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I realized I can never live in Columbus again (AZZTOBOGGAN)


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The only thing I liked about Michigan, was the drivers. As soon as I crossed into Michigan I had to get out of the fast lane. It was awesome how everybody kept moving, and when I did come up on slower traffic they about wrecked their car to get out of the way. What the fuck goes through people's heads around here I'll never know.
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Dude, if you are sporting Failigan plates they are probably going slow to fuck with you. When I see those idiots on the road I have a hard time resisting. At least they don't stay long because they need to get home to collect their unemployment checks. Lsrs. Meh.
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I blame CPD and the OHWP for patrolling the freeways because they need the money, not to make it safe. It pisses me off to no end to see Gahanna out there just south of Easton, and Dublin out between 161 and Sawmill, and Westerville out between Westerville Rd and 161. There's no money in patrolling and preventing crime in neighborhoods. Edited by Benjamin
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mallard that is a cool story man. maybe we can get this thread merged with the other threads. or just start a stickied "traffic bitching" thread where you can all go bitch to eachother and not start really cool threads like this.


again i would just like to say this is a really good story bro. thank you.

The other threads were complaints about one, singular driver. I am complaining about all of you.

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Dude, if you are sporting Failigan plates they are probably going slow to fuck with you. When I see those idiots on the road I have a hard time resisting. At least they don't stay long because they need to get home to collect their unemployment checks. Lsrs. Meh.

You fail. Being from MI I do not have a front plate, so you would not know where I was from until after I passed you. Getting back around me would require you to exceed the speed limit, which no one in Columbus is willing to do.

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BTW, Also I drive in Michigan 3-4 times a year, your shit stinks too, I see tons of idiots driving the limit in the left lane with two lanes open to the right and going under the limit too. I will also say fuck driving there in the winter, it's amazing cars survive the winters there with the amount of salt spread on the highways.


Don't ever drive on I95 in or around DC, I used to complain about driving here until I drove through DC at midnight and sat in stopped traffic without an accident ahead.

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BTW, Also I drive in Michigan 3-4 times a year, your shit stinks too, I see tons of idiots driving the limit in the left lane with two lanes open to the right and going under the limit too. I will also say fuck driving there in the winter, it's amazing cars survive the winters there with the amount of salt spread on the highways.


Don't ever drive on I95 in or around DC, I used to complain about driving here until I drove through DC at midnight and sat in stopped traffic without an accident ahead.

This is true. There are certain roads in MI that have the worst offenders, but jump on I-696, I-75 around Detroit, or I-94 and you'd better step on the gas or get out of the way.


While my area is not without fault, the concentration of vehicular douchbaggery is much higher in Columbus.


I too should have a few roads in OH named after me.

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As I was driving in today on 270 from E. Broad to 33 in Dublin, I was driving about 75-80 in the left hand lane and with the cruise on. I had to get on someones ass and flash them, then finally go flying around them because they would not get over about 20 times. I just dont get it. Are they that stupid and dont give a shit or are they just not paying attention? I am always in my rear view and if I see someone comming up behind me I get the fuck over and let them roll out. What is so hard about changing to another lane?
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My buddy had a train horn on his semi. We were in Darlington one year racing and he was on his way back from Georgia so he stopped by and hung out with us for the weekend. We went to the bar in his semi since we didnt have a car to drive. When we got back to the hotel at around 3am that night, he set it off in the parking lot. Funniest shit I have ever seen. I have never seen so many lights flip on at once in my life.
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i posted a while back about when i flew to FL to drive grandma home for the summer...no shit, as soon as i crossed the OH line, people got stupid retarded. hell, in FL, i drove in the worst rain ive EVER seen, and people were still moving...it would have had people here stopped...but FL, GA, TN, KY, people know the left lane is for passing, and dont drive in it, and if there is someone there and you're coming up on them, they move over...once we got into ohio, i almost had an aneurysm.
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Dude, if you are sporting Failigan plates they are probably going slow to fuck with you. When I see those idiots on the road I have a hard time resisting. At least they don't stay long because they need to get home to collect their unemployment checks. Lsrs. Meh.


Could this possibly be directed towards me?


If so you are very sadly missinformed.

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i agree, OH has some of the slowest fucking drivers around. its almost like they teach you in drivers ed to go under the speed limit. i have put up with this shit for 6 years now and still cant get used to the idiot drivers around here. another thing that pisses me off is the assholes who will not turn right on red when there is absolutely no traffic around and no signs prohibiting it.
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