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How old were you when you had your first fight ?


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So my 8 year old son who is a completely non-violent kid got in his first fight. He's in the last week of summer camp at a private school prior to starting the 3rd grade. Evidently there's been a kid from Olentangy district that has been causing trouble and in general acting like an idiot. Yesterday he decided to pick on my son and actually punched him in the stomach.


My son who was hunched over, stood back up, but before the kid could hit him again, swept the kids legs out from under him causing him to fall pretty hard. (yeah, he learned that from me :gabe: ) He's not hurt but has a case of bruised ego. Especially since he's about 15lbs heavier and taller than my son. Beautiful thing is it was all caught on in classroom security cameras. The kid clearly was cocking his arm back for another punch too. I wish I could post it.


Fuck the parents of the other kid who are trying to "threaten us" with legal BS. Their kid has a recorded history at this school and his primary school of such shitty behavior. I'm looking forward to their bullshit. My son's never even been sent to the office and avoids trouble by walking away. This event had my son backed into the locker area where there was no way out.


So how old were you when you had your first fight. I was 9-10yrs old. I remember not really knowing what to do other than swing. It wasn't until I saw the class geek whip the snot out of someone picking on him that I buddied up with him and went to his martial arts class. We were friends through college thanks to that.

Isn't your wife an attorney? :dumb:


I was in elementary school but I don't remember what grade. Once I got older, no one wanted to fight me anymore. I don't know why, I guess they were scared of a hulking midget.

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~10. Kid picked on me for a while and I always did what mom said which was walk away. Stepdad got tired of it and witnessed what was happening and told me since moms way wasn't working that I need to stand up for myself. Got off the bus and the kid started stuff, stepdad said I wasn't going home until I kicked the kids ass. Felt great and he never bothered me again.
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Guest 6boltcolt

4th grade, idk what age that is. kid shoulder checked me in line and i used my backpack loaded with a couple books as a mace. direct hit to right eye.


i've done martial arts since i was eight, never had someone try to honestly fight me ever since(plenty of ring time though!) but when i was still in elementary and middle school i took nothing but shit for learning karate. nobody would really start shit to my face but i had 3 brothers gang up on me to prove karate was dumb, had a kid sucker punch me with a masterlock in his fist the last day of school for talking about martial arts, there were other times as well. i have to give the kid with the masterlock credit, it was the last day of school and he was sitting behind me on the bus, direct hit to my temple as he walked past on his way off the bus and got away scott free.


all i can say is, i still do martial arts, but i suggest kids that do martial arts dont talk about it at school, it pretty much paints a red x on you for bullies, making the problem worse. do it teddy roosevelt style, speak softly and carry a big stick.

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Wasn't really much of a fight, but I was in the 4th grade. Sitting next to someone who kept pinching me all day. Told the rents about it, the rents talked to the teacher. Kid didn't stop, so the rents said the next time he does it, knock his ass off the chair. Went to school the next day, kid pinched me, so I knocked his ass onto the floor breaking the seat off the desk (it was one of those swivel chairs) in the process. I was sent to the office, the rents got called in and they told the principal the whole story. I did not get in trouble for it. The kid was moved to a different area of the class away from me. He never bothered me again.
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Mine was in second grade, haven't had a real legitimate one in a while. My parents did have to deal with the kids parents though, because I broke the kids glasses. I don't remember how it was resolved, but i remember me, my parents, and the other kids parents discussing it....


I also knocked some hippie kid over a couple years back, as I was leaving a final running 48 hours on no sleep. They were petitioning for some cause on the steps and i said something to him about how his cause was bullshit.... and eventually pushed his ass down a couple steps.

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I got into a number of fights in elementary school. Some kid from a group of guys that would pick on me from time to time got pissy while we were playing basketball and started choking me. Just holding his arms out straight so I couldn't get real good hits on him. I took the bone on the bottom of my palm and hammered it into his temple a few times. Last hit knocked him on him on his ass. Then one of the other kids that would mess with me started talking shit and coming up to me. So I threw a haymaker style punch at him and bloodied his lip. The group never gave me trouble after that, and I ended up being cool with them in middle school and high school. I'm surprised no teachers saw this either, as it was on the playground right in front of everyone.
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Good fight story, that meshes well with Bucky's recent "80's and 90's" thread...


This 8th grader was constantly messing with one of the 6th graders. Like to the point that even I was like, "dude, let the guy be for a bit, man." Well, turns out that this particular 6th grader had a brother that was a junior at the nearby highscool, and apparently, had gotten to the point that he had had enough, and told him about this guy that kept messing with him.


So, the Junior decides that he is going to meet the 6th grader and walk him home from school. Well, wouldn't you know it, the 8th grader is there, messing with the kid, roughing him up and generally being a douche. Well, the kids older bro isn't havin that shit, so he steps in and basically Force pushes the douche aside and says something to the point of "Mess with my bro again, and you are gonna be eating that backpack."


Being that the douche is surrounded by about 3 of his homies, he can't let this guy punk him (even though he is literally twice his size, and way more athletic) so he retorts with something like "fuck you, bish. Your bro AND you are both punks!", and it is on like the proverbial Donkey Kong.


The fight lasts about a minute, and it consists of, no joke, the 8th grader getting punched in the face about 30 times and basically by the end of the fight just trying to maintain his ability to stand up straight. The junior hit him real hard like twice at the outset, and then was basically just fucking with him, using him as practice for the rest of the throwdown. Finally, he had enough and decides to end this shit by hitting the douche with a punch that started somewhere in New Mexico, caught two buses, a train and a covered wagon and finally ended up on the douchebags grill.


Quite a crowd had gathered by this point, and when the douche finally hit the ground, it was quiet as a church for about 10 seconds. Finally, one of the kids watching cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled out...




And the rest of us fucking lost it. For the rest of the time we went to school with the douche, his nickname was "Everlast".

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some big bitch in my neighborhood who was probably 14 and i was 12, a small 12. and im not real sure on the details but i think she was mad coz her gang bf thought i was hot or something. so we danced. and she fell.

then i join karate shortly after, didnt go too far but i would love to kick the shit out of someone rifght now, if theres takers. and dont take me lightly, please.

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12...this kid had been trying to fight me all day and I wouldn't do it. I never wanted to fight. I am not a real scrapper. So anyway, the kid goes after my youngers brother's friend while another kid who was a whole lot older help my brother's friend preventing him from leaving. That's when I walked up to the kid...tapped him on the shoulder...and when he turned around I punched him as hard as I could in the eye. He had glasses on. Not much of a fight. Pick on me all you want but don't mess with someone else who can't defend themselves.


The fight after that I was like 13 or 14. There was this kid that wanted to fight my brother but my brother wasn't at the park so the kid wanted to fight me. He was there with 4 friends who were all bigger than me. I tried for 2hrs to leav the park and they would not let me leave. Had be backed up against a fence and one kid behind me I didn't see was on the other side of this short fence and put me in a choke hold and arched my back over the fence so I couldn't move. I told them I would fight if they let me go. As soon as he let me go the kid rolls up on roler blades (idiot) and swings and just barely clips my nose. Enough to hurt though, I covered my nose, yelled some words I shouldn't have, they started wailing on him. He blocked the first few but I was coming at him with some serious fury and I was going to land a good one no matter what and I was through so many punches he slipped up in blocking one and I caught him right in the mouth then his friends pulle dme off of him. I seriously would have kept going without stopping had they not pulled me off.


3rd and best in my opinion, I was 15 or 16, had just moved to Gahanna, and this kid in my neighborhood kept trying to get me to fight him all fall. (We had the same bus stop). I wouldn't do it. One winter day we go on the bus after school and he threw an iceball at my head and missed me by and inch. I had enough and said fine, lets just do this and get it over with (I was 100% sure I would lose, bad.) We get off the bus, there i 6in of snow on the ground, we put our bookbags on the ground, I walk up to him, he grabs my coat, I grab his, he swings me around and I use my weight to bring him to the ground too and I quickly get ove rhim and get him in a full nelson with his arms in the air and I slam his head into a snow drift and let him stay theyre while everyone else laughed at him. I asked him if he was ready to let it go, he said yes, end fight. He tried being my friend after that.


And there is my fighting history. Never have liked it and I have no desire to get into fights now either.

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SDo they know that your wife is a lawyer? :dumb:


They didn't upon their initial flapping of the lips. When my wife and I showed up, I let her lead by handing them her business card. :gabe: Their big point is that I'm training him and of course they are trying to spin it that it's aggressiveness on his part :o thanks to me. Husband was low key, but I did seriously want to drop the bitch mom myself. :fuckyeah: I told her that it's her responsibility to teach their son how to behave properly as it was his action that put him in harms way. I also reiterated that Nick actually was pretty gentle with his technique. He could have easily elminiated the threat in a 2-3 different more serious ways. I said he showed excellent judgement. :)



i've done martial arts since i was eight, never had someone try to honestly fight me ever since(plenty of ring time though!) but when i was still in elementary and middle school i took nothing but shit for learning karate.


Same here. I was 12 when I started and it wasn't until I got in a fight in 9th grade that ended badly for the guy fucking with me that people stopped egging me on. I was about 150lbs all through school, so fiarly lean, but as you know it's not about size.


all i can say is, i still do martial arts, but i suggest kids that do martial arts dont talk about it at school, it pretty much paints a red x on you for bullies, making the problem worse. do it teddy roosevelt style, speak softly and carry a big stick.
I've been training him at home off and on. I used to instruct a kids class so I have loads of things to show him, but try and keep it to the less harmful and aggressive moves until he's a little older. He keeps it low key. I actually don't tell him any particulars. He just knows I'm teaching him how to defend himself and that training is no different than him learning to swim or play ball. This way he isn't inclined to go around talking about it. He's a big soccer nut so leg moves are easy and natural for him. He likes that I've explained such moves are not what anyone typically expects either. Most kids anticipate a punch.


I trained in Jujitsu and Savate. What style(s) have you studied?

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I was in the 6th grade. My friend and I got into it at the bus stop in the morning. Cold-cocked me right in the temple, I flipped and tackled him to the ground and just started wailing on him until he started screaming. Our friendship didn't last too much longer after that.
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Guest 6boltcolt
I got into a number of fights in elementary school. Some kid from a group of guys that would pick on me from time to time got pissy while we were playing basketball and started choking me. Just holding his arms out straight so I couldn't get real good hits on him. I took the bone on the bottom of my palm and hammered it into his temple a few times. Last hit knocked him on him on his ass. Then one of the other kids that would mess with me started talking shit and coming up to me. So I threw a haymaker style punch at him and bloodied his lip. The group never gave me trouble after that, and I ended up being cool with them in middle school and high school. I'm surprised no teachers saw this either, as it was on the playground right in front of everyone.


i like the term "haymaker style punch". a good jab is a beautiful thing, but dont punch people in the mouth, great way to be blood brothers with the guy, or aids brothers if yer real unlucky.


some big bitch in my neighborhood who was probably 14 and i was 12, a small 12. and im not real sure on the details but i think she was mad coz her gang bf thought i was hot or something. so we danced. and she fell.

then i join karate shortly after, didnt go too far but i would love to kick the shit out of someone rifght now, if theres takers. and dont take me lightly, please.

always down to put pads on.

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Guest 6boltcolt
I was about 150lbs all through school, so fiarly lean, but as you know it's not about size.


I've been training him at home off and on. I used to instruct a kids class so I have loads of things to show him, but try and keep it to the less harmful and aggressive moves until he's a little older. He keeps it low key. I actually don't tell him any particulars. He just knows I'm teaching him how to defend himself and that training is no different than him learning to swim or play ball. This way he isn't inclined to go around talking about it. He's a big soccer nut so leg moves are easy and natural for him. He likes that I've explained such moves are not what anyone typically expects either. Most kids anticipate a punch.


I trained in Jujitsu and Savate. What style(s) have you studied?


my original system was a hodgepodge of kenpo karate, kung fu, okinawan karate, basically everything my old master had studied and made a curriculum of, i got my first black in that at 15. since then i've done alot of tae kwon do, and now im at another kenpo karate school but theres a group of masters from varying systems who hang out there, im leaving shortly to drill with marv wiliiams there whose well versed in gracie jujitsu among other things.

90% of what i've done is stand up fighting though im trying to "fix" that. i have a decent knowledge of joint locks from kenpo, but marv has been showing me what a chess game it can really be on the ground.


oh and i hit 100lbs freshman year, same year i hit 6ft. recently as ive hit 24-25 yrs of age, i started taking creatine and im 6'4 and 175(put on 15 lean lbs in a mth!) looking forward to my "man weight" as some have called it. much easier to doll out/deal with hits.

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3rd grade, on the playground. One of the 5th graders was picking on the little girls, throwing rocks at them and stuff like that. One of them stood up and yelled at him, and he straight out punched her right in the face. She went down crying...he turned around to say something to his buddies with a big old shit-eater grin on his face...

Blackout...all I remember is when he pissed himself when I knee-dropped him in the gut, and one of his buddies tried to shove Ms. Groves out of the way to "save" the shit-eater. She was about 800 years old, and not much bigger than most of us kids, but she back-handed him so hard he landed on his face pointing back the way he came, and I mean that LITERALLY...


I got a lunch detention and two broken fingers. He had a broken nose, torn shirt and pants, and his dad had to leave work and come to the principals office to watch his son get ten swats for starting a fight that left him with pissy pants...

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We had a fight club in 4th grade. We only got caught and in trouble when I knocked some kid's front tooth out


Seriously, I remember at my elementary school we had this weird ass metal ring that was about 5 feet in diameter and about 5 feet tall maybe. Everyone would fight in that shit at recess

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I loved fighting (to old and soft now, crap like that hurts). My brother and I fought from the time we could both stand. That wouldn't be a real fight to most people, but you'd have to know us. We broke bones a lot and I drew first blood by breaking his collar bone at around 5-6yrs old.


First outside the house fights weren't until I was much older. By then I'd been into martial arts for a lot of years and wasn't ever in a fight outside of class that lasted more than a move or two due to the other guys lack of experience. I didn't hurt them to bad just a throw or arm bar or something until they calmed down and realized they picked on the wrong guy.

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