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Ha, CL, I heart you


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Had to share a quick story. I've had a guy from Dayton e-mailing AT LEAST 4 times a day for a week about my 06 Ram. Answered all of his questions, he never made a time to make the "considerable" drive ALL THE WAY up here (what, 2 hours tops?).


I worked 6am to 1130 yesterday, crashed when I walked in my house, checked e-mail when I woke up to get....


4 e-mails from "Aaron" yesterday, hours apart, 1 including a ridiculous low-ball, ending with this gem:


"At this point I feel like my time has been wasted. Try being more considerate sometime."


Not quite the zinger one-liner that would fall in anyone's top ten list. Who gets pussy-hurt over this? Who doesn't just man up and shoot a seller a phone number instead of 20 e-mails? If I didn't meet an occasional, legit, CL buyer, I would give up on CL entirely.


Anyways, back to being a horrible, inconsiderate seller.



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Honestly, that's what I call a cool story bro. Such a riveting tale, I honestly copy and pasted it to word,

saved on my hard drive, backed it up on a jump drive, drove to the bank, put the jump drive in the safe

deposit box, and will leave it there until my kids turn about 12 (when they can actually state their age,

and ask what it is I'm showing them), when I will pick it up, put it in an old USB drive reader and relay

this cool story to them and tell them, "kids, this is what a cool story should look and sound like...not like the stories your generation tells.

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Honestly, that's what I call a cool story bro. Such a riveting tale, I honestly copy and pasted it to word,

saved on my hard drive, backed it up on a jump drive, drove to the bank, put the jump drive in the safe

deposit box, and will leave it there until my kids turn about 12 (when they can actually state their age,

and ask what it is I'm showing them), when I will pick it up, put it in an old USB drive reader and relay

this cool story to them and tell them, "kids, this is what a cool story should look and sound like...not like the stories your generation tells.


So besides this and your 'cheeky' rebuttal, got any others? Cause i see those two a lot.

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So besides this and your 'cheeky' rebuttal, got any others? Cause i see those two a lot.


u are 1 fucking cheeky cunt mate i swear i am goin 2 wreck u i swear on my mums life and i no u are scared lil bitch gettin

your mates to send me messages saying dont meet up coz u r sum big bastard with muscles lol fuckin sad mate really sad

jus shows what a scared lil gay boy u are and whats all this crap ur mates sendin me about sum bodybuildin website that 1

of your faverite places to look at men u lil fuckin gay boy fone me if u got da balls cheeky prick see if u can step up lil queer

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u are 1 fucking cheeky cunt mate i swear i am goin 2 wreck u i swear on my mums life and i no u are scared lil bitch gettin

your mates to send me messages saying dont meet up coz u r sum big bastard with muscles lol fuckin sad mate really sad

jus shows what a scared lil gay boy u are and whats all this crap ur mates sendin me about sum bodybuildin website that 1

of your faverite places to look at men u lil fuckin gay boy fone me if u got da balls cheeky prick see if u can step up lil queer



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I prefer to email 20 times before calling. Easy to get the truth from people before wasting several hrs and gas by driving to see. I dont know how many times I have been burnt lately from driving places and the item isnt even close to what was described. After 20 emails I cant believe the guy was dumb enough to not know what to expect.
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u are 1 fucking cheeky cunt mate i swear i am goin 2 wreck u i swear on my mums life and i no u are scared lil bitch gettin

your mates to send me messages saying dont meet up coz u r sum big bastard with muscles lol fuckin sad mate really sad

jus shows what a scared lil gay boy u are and whats all this crap ur mates sendin me about sum bodybuildin website that 1

of your faverite places to look at men u lil fuckin gay boy fone me if u got da balls cheeky prick see if u can step up lil queer


Have you ever contributed anything worthwhile since youve been a member here? Just curious.

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When I had my GTP advertised on craigslist, I got a ton of e-mails from tire kickers and kids asking me all kinds of ridiculous shit. I patiently answered everyone's questions, no matter how stupid they were. To my surprise, one of the kids (who e-mailed me like 6 times a day for several days) drove all the way from Michigan and paid my full asking price.


I couldn't believe it.

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Had to share a quick story. I've had a guy from Dayton e-mailing AT LEAST 4 times a day for a week about my 06 Ram. Answered all of his questions, he never made a time to make the "considerable" drive ALL THE WAY up here (what, 2 hours tops?).


I worked 6am to 1130 yesterday, crashed when I walked in my house, checked e-mail when I woke up to get....


4 e-mails from "Aaron" yesterday, hours apart, 1 including a ridiculous low-ball, ending with this gem:


"At this point I feel like my time has been wasted. Try being more considerate sometime."


Not quite the zinger one-liner that would fall in anyone's top ten list. Who gets pussy-hurt over this? Who doesn't just man up and shoot a seller a phone number instead of 20 e-mails? If I didn't meet an occasional, legit, CL buyer, I would give up on CL entirely.


Anyways, back to being a horrible, inconsiderate seller.




I would have fired a series of simple questions off to him.


  • How is is that I wasted your time?
  • Is there further information you would like that I've not provided?
  • Have I not been more than responsive to your inquiries?
  • Did I miss an email or a call that involved scheduling a meeting?
  • Was your expectation that I come to you? Did I miss that somewhere in our emails?
  • What exactly were you looking to accomplish? I'm looking to sell a truck; are you interested in buying mine or not?

I'm confused. :confused:



Let him stew on that shit. Sounds like he was never real.

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One strategy when dealing with clowns like this would be to keep an eye out for similar cars to yours parked in driveways. Take note of the address, and tell him he can have it for his price, and that he should come up to your place to inspect it sometime even if you're not home. You trust him, and he can inspect the car and it will be left unlocked for him. Then give him false address.


As was said before, its interesting how many people make ridiculous offers and act under the assumption that you've accepted it and its only a matter of time until they'll arrive to do the deal, only to turn into a desparate sob story. We had a GTI for a while and you wouldnt believe some of the idiots who thought we had a $5,000 markup on a $10,000 car. One guy sent an email saying "I will be there tomorrow with $6,700 to cover the car, taxes, and fees and I would appreciate if you would not sell it to anyone else between now and then." As soon as I explained to him that would leave me owing my manager roughly $1000 to make up the loss on what we paid for the car, let alone us being a for-profit business not in the habit of giving cars away at cost, his story turned to "well my son just got a job but no way of getting there and I only have $6700 to help him out and can't you just sell it at cost to make a sale? I know you guys have quotas, I used to be a car salesman in the 70's".



Then he got pissed when I told him I had 3 cars under $5000 that would be perfect for a first car, because this is 'Murrica and if he can't get the car he wants for the price he wants then I'm a commie bastard.


tl;dr clown gets mad at me for not taking a loss on a car because he used to sell cars 40 years ago

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