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You know you're child is sick when...


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She falls asleep worshiping the Porcelain God. :(


Man, this flu shit is kicking our ass this year. I have three sales reps out and both my son and I have had it. Now Sophia is out. :fuuuu:



Edited by TTQ B4U
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  Murse said:
Tim keep up the fluids, even if its just gatorade. i know how rough that can be, especially on the little ones!


Pedialyte drink and Pedialyte Popsicle are the winner for us. Flat Ginger Ale helps too. so far, all has stayed down. Fever is spiking high but she's good.

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  3.1cutlass said:
Never had one and never will. Also never had the Flu.


People who dont take get vaccinated souly because of misinformation ( i can understand you dont want it, i never get sick or just dont care people).


Flu vaccines are not live vaccines (the injection type at least). Itis developed are using statistical analasist as to which 1 type of flu strand will affect the most people this year and then develop a vaccine that creates immuniobides for that specific strand.


Anyways, sucks for the kiddo. I've had a cold since the monday before Thanksgiving so i can relate. I would freebase dayquil/nyquil if i could

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  Murse said:
stomach flu is not the flu!!!!!! :fuuuu:


gawd i hate when patients think that!!! :yuno:



Yeah ... I don't think that. I was just relating that we were sick, or more importantly, that I also have kids who are sick.

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to each his own re:flu shots. ive always gotten them (mandatory in medicine) but my wife and her family never get shots, let alone required ones.


tim try not to let the fever go above 103* a little Tylenol can help too. you guys taking Tamiflu?

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I got a flu shot this year and I got hammered by this last night. As I'm upstairs with it coming out of both ends my wife is downstairs screaming because our 3 month old son projectile diarrhea'd all over the place while she was changing him. Not going to be a fun day.
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  evan9381 said:
Do you guys not get flu shots? I never used to until work covered it for dirt cheap to free...last 5 years have not had flu *knock on wood*


In the past yest. However, I've not found that it helps as twice I've gotten the flu even after a flu shot. Even now, all three of my people out had theirs as our company provides them free of charge. They are out sick. Well, one is back but she got sick 2 days earlier than the others.


  Murse said:

tim try not to let the fever go above 103* a little Tylenol can help too. you guys taking Tamiflu?


We're okay. 103 is our limit before we give Tylenol to bring it down. Never tried Tamiflu. Any good?


  Mallard said:
I got a flu shot this year and I got hammered by this last night. As I'm upstairs with it coming out of both ends my wife is downstairs screaming because our 3 month old son projectile diarrhea'd all over the place while she was changing him. Not going to be a fun day.


Pics? I provided them.... :lolguy:

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  Not Brian said:
aw honey go ahead keep puking while I go grab my camera..

There's no proof he actually took this pic, as it lacks any sort of watermark.


  pdqgp said:

Pics? I provided them.... :lolguy:

The wife cleaned the carpet and her clothes before I could get my head out of the toilet. The only pic I could attempt is a pic of my angry wife, and I might need her help later so that idea was nixed.

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i have a lot of friends up in westerville that have the flu, and have been puking quite a bit, i think this is the beginning of the apocalypse, government is hiding the seriousness of the virus. we will all be dead just like the aztecs in a matter of a year.


but i had the flu vaccination last year and last year had been sicker then i ever had, this year no vac and i have been much better, vaccine is worthless.

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  Mallard said:
There's no proof he actually took this pic, as it lacks any sort of watermark.


Embedded in Exif and tracked via Digimarc.


Camera Maker: Apple

Camera Model: Tim Lauro's iPhone 4s

Image Date: 2011-12-05

Focal Length: 4.28mm (35mm equivalent: 35mm)

Aperture: f/2.4

Exposure Time: 0.067 s (1/15)

ISO equiv: 500

Metering Mode: Spot

Exposure: program (Auto)

White Balance: Auto

Flash Fired: No (enforced)

Orientation: Normal

Color Space: sRGB

GPS Coordinate: undefined, undefined

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows



The wife cleaned the carpet and her clothes before I could get my head out of the toilet. The only pic I could attempt is a pic of my angry wife, and I might need her help later so that idea was nixed.
Pics of wife at a later time then. :p
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  Murse said:
stomach flu is not the flu!!!!!! :fuuuu:


gawd i hate when patients think that!!! :yuno:



Tim keep up the fluids, even if its just gatorade. i know how rough that can be, especially on the little ones!


I know, then people get the real flu and call it Bronchitis and throw antibiotics at it. :dumb:


And if you have ever taken Tamiflu you will not take it again, it makes you feel worse. My wife had H1N1 when it was the big thing, and so did my daughter, they both tested positive for it. I never caught it even though I spent a week with them, home from work. I was written a script for it at the time and never filled it.

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