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College Football Thread v4.0


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Friday mornings here. Pay them the rest of the day, it makes them happier so they don't kill you. Srsly.


Friday afternoons here, but on the second to last week of the month. Pay them for last week of the month. Have not been killed yet, and I owe it to that strategy.

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Ohio guy on Scout who is pretty big as far as info in south Florida is concerned and has had great info on guys going all the way back to the 2008 class if not further back said recently that Shazier was a done deal to go pro.


Shazier came out today and said he's "dead in the middle" on his decision to stay or go. Said if anything he's leaning towards staying.


That would be pretty huge but I still don't see it happening.


In other Florida news though, 4* WR Johnnie Dixon should be committing to OSU tomorrow. Was going to commit last Sunday but mom didn't quite approve of OSU yet. Urban had his home visit earlier this week and she felt a lot better then Urban supposedly sealed it with a phone call the other night.

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Freshman QB Danny Clark from Massilon got an offer and accepted on the spot today. This may be the first time I have ever seen a freshman verbal to OSU (at least from what I can remember)


Article on Clark:


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In other Florida news though, 4* WR Johnnie Dixon should be committing to OSU tomorrow. Was going to commit last Sunday but mom didn't quite approve of OSU yet. Urban had his home visit earlier this week and she felt a lot better then Urban supposedly sealed it with a phone call the other night.


Johnnie at the Florida state title game tonight...



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It'll be interesting to see what happens at Texas now. Reports are saying Brown was on board with resigning until the news leaked out to the media. Now he has basically flipped 180 and is going to pretty much force them to fire him. He had better beat Oregon in the bowl game or else that will be their reasoning behind "moving in a different direction with the program"


BTW Tilley, we can no longer be internet friends you negative repping prick lol.

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What? I didn't negative rep you or anyone. In fact I can't recall whenever I've ever repped anyone. So, I think someone is trolling.


Hahahahaha, I laughed at it regardless. They def signed your name though, oh well. As for Saban/Texas, something had to of happened. Everyone of their "insiders" were 100% confident he was coming there. It will be interesting to see who Texas hires, it's gonna have to be someone that wows the fanbase, i.e a big name guy. It's funny how many names get thrown out there over and over again, Gruden seems to be the main one each time. Followed by the Harbaughs, neither of which I feel are wanting to leave the NFL right now.

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LOL, that isn't the first time that has happened (someone giving neg rep and then signing my name to it).


As for the Texas situation, etc., here's a question for everyone: why does Gruden's name always get brought up? Is he really that good of a coach? I mean, I like him and all, but it's not like he was the greatest coach who ever coached or anything, you know?

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Not sure, but his name is thrown out there every time. It happened when OSU was looking for a coach, Miami FL, Texas, Oregon, USC, just to name a few. I love watching his segments on ESPN with quarterbacks and enjoy his commentary on MNF. I am not sure he's a real great coach, but he does have a Superbowl ring and did lead 2 of the most arguably worst NFL franchises (Tampa/Oakland) deep into the playoffs. Add to the fact he's only 50 years old. I think that's why his name is always brought up in the conversation.
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Definitely feel the biggest thing is that he's relatively young. People just assume he has to have the itch and that's partially confirmed by all the work he likes to do with the QB's heading into the draft and the consulting that I know he's done for at least OSU. He stopped by to visit with OSU and Braxton I think after the NW game and gave him some pointers/tried to give him some insight as to what people really thought of him. And supposedly OSU coaches can and do call him from time to time to get his input on certain things.


I don't know if he has a connection to OSU just because of being from Ohio or if it's from the big visit he had here a few years ago.

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The plot thickens...




I almost wondered if Mack would get the last laugh somehow, if this report is true then he has so far.


BTW this 30 for 30 on Tress and MoC is awesome. I wonder how pissed Andy Geiger is right now lol. It sure makes him look like a royal asshole

Edited by DaddyBuiltRacing
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The plot thickens...




I almost wondered if Mack would get the last laugh somehow, if this report is true then he has so far.


kinda makes you wonder what REALLY goes on behind closed doors, possibly a Texas billionaire hired someone to threaten M. Brown to force him into resigning or paid him off in the condition he steps down?

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The plot thickens...




I almost wondered if Mack would get the last laugh somehow, if this report is true then he has so far.

ive been saying all along, Chip Brown is a joke. That article reads more like "I was right but here is the conspiracy behind why I was wrong"


BTW this 30 for 30 on Tress and MoC is awesome. I wonder how pissed Andy Geiger is right now lol. It sure makes him look like a royal asshole

Geiger has no right to be pissed. He declined to participate. They asked him many times. He an NFL reps were the only ones who declined.

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