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Workout/Weight loss thread 2012


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Been chillin around 220 since November. Basically enough to maintain weight but replacing fat with muscle and still losing inches. Haven't been able to lift for about a week and a half as I injured my shoulder/clavicle. However to make up for it, I'm doing some decent cardio work everyday. Running anywhere from a mile or 2 and then hitting the eliptical for at least 10 minutes after.


As soon as I'm able to I'm gonna start lifting heavy again with some decent cardio and see how much I can drop, would really like to see 199lbs on the scale then bump back up to around 210 to 215 at 10-12%

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My new year's resolution last year was to go from 160 to 175 and I was really close, but closed the year at 170lbs on the nose.


This year I want to aim for another 10lbs and work on a better routine. I haven't been doing legs as regularly as I should, so I'm going to be a little more regimented about that. Also, focusing on more weigh and less reps with higher intensity workouts. I've been getting a little bit better about my diet, however, it's really hard for me to consume enough calories in a day without constantly feeling sick.


I'm trying to keep my gains fairly lean so I have less loss during summer to keep myself looking in shape.



5'10 170lbs dry



180+lbs dry by New Years 2013


Not a huge goal, but I think at this point my body type won't let me naturally get much bigger without strict dieting and other options which I'm not dedicated to. Since I started working out a few years ago, I've put on a total of 40lbs. I realize gains now are a little slower, but I can see improvement each week that keeps me motivated.

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My goals is to lose the 20lbs of baby weight I put on while since my fiance got pregnant but June 1st. I went from 175 to 195. Plan is to join a gym and do both free weights and cardio with more time devoted to cardio. By the end of the year I would like to be able to bench press 225lbs and squat 300lbs by the end of the year. I haven't really worked out in a couple of years so it should be interesting.
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My goals is to lose the 20lbs of baby weight I put on while since my fiance got pregnant but June 1st. I went from 175 to 195. Plan is to join a gym and do both free weights and cardio with more time devoted to cardio. By the end of the year I would like to be able to bench press 225lbs and squat 300lbs by the end of the year. I haven't really worked out in a couple of years so it should be interesting.



Current lifts?

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I'm 6'4" at 212 lbs. I'm looking to get up to 220 by years end and still be less than my current body fat rate. Which isn't high at all.


I want to be able to rep my bench press of 225x10 in sets of 3. I'm at 185x7 in sets of three. It's hard because I have long arms with a lebron James type of build.

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I recently got hurt on deployment so I was out of the gym for 6 months. Before I got injured I weighed in at 205 with 7% body fat, benched 315, and leg pressed 950.


My current goals are to get back into the gym and get back to where I was or at least close. I know it will take some time to fully recover but I think I will get back there, I'm at 200lbs now but have gained some fat....My current workouts are just lightweight machines trying to gain my strength back.


95%of the time 96% of people underestimate their body fat, especially on the internet.


and when stating leg press numbers you must also include the ROM distance.

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Current lifts?


no clue, I would guess 130ish on bench press and 180ish squat with out killing myself if I was in the gym right now. I've had shoulder problems in the past and once I started getting in a routine I could add weight 5-10lbs on the bench almost every other day after starting off on a low weight till i got up to 170. I was 195 on the bench and 250 squat when I stopped. I set my goals pretty high but we'll see.

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95%of the time 96% of people underestimate their body fat, especially on the internet.


and when stating leg press numbers you must also include the ROM distance.


Hating manlet is Hating. What are you the Internet workout police? Why don't you just let ppl post what they want in here and you go toss on your short n small jeans, size 6 shoes and hobble over to the nearest mc.donalds play center lil guy.

Edited by Rustlestiltskin
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95%of the time 96% of people underestimate their body fat, especially on the internet.


and when stating leg press numbers you must also include the ROM distance.


I had the little pincher tool, not 100% accurate but I know it was close. And the ROM was slightly less than a 90 degree angle.

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I'm 6'4" at 212 lbs. I'm looking to get up to 220 by years end and still be less than my current body fat rate. Which isn't high at all.


I want to be able to rep my bench press of 225x10 in sets of 3. I'm at 185x7 in sets of three. It's hard because I have long arms with a lebron James type of build.


I am 5'10 and have the same reach as my friends who are like 6'2... I know what you mean about the long arms/legs shit.

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Hating manlet is Hating. What are you the Internet workout police? Why don't you just let ppl post what they want in here and you go toss on your short n small jeans, size 6 shoes and hobble over to the nearest mc.donalds play center lil guy.


Because he considers himself the authority on all things workout, lifting, or gym related. Sadly, dude is pretty jacked, IIRC, and posted up some impressive lifting vids, so it's not like he doesn't know a thing or two that would be useful to people. However, he usually just comes across as a know-it-all in his posts.

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Because he considers himself the authority on all things workout, lifting, or gym related. Sadly, dude is pretty jacked, IIRC, and posted up some impressive lifting vids, so it's not like he doesn't know a thing or two that would be useful to people. However, he usually just comes across as a know-it-all in his posts.


Yea I knew that about him before. It just pisses me off that he constantly gets on people like he is the Arnold of lifting. I guess whatever stats we post up here from now on needs to be verified on video with a professional verificator present during the video.


Yes gabe, for the most part he knows his shit. I just dont like it when he calls people out and trys to be correct.

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Yea I knew that about him before. It just pisses me off that he constantly gets on people like he is the Arnold of lifting. I guess whatever stats we post up here from now on needs to be verified on video with a professional verificator present during the video.


Yes gabe, for the most part he knows his shit. I just dont like it when he calls people out and trys to be correct.


Yeah, he could be more tactful, I think. His message then wouldn't get lost in people being irritated with him.

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I made myself a goal of dropping 20lbs by my birththday on 5/19.


I've injured my shoulder like 5 years ago now that required a pin and some rotator cuff surgery to fix. After that I went from 180 to 190 but lost a TON of mass in the process, body composition was way off from where I was.


I finally am back to the same strength level I was at prior to my injury but I've managed to baloon to 200lbs all at the same time...not a good weight for someone that's 5' 9"


If I could get back to 180 without loosing any lean mass in the process I'd be happy. Not that I'd be lean at that point but I'd be at a weight that I'm comfortable with.


Being a former fat kid (pushing nearly 300 in highschool) it's all about being comfortable and healthy these days not winning fitness awards.

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Lol just trolling to make it interesting in here.:gabe:

people didnt even lol on the rat poison remark, crazy what some stuff people will take and waste their money on when a solid food diet is what they need.


And i have long arms too, so thinking my ROM is short makes it easy for me :fuuuu:


Sittin at 6ft 180lbs around 10-12% bf with visible abs. Wanna be around 200lbs shredded by summer/fall. It's possible with the right dedication and a shit ton of food. Good thing I have a high metabolism or I'd be a fatty for sure with how much food I put down.


and you calling me manlet? when you weigh less then me and have 4" of height on me :lolguy:

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Lol just trolling to make it interesting in here.:gabe:

people didnt even lol on the rat poison remark, crazy what some stuff people will take and waste their money on when a solid food diet is what they need.


And i have long arms too, so thinking my ROM is short makes it easy for me :fuuuu:




and you calling me manlet? when you weigh less then me and have 4" of height on me :lolguy:


manlet= less then a man. when a person is less then 5'9. This would put you in that catagory. Should I explain this more in detail? Weight has nothing to do with this shorty.

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^To the fact that your saying less then a man, when i can clearly outperform you.

what ever.

i only say until you can pull 500lbs off the floor you are not a man.

(but then what do you call someone who can pull over 600lbs??????)



So you are saying deadlifting 500lbs is some incredible feat? I don't normally deadlift much just for the sake of not worth tweaking my back but i'm sure if I actually worked on heavy deadlifts weekly theres no doubt 500 would be hit and passed.


Once again manlet with long arms n short legs braggin bout pullin weight off the ground. :lolguy::lolguy::lolguy:


ANYWAYS, back on topic. I've taken the last couple monthes off from the gym since I'm pretty worn out from being at a physical job everyday then the thought of driving 20min to workout makes me not go. I'm trying to get back into the gym this week and start back. Starting back always sucks :( but hopefully all the muscle memory will kick in quick :)

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Gabe, in almost the same boat as you. I should be around 170, was around there a few years ago when I was eating good and exercising on a regular basis. But I had eaten like shit and not exercised as much as I should. I was up to a ridiculousness ~195 last summer and started dieting and exercising a little more. I was down to ~180 before winter. Between holidays and eating like shit while traveling for work I'm around 185 now.


My goal is to eat better and exercise regularly. I'm more concerned about being healthy than necessarily what I weigh. Whatever that makes me weigh, is what it makes me weigh. But, if i had to put a number on it, I think I should eventually be ~170 again.

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