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If your home is broken into....


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My pistol is within arms reach at all times and my daughters room is steps from mine. My plan would be to get to her room and get her safely in the closet, as it's out of the line of fire from the hallway and our walls are plaster, so thicker than most and should stop a lot. Then just hole up and wait for the cops, my cell is right next to my gun but once the alarm goes off the cops are called and I'm pretty sure that my neighbors would take notice if I didn't shut my alarm off quickly, and do something about it. That's the nice thing about small neighborhoods, we've all talked.


All this talk about biometric safes has reminded me I meant to get one awhile back, a quick google search finds them for around $180 for the micro, is that the going rate?

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FYI, A .22 bullet will go through on wall and lodge into the next before without going through the far side.


Brian, multiple person intruder would turn this thread into zombies attack posts.

Edited by Mojoe
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I grab pistol, wife heads to master closet with cell and loaded shotty already there. I go hunting for meat to fill the freezer.


Come at me bruh.


Seriously, best of luck to you. I hope you're Jason Bourne.


FYI, A .22 bullet will go through on wall and lodge into the next before without going through the far side.


Brian, multiple person intruder would turn this thread into zombies attack posts.


.22? Who uses a .22 for home defense?

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.22? Who uses a .22 for home defense?


Its far better than nothing. I've read several times that .22s kill more people each year than any other caliber in the US.


Anyways, if someone breaks into my place, I don't handle the situation, Mr. Remington does.




First two rounds are #4 shot, followed all by 00 Buck. Roommates room is behind mine in a sense, so if anyone came in from either the main entrance or sliding glass doors, there's only one direction I point towards down the hallway. #4 shot wouldn't make it through the brick on the other side of the drywall, so I have no hesitation about shooting.

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I will do more damage with a .22 in close quarters than most people. For argument sake, I'll say that's my first go to piece.


FYI, if I have time to get that in my hand, you have other issues you're already dealing with.

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I can grab my 9mm just as fast as I can grab a .22, and yes it CAN kill, but so can a trip and a bump on the head. I'm looking for stopping power. Not necessarily killing power. That's why I load hollow points instead of ball rounds for defense.
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I will do more damage with a .22 in close quarters than most people. For argument sake, I'll say that's my first go to piece.


FYI, if I have time to get that in my hand, you have other issues you're already dealing with.


I like your style.

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Just to put it into a real world perspective as in, been there and done that in the middle of the night. Those of you without a good, bright light, you are at an extreme disadvantage. There is a reason weapon lights were invented. I have been in the situation where a very bright Surefire light saved someone's life, meaning his life was spared in that instance. Identifying a threat is crucial. The surprise of 70+ lumens in pitch black is a life saver. I've done raids in the pitch black with NVG's on, but nothing beats white light surprise. A light alone might even save you sending a round into another person or mistaking that bump in the night as a "bad guy." Not saying that gun "XYZ" isn't your best choice, you would be shocked at the power of a light.
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What's the difference in stopping power with in 20' between .22 and 50 cal? Realistically, nothing. The difference is who did I hit in the house, or house's next door. Not to metion other people in the building.
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Just to put it into a real world perspective as in, been there and done that in the middle of the night. Those of you without a good, bright light, you are at an extreme disadvantage. There is a reason weapon lights were invented. I have been in the situation where a very bright Surefire light saved someone's life, meaning his life was spared in that instance. Identifying a threat is crucial. The surprise of 70+ lumens in pitch black is a life saver. I've done raids in the pitch black with NVG's on, but nothing beats white light surprise. A light alone might even save you sending a round into another person or mistaking that bump in the night as a "bad guy." Not saying that gun "XYZ" isn't your best choice, you would be shocked at the power of a light.


Surefire also sits by my bed. :) In the end though, as I said, I will not hunt through a house unless I absolutely have to.


What's the difference in stopping power with in 20' between .22 and 50 cal? Realistically, nothing. The difference is who did I hit in the house, or house's next door. Not to metion other people in the building.


No difference in stopping power? Ok...


Anyway, back to reality and logic, I live in an all brick house with insulated walls in the middle of a crap ton of cornfields. My hollow points and 12g will be just fine. The .22s stay in the gun cabinet and comes out only for fun times shooting targets or hunting small creatures like they're meant to.


No offense to you. If that's your means of defense then by all means rock it. I'm just stating that I prefer to know that I can drop a cracked out assailant. 10 .22 rounds from a Walther won't do that for me.


It's just a matter of preference really.

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As I said, "for argument sake". Now we can "what if" this stuff forever. My point for argument is in your average home, your longest shot is about 20'. My prior post was to see if you would post what you did. A 9mm on a crack head, crank head, roid raging freak, isn't doing much more than a .22.


So, all cranked up and kicked in the door running through your house. Thats right there with the zombie defense. And I already stated one other weapon I would use with someone in the home. In which, I revert back to the plan using a safe room.


Hell, I'd rather just use peper spray and stay non lethal.


Here's the thing with "what if's". What if my sister had a dick? She'd be my brother.


Any time you what if a situation, it's not the same situation anymore. So therefore, the solution changes too.

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Yenner, understand I'm trying to poke people's brain. You have thought things out fir your situation. That's all I would ever really ask people do. I like your approach because you have a plan. I'm scarecrow the people who don't think it can/will happen to them am have nothing in place, regardless of using a weapon.


I wasn't saying there's no difference in stopping power between .22 and a 50 cal. I was asking for your explanation on what the difference was at 20', so I could make the point that caliber of weapon in a home makes little difference until the situation changes. And it will change. People simply need to be as effective as they can with what they have. If I have a grenade, I just might us a grenade on them. Just saying. Maybe I have a LAW Rocket. If I stepped into the room pointing a rocket at you and your a bad guy, what do you do?


Casper can laugh at that because he knows.

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What's the difference in stopping power with in 20' between .22 and 50 cal? Realistically, nothing. The difference is who did I hit in the house, or house's next door. Not to metion other people in the building.


Agreed, if your gettin hit w/.22's your not gonna like it, or any other rounds for that matter. I prefer a 45 w/hollow points as long as I'm on the givin end of the deal. However, a fella trained w/firearms, and close quarters combat such as Mojoe would more than likely be a crooks quick retirement plan.


Now, as for the light. No doubt its nice to see what your shootin, but bad guys carry guns too. I wouldnt want to turn on a light in the dark and put myself on front street w/a sign that says here I am shoot me.


Nevertheless, a gun is the one thing I'd rather be caught w/than caught w/o.;)

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Agreed, if your gettin hit w/.22's your not gonna like it, or any other rounds for that matter. I prefer a 45 w/hollow points as long as I'm on the givin end of the deal. However, a fella trained w/firearms, and close quarters combat such as Mojoe would more than likely be a crooks quick retirement plan.


Now, as for the light. No doubt its nice to see what your shootin, but bad guys carry guns too. I wouldnt want to turn on a light in the dark and put myself on front street w/a sign that says here I am shoot me.


Nevertheless, a gun is the one thing I'd rather be caught w/than caught w/o.;)


Stopping power between a .22 and a .45 is a dumb argument (not really picking on you here). Fact is, unless you get immediate incapacitation (i.e., brain stem severed) they're not going down easily. The goal is to cause multiple holes to induce organ failure, shock, and bleeding. To say that one round is significantly better at doing that in a CQB situation is a little ludicrous.


As for the light, Scott is dead on. A good light shined in the eyes in a dark environment will cause temporary blindness. At best this saves you from shooting and at worst you get a couple second jump on the intruder. It doesn't really have to do with seeing what you're shooting, do some low light training and you'll get that. I used to use a Streamlight TLR-1, but without a rail I've gone to my 2d Mag. I know from testing that it will blind you for a couple seconds.

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Now I will admit I have no low light training, or no light, or daylight.


However, its gonna be hard to focus a light on someone whos shootin at ya. If I were a burglar I would be armed, and not alone.


Regardless, I'm sure your all correct and I guess I wouldnt stand a chance against such killers.......

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Guest Spam
I know from testing that it will blind you for a couple seconds.




Please tell me how you tested? Where you all like :fuckyeah:, got my new streamlight TRL-1, time to do some testing. Lets go into a dark room, and have my wife shine this into my eyes, it wont be too bad :dumb:. Alright honey, give it to me, :no:, she shines it onto your skull and your all like :fuuuu:, and shes like :gabe:, and after 3-4 seconds your like :megusta: it works.





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Now I will admit I have no low light training, or no light, or daylight.


However, its gonna be hard to focus a light on someone whos shootin at ya. If I were a burglar I would be armed, and not alone.


Regardless, I'm sure your all correct and I guess I wouldnt stand a chance against such killers.......

It's not necessarily about getting them straight in the eyes. Anywhere in the vicinity will disrupt their vision. If they're already shooting, you're probably fucked anyway. Keep in mind also that I do not suggest you "go hunting". It's pretty easy to have a light pointed at the doorway of your safe area, along with another weapon, to get yourself the advantage if the door opens.



Please tell me how you tested? Where you all like :fuckyeah:, got my new streamlight TRL-1, time to do some testing. Lets go into a dark room, and have my wife shine this into my eyes, it wont be too bad :dumb:. Alright honey, give it to me, :no:, she shines it onto your skull and your all like :fuuuu:, and shes like :gabe:, and after 3-4 seconds your like :megusta: it works.






I knew it would suck but I wanted to know what to expect. It's easier to plan your defense if you know what's going to happen when you employ your tactics. That being said, the second part of your paragraph is almost entirely accurate.

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Guest Spam
It's not necessarily about getting them straight in the eyes. Anywhere in the vicinity will disrupt their vision. If they're already shooting, you're probably fucked anyway. Keep in mind also that I do not suggest you "go hunting". It's pretty easy to have a light pointed at the doorway of your safe area, along with another weapon, to get yourself the advantage if the door opens.



I knew it would suck but I wanted to know what to expect. It's easier to plan your defense if you know what's going to happen when you employ your tactics. That being said, the second part of your paragraph is almost entirely accurate.


HAHAHA. Thats awesome. Props for taking it like a man. :lolguy:

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