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what do you pack for lunch....?


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Well I'm trying to save money and save me from getting a gut back.


5 day work week what do you pack for your lunch at work or school?


I've been good with brining an apple a sandwich (white..ham or turkey) and some chips or something. Buttttt after a week I'm so burnt out on sandwiches lol


What do you all do for lunchs?? Recomendations for say a 30$ budget for a 5 day work week

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sometimes i stop by my parents on the way into work and pack theyre leftovers, saves me money cause i dont have to buy my own groceries to pack my own lunch, but when i do make the trip to the grocery store, i usually go with hungry man lunches, for the price they are good, even if not good for you and you can usually pack lunch all week for less than $15
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Usually one of the lean cuisine things or something of the like. The healthy choice meals are good too and you get a decent amount of food. Plus Some fruit and veggies. Granola bars, which I do TLC so I'm not eating HFCS. This week I got a bag of the pre-chunked up cheese, pepperoni and crackers to snack on. It's all about variety.


If you are trying to eat healthy do as much real food as you can. I wish I could get away from the healthy choice things but they aren't horrible and are just too easy.


Making enough for dinner and using the leftovers is also a great idea to eat healthy and not spend too much. If you fell like you can't eat the same thing the next day as you just had for dinner, you can always freeze it and pack it a few days later.

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Tuna, Turkey, whole grain Pita's, fruit, nuts, protein bars, protein shakes (bring in powder and make in break room),


Reading this I'm sure you'd think that I"m fit but I"m not. If I wasn't disciplined with what I eat during the day I'd be a train wreck.


I probably average about $4-5 a day on food BUT I eat 4 small snack / meals while I'm at work, stay full, have variety and again contain total intake.

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Made chicken salad and ate it for the whole week with some crackers.


Chili can do the same.




Sometimes I grill chicken, make perogies etc.


I go home every day for lunch though.


Frozen pizzas can be cheap and all frozen meals, though I don't eat them anymore.

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For my husband, I get him a lot of the steam bowl things or the boston market meals...I try to stay $3 and under for frozen meals. Then he takes fruit, trail mix, nuts or granola bars...


We used to do sandwiches, but he got burned out...


Oh...he's at work for 10+ hours and takes 2 breaks so we have to pack enough for 2 meals :)

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Subway. I stay with the five dollar footlongs thing (although this month is any footlong for five bucks)


I divide them in half and pack chips. Your lunch will have cost 2.50 bucks and you can get tons of variety from Subway.


I do this because I drive a hour one way to campus and stay on campus too goddamn long.

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Hmm a lot of people eat out or do microwaveable meals it seems.


Left overs are a good idea but I'm cooking for two sov ery small portions hmmm


And aren't microwaveable meals unheathly?


Only if they are soaked in grease before you microwave them lol, their are healthy meals that are microwavable.

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I very rarely eat out anymore. The money wasted is amazing.


For lunch I typically eat romaine salad with red wine vinaigrette dressing, turkey or ham w/ mustard on whole grain bread, and some water to drink. Throw in a granola bar for a snack.


And aren't microwaveable meals unheathly?


Some okay and some aren't, but most of them are all really high in sodium.

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I use to bake 8-12 chicken breasts and make rice a roni every Sunday evening. Then make up meals and package them up in plastic ware. Take it to work, nuke it for 2 minutes, it maybe cost me $15 for the week. Prep time was about 30 minutes.
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