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How much do you tip?

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I will say I do about $2....and I would tip more if they didn't add that damn Delivery Fee in there....which I never will understand when the driver doesn't get it all. They didn't start doing this until about 7-10 years ago across the board. It kind of Disgruntles me just seeing it added to my order which makes me end up skimping the guy who really had nothing to do with it........Crappy deal.


I agree. If they gave us the $2.50, or fuck, even $2, another $2 wouldn't be so horrible. It's a way to line their pockets more. Yeah, bags cost money, but it's a one time cost and those bags hardly ever get replaced...definitely not to the tune of $1.50 x ~100 deliveries a day for a year.

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My boss would laugh you off the phone. We say 45 minutes. Usually, It's out of the oven in 15. if I'm taking 2-3 orders on one run and I know you're the guy that I'm only going to get $1.50, I'll definitely take the other ones first. Yours will still get there, albeit much closer to the 45 minute mark, and not the 20-25 the others will be at.


In the end if that were the case, we'd vote with our wallet, order from another place and leave some serious feedback. Most companies react very well to a bad write up on web sites such as Google, Yahoo, Yelp, Trip Adviser. You're manager might laugh but he/she is the one it would ultimately reflect upon. Especially if the incidents are repeated. Good luck to him.

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In the end if that were the case, we'd vote with our wallet, order from another place and leave some serious feedback. Most companies react very well to a bad write up on web sites such as Google, Yahoo, Yelp, Trip Adviser. You're manager might laugh but he/she is the one it would ultimately reflect upon. Especially if the incidents are repeated. Good luck to him.


100% truth.


THat Manager that laughs him off thos phone does it to the tune of about $12/Hr....Who is really laughing most likely?


Im home every evening and on the weekends.....Just saying.

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. $2-3 was great when I was 18-19 and gas was $1.59/gal. Then again, it's been 10 years and inflation has gone up on pretty much everything...



Lol so your telling me because of inflation, we need to tip more? So I can go to my boss and demand more $ because of inflation, and if he doesn't pay I will not do my job?


It's a delivery job, you grab the food and go to the address. Its your job.. you shouldn't have a job that you base your income off of tips.


Just my .02

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Right...write up a review that your food, which again, you were too lazy to go get yourself, was delivered to you in 40 minutes, when they told you it would be 45.


first world problems.


Every person that orders pizza is lazy? Man you must be a GREAT delivery driver.. :dumb:

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Every person? no. Most? yes. If you've got a few loin lizards running around, I can see not wanting to pile them into a car. If you don't have a way to get there, sure.


But, if you're perfectly capable of getting off your couch and driving 2 miles to get it yourself, but don't, a tip is considered a gratuity for a service you could have done yourself, but didn't.

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Every person? no. Most? yes. If you've got a few loin lizards running around, I can see not wanting to pile them into a car. If you don't have a way to get there, sure.


But, if you're perfectly capable of getting off your couch and driving 2 miles to get it yourself, but don't, a tip is considered a gratuity for a service you could have done yourself, but didn't.


If youre a Delivery Driver and don't like your job....Or the Pay....Get a New Job.


Or are you too lazy to look for another? :dumb:

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i will admit, i get delivery pizza more often than i pick it up, laziness has a lot to do with it, but when you have a 1 year old and a 6 year old, you realize how much of a pain in the ass it is to get them in and out of the car.


and I can understand that. especially if there's not somebody at the house that can watch them, like a spouse. but in the end, it still boils down to laziness, that's why people tip. Its to say "hey, I appreciate you doing this and saving me from having to go through the trouble of doing it myself"...some people just appreciate it to the tune of a couple bucks more than the next person.


Oh well...im done here. You 3-4+ people, just know that we appreciate it. If you live near Polaris, and see a Legacy with a roof rack, say hey. I won't post where I work. I don't need Tim writing a bad Yelp or TripAdvisor review (since I know so many of us go to Yelp to find pizza) for something that I posted on Columbus racing. Lol

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Right...write up a review that your food, which again, you were too lazy to go get yourself, was delivered to you in 40 minutes, when they told you it would be 45.


So people pay extra for a service are lazy? Interesting thought behind the business model.


Yes, if the product arrives in less than acceptable condition and/or the originating location shows a trend for poor quality/service, you bet I'd leave a bad review in writing.

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If youre a Delivery Driver and don't like your job....Or the Pay....Get a New Job.


Or are you too lazy to look for another? :dumb:


Lol. You missed the part about this is only a PT job over the winter...come march, cycling season back in, im gone. I already work full time elsewhere...this is just to keep me busy for a few months. if the place burned down tomorrow, Im not going to be selling my plasma to make a mortgage payment.

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But, if you're perfectly capable of getting off your couch and driving 2 miles to get it yourself, but don't, a tip is considered a gratuity for a service you could have done yourself, but didn't.


Last I checked, a tip doesn't equal an entitlement. People pay delivery fees for services offered to avoid carryout pickups.


I won't post where I work.
but you're willing to put up a bunch of remarks and attitude.....besides, I thought you're manager would just laugh at me?


I don't need Tim writing a bad Yelp or TripAdvisor review (since I know so many of us go to Yelp to find pizza) for something that I posted on Columbus racing. Lol
then just make sure people's shit arrives on time and with good quality and I'm sure they won't post a bad review. Edited by TTQ B4U
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Im with Some here...you did pick the Job.....Gas is 3.50/Gallon.....SO if I come to pick it up....can I get a $1 off?


I hate when I go to get food at places where I am picking up, that they still have a "TIP" line...really.....I drove my ass here and it still lists a "TIP" ? And a place I eat lunch at on the regular is a Deli style place....Walk up, order, they give you a number and you sit down and when the food is ready they walk it to your table. You get your own Drink and refills and most of the time I clear my own table, but occasionally they grab my stuff while walking through.....Do you Tip at a place like this? They have a "TIP" line on your ticket when you order as well.....SOme days I do, some days I don't, guess it depends on whats in my Bank.


Sorry /Rant.


It's usually just because that is how it is set up in the POS when they ring someone up.

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I work at pizza cottage which includes free delivery in the company cars.


I deliver occasionally in my personal car because of my speeding tickets. I get tipped 2-3 dollars and I'm happy with it. I work there because it's the one of few places that are so willing and flexible with my college schedule.


Basically orders 15 bucks or below, 2-3 is good, above 15, be a bit nicer and too more.

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I work at pizza cottage which includes free delivery in the company cars.


I deliver occasionally in my personal car because of my speeding tickets. I get tipped 2-3 dollars and I'm happy with it. I work there because it's the one of few places that are so willing and flexible with my college schedule.


Basically orders 15 bucks or below, 2-3 is good, above 15, be a bit nicer and too more.


Which pizza cottage? My neighbor tried to order 10 pizzas for a kids bday party and have them delivered from the one in Pickerington and they said they only deliver to businesses

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It's usually just because that is how it is set up in the POS when they ring someone up.


I already know this, but you would think one more box to check while ringing out could make the differentiation between Delivery and Carry out.


Just a thought.

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After being overseas for almost 5 years from South America to the Middle East, this whole tip thing drives me crazy when I come home.


Can I afford it, yes. Do I want to pay it, no. American customer service just sucks in comparison to anything overseas. I don't feel like Im wasting anyones time or money if I stay more than an hour, and most lunches and dinners take about 2 hours overseas. At the end there is no tip, theres just a bill. Ive left money before but they always give it back.


Heck, one time in Saudi Arabia I left the equivalent to 250 US dollars cash under the table on accident. I didn't visit the restaurant for 2 weeks, and the manager(or whatever they title themselves as) had saved the money for me and literally gave it back. By no means was I a regular at this place it had been my 3rd time in a year. So it was like a free meal, I don't think that would ever happen in almost any situation in the states.


I pay tips in the states, but I don't feel like its justified as I feel like cattle being herded thru the pasture of American economics.

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Which pizza cottage? My neighbor tried to order 10 pizzas for a kids bday party and have them delivered from the one in Pickerington and they said they only deliver to businesses


Asked my boss via text, it's just businesses to "differentiate" themselves from others.


Moronic if you ask me

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$1. The whole mandated "delivery fee" screwed it for you delivery guys. I'll be dammed if im going to pay a $3 delivery fee + a 3 tip, thats almost half the cost of the pizza. Before everyone changed to that stupid fee I would routinely tip $3-4.
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