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Rebuplicans getting ready for 2016


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Dat one good lookin piece if white meat you got der





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Let me guess.. Condoleeza Rice as VP


It's sad they are going to play the race/sex cards. But the writing is on the walls.


What is sad is the reason they have to play the sex/race card; because they've been kind of sexist/racist lately.


Considering how anti anyone not white (and religious and male) they've been, they are going to be in BIG trouble if they don't do something about it considering the changing demographics.


This is probably the last time anyone is going to be able to competitively run for POTUS focusing on the white male vote. There are murmurs that the republican party could not see the inside of the oval office for a generation if they don't quickly and effectively change their stances on things like immigration or the veiled racism that some used during the primaries. Note: by change I don't mean swing completely the other way, but the hard line rhetoric many have used over the last few years didn't do the party any favors.

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