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what do you want to do when you grow up?


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I got a general business degree just to make cheese sticks

Making cheese sticks is generally a business, right? :gabe:


I often thought I should at least take something pretty general but I'm afraid it wouldn't interest me enough to keep my attention and possibly not really help me do anything with my life since I don't know what the F I want to do anyway.

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Still no clue. My current job allows me to do some pretty cool shit that 99% of people will never have the opportunity to do, but I don't necessarily see myself doing this forever. I'd like to win the lottery and then be a professional college student. Just spend the rest of my life studying whatever subjects I find interesting.





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When I grow up I want to be...


...a good dad that can provide for my family and my son can look up to.

...someone that never stray's from their morals.

...someone that helps others achieve thier goals. I get great satisfaction by helping others achieve something they have worked hard for, and gives my life more meaning than just 'cashin checks.'

...a hard working individual that others in my field can respect.

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When I grow up I want to be...


...a good dad that can provide for my family and my son can look up to.

...someone that never stray's from their morals.

...someone that helps others achieve thier goals. I get great satisfaction by helping others achieve something they have worked hard for, and gives my life more meaning than just 'cashin checks.'

...a hard working individual that others in my field can respect.





I want to be everything my dad has been and then some.

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When I grow up I want to be...


...a good dad that can provide for my family and my son can look up to.

...someone that never stray's from their morals.

...someone that helps others achieve thier goals. I get great satisfaction by helping others achieve something they have worked hard for, and gives my life more meaning than just 'cashin checks.'

...a hard working individual that others in my field can respect.


+1. This is the mentality that I've always had.

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I guess I'll use my answer from when I was ~4. I don't think any of these still apply, except maybe the last one.


I want to be:

A daddy

A doggy doctor

A bird

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chalk up one more to someone with no clue. didn't go to college, and now thinking about going back, but i have a couple problems...a) i get bored with shit too easy. i can't figure out anything that would keep me interested for more than a couple years before i get sick of it...b) i'm a person that if i can't get what i'm going for right away, i say fuck it...if i see an item online but can't buy it in the store, fuck it. it would make me insane to go to school for years to get a degree...unfortunately, a college education can't be picked up off the shelf and done.


i had what i thought was a pretty decent gig doing collections, making almost $60k/yr with nothing but a HS diploma, had a few bad months and got the boot. i enjoyed it, but being out of it for ~8 months now, not sure if i want to go back...ive applied at a couple places, but i think its mainly the $$ drawing me back, knowing the potential earning...but i know for sure im already sick of doing customer service BS for 1/2 the pay. theres hardly any stress, but theres also 0 challenge for me and it bores the shit out of me to go to work every day.


law enforcement has interested me, but i dont know how far i could get with the back issues i have from a few years ago.

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anyone 25 or older still struggle with this question? do you feel dumb saying it out loud? i do.




Dude, dont feel dumb for asking this question b/c everyone has asked themselves the same thing before. And in this day and age when people change careers up to 4 times in a lifetime its very common.


My uncle for example, went to college to become a high school history teacher, did so and had a good career doing so, started a family raising 3 little girls then realized when he was 40 he wanted to go to law school.... ffwd a few decades and he's a partner in his firm, does great work and also teachers law at UCONN b/c he says he wants to teach business law next, but that requires a business degree aswell so he's doing that too.


Or myself, Ive always worked blue collar jobs since high school. Only in the last year did i get off my ass and quit crying and bitching about wanting something more. I use to look at it as "i dont want to put my life on hold while i go back to school" but thats rediculous. Now i look at it as, I had/or am currently having a career and i want a different one with more potential. So as far as knowing what you want to be when you grow up, its never too late to change your mind so might as well try something you like. As of right now im working FT and going to school FT, is it hard? well yeah, if degree's were easy everyone would have one.


Will my major change (currently business management major)? Maybe, im open to other options but at least i started and ive got the ball rolling. Ive thought about law a school, every legal class i take i really enjoy and always get A's, in fact the only challenging classes i have are all of my math classes. talked to my uncle and he informed me of what to expect etc... so thats always a possibility. One positive aspect of my position is that I pay for everything out of pocket b/c i refuse to be a graduate with $10, $20 or $30k in student debt.

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Oh and one more thing, you dont NEED a college degree to be happy or to make alot of money. But it opens more doors than would be possible if you didnt have one. Hell you dont even need one in the particular field you end up in, there are alot of very smart, capable people out there with college degrees in something they dont even work with (ie, Tim in this thread who if i remember correctly was an architect) so dont let that hold you back either.
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Still no clue. My current job allows me to do some pretty cool shit that 99% of people will never have the opportunity to do, but I don't necessarily see myself doing this forever. I'd like to win the lottery and then be a professional college student. Just spend the rest of my life studying whatever subjects I find interesting.




I turn 28 Saturday and I've always known what I wanted to do...but I was too lazy to go after it and got friggin' fat as all get out. Now I'm having to work much harder to get there, but when I do I'll have more drive, life experience, and determination than anyone around me.


I'm shooting for Navy EOD.

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