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What issues do you have in your family?


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This isn't a rant post or anything. Just kind of a gathering of thoughts of what everyone has going on in their life right now. Health/sickness/whatever. So what do you have going on in your life now?


Here's what I have.


My son is 10 years old (one of them.. my other son is 18 and doing ok) has Autism. He broke his shin on October 30th and was in a full cast for 4 weeks and a half cast (walking cast) for 5 weeks after that. (he's out of the cast now and slowing working the "limp" back to a normal walk")


My father is 75 and has Parkinsons. His motor skills are shot to sh*t and my mom is calling 911 a few times a month because he fell and can't get up.


My grandmother is 90 and was in the hospital for a good 3 months this year due to a compression fracture in her back. They did some surgery and she's doing ok for now.


My mother had breast cancer a few years ago (she's now 70) and had chemo and radiation and that cleared it up and now she seems to be fine (not really.. she has to take are of my Dad who has parkinsons http://mymonte.com/discussion/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif).


My mother in-law has been in remission for colon cancer for several years now but there's still that risk.


3 years ago in March my father-in law died (a young 65? if that) due to COPD and other stuff.


Just found out today my 70 year old Mother needs to have knee surgery for f'd up cartilage in her right knee. She'll be out for a week pretty much (on a cane) and two after that slowly moving back to normal. I'll probably take a week of vacation in February to help them around the house, cook and do normal shit my mom normally does with my Dad to help out.


This isn't a bitch fest of family problems. Just something to vent to see what's going on in your lives. Please keep the trolling to a minimum.

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Im sure we all have shit, and sometimes we just have to wade through it, smile and remember its not all bad. ;)


My mother is an alcoholic, who left when i was 4 but stayed around enough just to make my life worse than if she had just completly abandoned my sister and I.


My father is an angry old man who has become a hoarder (like TV show style hoarding),


My sister is doing her best at becoming just like my mother, while living at home with my dad.. (she's 30)


My Grandmother on my dads side has Alzheimer and cant remember who i am, despite the fact that she raised me most of my life.


My Grandmother on my moms side has been fighting infections that were caused from rounds of chemo from estrogen based(breast, lymphnode and throat) cancer that cured the cancer. She has lived wiht me on and off all year, and in and out of the hospital and nursing home where they dehydrated her so bad that she got metabolic ensepolopothy, despite us being there every day telling them that she needed more water...


I cant have kids.

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I wont go into details but i learned at a very young age that everyone's family is fucked up somehow. That there is no such thing as 'a perfect family'. I heard someone today say "oh hes THAT ONE in the family" (not talking about me) and i realized every family has "THAT ONE" or multiple "THAT ONES". I think in a strange way it makes an individual stronger b/c of what they have had to deal with.


One of my older brothers is "THAT ONE" and no matter what everyone does it just causes more drama. I use to be embarrassed (occassionally still am) now i just take it for what it is, i dont get caught up in the arguments or the fights or namecalling (this is a grown man we're talking about, yes i said name calling) i just learn to deal with it and say no everytime he asks to borrow money.

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Black lung took both of my great grandfathers, one at 84 the other in his 70's.

Liver failure took my moms dad.

Cancer took my dads mom at the young age of 32.

Cancer took my great grandmother in her late 70's.

Parkinsons took my grandfather at the young age of 68.

My great grandmother died this year from a UTI that went septic. She died at the young age of 94.

My mother has alot of health issues.


Life expectancy, Short.

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Both my mom and my older brother are still angry at my dad for having an affair and leaving. He still tries to have a relationship with my brother but it's awkward most of the time. My moms on anti-depressants because of it as well.
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Well my wife and daughter are doing fine. My wife is working herself to death and has no spare time, but she has had any issues with her seizures in a few years. My daughter's asthma has been well controlled and she is doing good.


Now my extended family is ridiculus, my grand father has full blown alzhiemers and doesn't know who anyone is and I haven't seen him in a few years. My wife's grandfather is on hospice and we expect that to end any day now. My brother, the convicted felon, who has stopped taking anti-psycotics, is a bum mooching off my parents, is back to collecting weapons, drinking 151 like its water, smokes like a freight train, should be locked up, and parents won't do anything about it. Needless to say we don't go to my parents house much.


My life is pretty good.

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I grew up in every state institution in Ohio. I was in DH 17 times from 12-17 years old.

I didnt really start getting my act together until I got in to Drag Racing when I was 18. I happened to get my start in Drag racing with some people who were about 10 years older than me, already pretty fast and hardcore racers.

I spent the next 10 years of my life doing nothing but racing IHRA Top Sportsman and IHRA Pro Stock, building race cars and motors.

My life has been pretty good since then and the only real issue I have now is my oldest son. He reminds me a lot of myself when I was young and him and I fight like you would not believe over him getting his life together. Overall he is not a bad kid. He definitly doesnt have the criminal streak that I had growing up but he just does not take anything serious in life ecspecially school. He has failed school every year for the last 5 years. Wonderful New Albany schools do not want to hurt their Blue Ribbon rating so they just keep moving him up to the next grade. His mom lets him get away with whatever he wants so he can handle the crackdown when he is at my house every other week.

I have two years for him to get his shit straight because he really has no idea how tough the real world is.

I have told him that I would love for us to be closer but my job is not to be your buddy. My jib is to be your dad and guide you down the correct path weather you like it or not.

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Very little in my family. Both grandfather's died at 73 (within 3 weeks of each other, no less), but it was because of shitty living. One was a big drinker,the other a big eater. Both my grandmothers are still alive, into their 80's, and both my great grandmothers lived into their 90's.


As for me and my wife, no problems. Same with my kids.


Clean living, people: Don't drink much, no drugs, work out, and eat right... :nod:

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Not much family for me. Both grandmothers passed before I remember, both grandfathers remarried, and now all have passed. Lost my mom to parkinsons/complications 10 years ago, dad to parkinsons/complications 2 years ago. My girlfriends parents are gone. My sister is married to an only child and his father is gone. Family dinners on Sundays are normally pretty quiet, but it's one of the best traditions we have gotten back to.
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Maternal grandmother succumbed to Alzheimers when I was 8. I was heartbroken because I was old enough to know her but young enough not to understand why she didn't recognize me.


Maternal grandfather and stepgrandfather both died when I was 3. Don't remember them at all.


Paternal grandfather died in Portugal smoking like a chimney and drinking like a fish. He wrote beautiful poetry, and I lament that I never met him. His body just shut down on him when he was 50.


Paternal grandmother just went in for her 3rd gallbladder surgery in a week yesterday. She didn't come out of anasthesia as quick as expected. She's 93 and is doing fine now, but getting that call from my mom shook me up. Between when I was born and when my sister was born (til I was 3) my mom worked, so my grandmother taught me to be fluent in Portuguese since she doesn't speak English. I will not take her death well when it happens.


My dad's brother is an alcoholic who has just hit rock bottom; he at least has his wife, but she is more punitive than supportive in his issues. He's finally getting his life together though, which gives me hope for him.


My mom's oldest brother was shot by police when he came back from Vietnam in the 70's. He suffered from PTSD and was having a meltdown when he ran at an officer with a knife drawn. The officer was local and knew him, managed to shoot him in the shoulder. That officer kept our family intact. My uncle now lives a happy life in Berkeley, CA and I don't know if I'd be who I am today without the life lessons he's provided.


My mom's other brother is a throat cancer survivor and has been the yin to my parents yang in raising me. Every lesson my parents taught me, he taught me another way to look at it.


Half the people on my dad's side of the family are type 2 diabetic, have high cholesterol, and heart disease.


My mom is a breast cancer survivor.


Besides my many, many concussions, I have lived an ok life. In 2 days, it'll have been a year since I was robbed at gunpoint in my apartment. It was the single scariest moment of my life, knowing that less than an inch of trigger pull separated me from being able to type this and much much worse. Looking down the barrel of a gun weilded by someone with unknown intentions is not something I wish upon anyone except the motherfucker who did that to me.

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dad is a recovering cancer survivor


Mom is a diabetic. Just found out at age 50. Shes working hard on it though.


Everyone else is died.


Lucky for me, i dont have the mutated genes that give you super elevated risks of developing cancer, and i dont smoke/drink pop/eat shitty foods.

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Lucky for me, i dont have the mutated genes that give you super elevated risks of developing cancer, and i dont smoke/drink pop/eat shitty foods.


Same here. Almost everyone in my family lives over 80. My grandma died at 105 and my great aunt's all lived past 95.


My mom died from breast cancer 3 years ago at 54, but that's as messed up as my family has ever been.

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