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Your hat should be off To Brady Hoke and staff for not putting Denard on the field the same time as Gardner the second half. What a moron call that was.


I mean you might as well walk over and tell Urban what play you are calling by putting Denard in at QB and he can't throw the ball. SMH at really poor coaching.

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1. Carlos Hyde should get 20 touches per game.


2. We should have won by 14+ points. Oh well, fuck it.


3. Defense played as good as I've ever seen the second half of that game. Ever.


I'm starting to question Braxton at QB. Great athlete but looks like hes trying out for Dancing With The Stars in the backfield half the time.

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I'm starting to question Braxton at QB. Great athlete but looks like hes trying out for Dancing With The Stars in the backfield half the time.


Yeah, he seems to have regressed a bit the last few games regarding his running. I'm not sure if that's because of the defenses/defensive schemes that have been run lately or what, but I've noticed myself being frustrated with his play the last two weeks.


And dude, get longer cleats. He only slipped like four different times.


*I realize I'm nit-picking. We just went undefeated with a team that finished last season 6-7. I don't think we have a legitimate NC contending team (though I'd like our chances against ND) and I don't think we're AP #1 material. But I also heart our coach and think the future looks very, very bright.

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Your hat should be off To Brady Hoke and staff for not putting Denard on the field the same time as Gardner the second half. What a moron call that was.


I mean you might as well walk over and tell Urban what play you are calling by putting Denard in at QB and he can't throw the ball. SMH at really poor coaching.


Not really, when you stuff Renard on 4th and short it kind of makes you question what will work. But yeah, they didn't even really try to get him on the field as a misdirection.

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Jason - agreed - if it were up to me, I'd get Hyde 30 carries a game. He's big and strong and seems to get better as the game wears on. He also doesn't fumble. He kind of reminds me of Eddie George, considering his size.


Craig - I was kind of disappointed by the unis. I didn't care for the green helmet stickers especially.


Josh - yup watching Florida-FSU game. I'm pulling for FSU.

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