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what do you pack for lunch....?


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The wifey packs my lunch for me every night. I have gone from extremes when I was working out and trying to stay on a good diet. She would pack me like 6 small meals. Now that I am not in to the fitness thing anymore and have not been to the gym in almost a year, I take left overs every day. Usually left overs with a cup of applesauce, 2 cheese sticks, 2 cans of diet pop and a swiss cake roll.
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I very rarely eat out anymore. The money wasted is amazing.



It's scary how much money I spend between gas station and fast food in a month. I've cut back a lot this year and got down to around $500/month. Last year was horrible though, spending around $1,000/month with 7 day work weeks. I've been trying to make time to get lunch meat and canned food to bring costs down more, but usually I just don't have the time.



Edit: I guess not smoking would take about $100 of that too. I plan on fixing that this winter

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lean cuisines. the sandwiches arent terrible and the crappy little pizzas are ok too. Hard to beat their low calorie numbers.


i get those 99 Cent lean cuisines too. That or Michalinas. 2 of those a day plus a bottle of water and some chips or something and im at about 3$ a meal. Sometimes i treat myself out, but thats rarely.


leftovers also.


Work 6 pm to 2 am. Wake up at noon, drink a pot of coffee, 4-5 hours later make dinner. Eat that and I'm done the rest of the night. That and I don't have to leave my house.


is this real life?

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I make nathans lunch every day.

Most of it is pre-prepped from grocery day.

We buy the BIG bag of Rolled golds pretzels and a box of 4oz Snack size zip bags (generic) and make our own chip bags (this is REDICULOUSLY cheaper than buying premade bags) >$8 for probably 30 lunch size portions of pretzels, we do this in front of the TV about once a month, and it takes about 15 mins. >$.26 a snackpack


We have glass 10 1cup glass containers (initial investment was $14) that i fill with Motts Natural applesauce halfway (big jar is $3) (a serving size is 1/2 cup) and throw them in the fridge. Sometimes add Penzeys apple pie seasonings for a different flavor. A sixpack of premade snackpacks is 3.50. I get 11 servings out of a jar, and dont have waste material other than the jar the applesauce came in.

$.30 a snackpack


I also have 10 more of those glass containers that i make blueberry yogurt parfaits out of for breakfast. I make these monday AM for the week. Thick layer of blueberries, thick layer of Organic french vanilla yogurt, and i keep a ziplock bag of Giant Eagle Granola Cereal in there to use at his leisure. (no HFCS in GEs Granola Cereal) Blueberries are a powerfood you should eat everyday.

Blueberries every week $3 a pint (usually last a week)

Stonyfield BIG yogurt container $3.50 Makes about 10 parfaits

GE Granola $2


I buy a big bag of carrots and divy them up into the 4oz snack bags.

Bag of Carrots $3 makes 10 snack packs

We do this also with snap peas.


A Bagel from Panera (i buy every friday)

A hard boiled egg from Akulas and Mines Chickens.


A sandwich- Sandwhich usually entails Romaine Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, mustard/ 3oz of deli sliced Chicken and Habanero cheddar cheese from Yutzys Farm market, usually on some type of Muliti-Grain or Tuscan bread.


Nathans ENTIRE lunch/breakfast probably cost us less than $4 a day, due to the lunch meat and panera bagel, but i promise you, is WAY more food and tastier than you get from eating out and better nutrition and portion control than some that lean cuisine/frozen food crap others are posting, not to mention Portion control.


No Soda either, he has a reusuable BPA free water bottle as big as we could find, that he drinks probably 3 of a day. (i wanna say its 32oz, but not sure)




Left over dinner at my house is sometimes substituted, but usually just ate for dinner the next day.



Glass Containers Have cost me close to $30 for all of them, but they are reusable and i have had them for almost 4 years. I didnt buy them all at once either. I have probably 15 of them. (the lids get a little raunchy if you dont care for them properly, they dont like dishwashers, but can be cleaned in there, but you will need to replace them sooner if you do use the dishwasher)

These are the containers, you can get them at any department store, (Walmart, meijers, target) cost doesnt vary too much because they are glass.



Snack Bags


Edited by damreds
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It's scary how much money I spend between gas station and fast food in a month. I've cut back a lot this year and got down to around $500/month. Last year was horrible though, spending around $1,000/month with 7 day work weeks. I've been trying to make time to get lunch meat and canned food to bring costs down more, but usually I just don't have the time.



Edit: I guess not smoking would take about $100 of that too. I plan on fixing that this winter


+1, In college i was spending 1200/mo in food and alcohol alone.

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No matter what you decide to bring or buy, you will eventually get burnt out if you do it all the time. I try to always make dinner for 3 (2 of us at home) and pack my lunch portion first. Then we eat the rest. That also helps to keep you from eating too much dinner later in the day. Or so I hope anyway. Sometimes you just get a taste for something and that's ok too. Just be mindful of what you order and how much it cost's.
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chicken breasts and brown rice, every day even for dinner. also throw in some bananas, peanut butter, vegetables, protein shakes and eggs throughout the day.

keeps my abs ripped.....


about the same as me but with the occasional cookie and a fuck ton of tuna.


i wish my abs were ripped. I wont be cutting till im about 235. Eating is crazy expensive, specially when your 5,000cal plus EASY everyday.

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for some reason im reminded of that scene in Dennis the Menace when he feeds that dude all those beans haha




LOL that scene was sick. that dude was nasty. old dude, bloated gut, sweating face.

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