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What's your Electric Bill


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Some really do depending on the age of the equipment. If you really want to know Jeffro look up "Kill A Watt".


Ive always wondered if something like this existed. awesome! Id like to hook one up to my computer and see how much the usage changes when im speed stepped running all fans on max.

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I am more worried about the Water bill.......


Here too. H20 for the lawn and flowers which look great is not going to be a fun bill to see. If temps stay in the 80's I can get away with once every 5 days if there's no rain but any higher and it gets more costly.


Electric wise 2,900sq ft. and we just topped $300 for the month. No doubt a 24yr old AC unit isn't as effecient as the new ones.

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for the majority of appliances, not enough to offset the cost of buying one of those.


I completely beg to differ.


The "always on" stuff has power.. the cutoff basically cuts power completely to the rest of the power strip.


There is no standby light on when the switch is off.

We noticed a huge drop once we started using these, thats why we then went around and unplugged anything that isnt used daily. (clocks, lamps, spare bedroom tvs) There is DEFINITLY usage, small but its there.

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Our cabin is probably close to that. I friggin' love it.


^^ I go back and forth on the square footage thing. I miss the days of a small easy to care for cheap place yet with two kids and two dogs, I sometimes wish for 2x what we have now.


Trish, my wife is always on me about plug in items that are so called "vampires" I do believe there's a sound theory behind them. Most everything we have is contstantly plugged in and I have no double something as simlple as unplugging them with a power strip cut-off would help. My biggest are the theater system down in the lower level and the endless computers. I have three towers, two laptops that are pretty much either on or in standbye all the time, on top of charging endless gadgets and toys.


I bet I'd save $50mo easy if we turned them OFF.

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Up here in AK, we run our appliances on seal blubber and cool our balls with permafrost




This month for a 1300 sq ft top floor apartment it was $138. Of course, the AC was running overtime to compensate for the nonstop NHL playoff viewing and heat from the TV running all night every night.

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^^ I go back and forth on the square footage thing. I miss the days of a small easy to care for cheap place yet with two kids and two dogs, I sometimes wish for 2x what we have now.


Yeah. It's just me and the wife and her toy poodle here. Not bad at all. Check these people out.


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My record on electric was $768 one January in college. 9 people, 3 story house. We decided to try just heating individual rooms with space heaters instead of turning the real furnace up.


Learned the hard way that was a BAD idea.

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I've been in a constant battle with our electric bill for months. I got absolutely sick of the $230/month electric bill, so I went through and replaced most lights with LED's. Including outside lights. We also took down our freshwater aquarium and rehomed some reptiles that required heat lamps/heating pads.


Electric bill dropped down to $180.... THEN AEP raised the electric rates by 30%. Our bill is currently back up in the $220 range. Absolutely pissed by this. :fuuuu:

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, so I went through and replaced most lights with LED's. :


Yeah, we've replaced all of our lights with customer CFL's whereby I've selected the appropriate wattage and color temps to insure there's no eye fatigue. In our great room alone there were 9 recessed floods and bulbs in various lamps. Not only is the temperature change noticeable but definitely the power consumed lower.


The only room we haven't done is the lower level were the theatre is located only because we never use the overhead can lights there.

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