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Walking Dead season 2....


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Had 7.3 million viewers last night. Most watched telecast of a drama in basic cable history. Averaged around 5.5 million viewers last season.


To put that in perspective, AMC's critical darlings, Breaking Bad and Mad Men, average 1.75 million and 2.5 million viewers respectively. I personally think Breaking Bad is the best show on TV but The Walking Dead is doing some amazing things for AMC. Can't believe they canned Darabont supposedly over a budget dispute. This show is averaging more than twice the viewers of Mad Men and you want to get cheap?

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Had 7.3 million viewers last night. Most watched telecast of a drama in basic cable history. Averaged around 5.5 million viewers last season.


To put that in perspective, AMC's critical darlings, Breaking Bad and Mad Men, average 1.75 million and 2.5 million viewers respectively. I personally think Breaking Bad is the best show on TV but The Walking Dead is doing some amazing things for AMC. Can't believe they canned Darabont supposedly over a budget dispute. This show is averaging more than twice the viewers of Mad Men and you want to get cheap?


:dumb: AMC. I heard that and laughed.

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I dont look at it as if the zombie is thinking. If they can "smell humans" and can hide there smell by rubbing zombie goo all over them. Maybe the zombie walked past RV and smelled human and looked for a lunch.

As for running and thinking I just thought it was reacting. Food took off and it chased it. It does seem that the fresher zombies are faster then the others which would kinda make sense.

I dont over think The Walking Dead much. Its a badass series and there are a ton of directions the series can take. I like the direction they are heading. The Farm and The Prison look like they may be in this season which could be a whole bunch of damn good shows.


don't get me wrong, I love the show and will keep watching it until it ends, I do tend to nit-pick the obvious, like in season 1 the zombies can smell live humans and find them, season 2 live humans hide under cars while a herd of zombies pass by and they can't smell them? 1 live human is hiding inside an RV and 1 zombie(the last one of that huge herd that passed the RV) goes inside? its stuff like that that bothers me, but again I love the show and will continue to watch it and I will buy it when it comes out on Blu-Ray

Edited by SinisterSS
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don't get me wrong, I love the show and will keep watching it until it ends, I do tend to nit-pick the obvious, like in season 1 the zombies can smell live humans and find them, season 2 live humans hide under cars while a herd of zombies pass by and they can't smell them? 1 live human is hiding inside an RV and 1 zombie(the last one of that huge herd that passed the RV) goes inside? its stuff like that that bothers me, but again I love the show and will continue to what it and I will buy it when it comes out on Blu-Ray


There was an intereview with the creator after the show where someone asked him the same question, "i thought zombies could smell humans?". His answer/theory was that they can infact use the sense of smell however they're not bloodhounds and cant track live people that way, hence hiding under a car/truck is safe enough. Thats how he explained it anyway.

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It wont do any good unless they figure out how to use a suppressor. i actually like the fact that they're all so apprehensive about using the firearms they do have.


I was like :fuckyeah: when Carl found that stash of Bear Grylls Gerber 'weapons'.

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