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You can't dream this shit up


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So I wake up this morning to what seems like should be any normal Monday. Only to find my kids fucked with my alarm clock so I'm up even earlier than expected on a weekend we already fell back. :mad:


I go let the dogs outside and make coffee. Our Patches (white dog) comes in and he's got a dark foot. Normally doesn't. Good God he stepped in a fresh piles of shit. :mad: Bath time. Fuck it, I'm up early.


Morning goes on and wife is about to take the kids to school and I'm off to work. Nope. Van has another flat tire (I just bought a whole new set) a few months ago. :mad: At this point I'm about read to go back to bed.


Wife goes to drive the MS3. Heck with it, weather is nice, who cares. She comes back after dropping the kids off all sorry. Why? Oh shit.....what did you do to the car. She put a cup a coffee on the floor. :mad:


I decide to just call it a day and take off. Wife takes the company car, goes to work while I clean up the MS3 and take the van to the dealer. I go get my hair cut, come home. Fuck!!!! No garage door opener. :o:mad: It's in the van, the other is on my Fusion Key ring the wife has. No big deal.....only the key pad has a dead battery. Another trip to the dealer and back. :mad:


FFWD to tonight. Dinner time. Wife has like 3 items I need to get at the store. OK...off my ass which is finally resting to get 3 items....yes a honey do list. :o Come home and go upstairs to the sitting room so I can lay down to watch TV in peace only to smell something....Dinner burning...FUCK ME!! :mad::mad: Pork chops up in smoke. First time she burns something and it involves a great meal I was waiting on and that I wasted a trip to the store to make. :mad:


Kids are bitchy as it's now 6:00 and blood sugar levels are dropping. Great...time for carry out. Head up to PF Changes, wait 30 minutes for carry out....after calling it in. :mad: On the way out, a dumb ass kid on a skateboard slams into me killing my food. My blood sugar and adrenaline boiling inside me, I calmly walk in and place another order. Kid is cool, offers to pay, but the mgr comps it. Finally a good thing today! :)


20 minutes later I come home to the kids telling me the dog pissed on the treadmill. WTF!! :confused::mad: Don't ask......


I eat dinner, cold....and last after cleaning up the treadmill. True story, come here to post on CR and my PC is locked up. FUCK ME TODAY!!!


I swear it's been the worst day in a very long time. Hope your day was better. I'm having a beer now, but I'm sure I'll get food poisoning and puke it up in the next few hours.

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Without the bad, we'd never appreciate the good.







"Every Stain Has a Story" is how it was told to me prior to having kids.


It's all good......for the past hour or so :rolleyes: Prolly won't sleep tonight either. Always hope for a roll in the hay. :o

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Hmm, I had the day off and wasn't nearly as bad:


- Spent a few hours in the basement, cleaning/organizing. It's amazing how much shit we have. Now I just need to list a bunch of stuff on Craigslist.


- Took a 2 hour nap mid-day, after having lunch and a couple cold ones. :)


- Went out tonight and bought a nice leather sofa for our loft, so we finally have all the furniture we need to buy for up there.


- Washed the shit off of my shoe that I stepped in last night at my mom's house, after visiting her last night. Whatever dog shit there must have ate a tub of glue, as the hose and a scrub brush wouldn't get it off...I had to dig at it with a freaking screw driver.


Your day was worse than mine.

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