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Who on CR would you like to throw hands with?

Jizzle Juice

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It's funny cause most of the people I've met from CR has a shitty Internet personality and a good one in person. So I'm sure if it came down too it most would just talk there way out of fighting. Or have a lead pipe waiting for when guys roll up in a hummer! Dressed to inpress. Hahaha. I must say that was priceless
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ill take on scott to so i might actually have a chance at winning a fight

You are half my size, I'm not worried.

It's funny cause most of the people I've met from CR has a shitty Internet personality and a good one in person. So I'm sure if it came down too it most would just talk there way out of fighting. Or have a lead pipe waiting for when guys roll up in a hummer! Dressed to inpress. Hahaha. I must say that was priceless

West side trash uses lead pipes. :bangbang:

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Well, since no one else has picked on him yet, I'll say it. Paul. Maybe if someone hits him hard enough it will straighten him up enough to type a half legit sentence for once in his life lmao.



I'll take on Scott to so I might actually have a chance at winning a fight.



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Nobody mentioned me yet? Damn, I must've been forgotten. I've been threatened through PMs enough times here, but none of those people have posted in here.


I would fight Brian and Anthony together. It would be a sensational hate crime if I won :nod:

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Waiting for jones to make a smartass comment since I pretty much made him my bitch with my Internet tough guy speech. Yea I said it. That being said no one cuz only three pep in here so far could pull themselves away from here long enough.


I vote this guy, because he's not an internet tough guy.




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Thorne has threatened me before with his Brazilian Dance Fighting that he likes so much.




I really don't know who I'd fight. Most of the time I have a problem with someone on here, I don't even know their name. I generally only look at the comment and if I do look at the name, I usually forget in the next five minutes.


I dont know. Linn might need another fight against someone who doesn't get thrown to the ground like a little bitch. lol ;)


Some of us can have a middle-age men match. This is where all middle age men meet in the parking lot, then have to jog around back of the bar before fighting, thus, tiring half of them out. Some will get calls from their significant others and have to leave, some will never even get out of the house, and the rest left will probably get bored and wander inside for a beer. We're all champions!


BTW, if anyone wants to fight me, you should know if I win, I WILL steal your virginity. Remember that.

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I still cant believe I missed the first ever cr fight night. Looks like round 2 may be in the making.


Yeah, many people pussied... uh, I mean didn't show up. ;) I'm a llittle more prepared this time. Lost a bit of weight, stopped smoking. Last time, I couldnt have been less ready. Hell, I smoked right up to the door and had been sick for two weeks previously.

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I will not only throw hands with the OP, but i will take on phil at the same time. If it came down to it, i would beat one with the other.


Haha. I'd just have phil run circles around you then decide to join in. The way he runs on the football field you'd be wore out and I could blow you over Lol

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