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And you wonder why people hate/distrust cops...


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His first mistake was at :42 His second mistake occurred every time he moved his mouth. Will wait for back-story.


I've given consent twice, both times the Cops didn't even bother to search the car.


Again, something tells me this dude had been in the eyes of the law for quite some time.

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There has to be more to this story, that deputy had a hard on for this guy for some reason.

Reasonable cause or not, if they found nothing, how can you be given a bill?? What if they damaged his truck, who pays for that? If they found nothing that is.

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Cop was wrong. End of story. No dope. "I just have a feeling." does not justify a cavity search. May be more to the story, may not be. What there IS evidence of is a d bag cop with something up HIS butt. Video shows that. No drugs...anywhere. Have fun with forthcoming lawsuit.
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I bet there's more to this story, I.E. he/his truck had been spotted at several dope-houses in the past.

Still irrelevant in this case even if that were the case, so to speak.


I've given consent twice, both times the Cops didn't even bother to search the car.


Again, something tells me this dude had been in the eyes of the law for quite some time.

Well, lucky you. ;) I've been searched more than once whether I liked it or not; with no actual just cause. (And I'm a polite sob whenever I'm pulled over.) I've also had an officer try to accuse me of a small bag of weed that he "found" near my location between me and my car. I laughed in his damn face. Strangely enough, he chose not to charge me with that in the end. "Oh thank you very much, sir." :rolleyes: That one was right here in grand ol' Ohio. His reason for harassing me? :confused: Boredom? Doesn't like out of state plates (shortly after I moved here) and a guy taking fucking nature pictures? I don't know.


My point is, who knows. Unless we hear a truthful, unbiased backstory (gl with that), we can speculate all day. Hell, maybe the guy AND the cops are dirty. lol Maybe, both parties even enjoyed it all just a little... ;)


Besides, seems silly to make uneducated assumptions. Especially when they're against all current evidence; given in this thread, of course.

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I have no problem believing this could happen. I don't trust cops as the badge simply comes with to much trust and some are gonna misuse it, we're all human. For that matter I don't trust anyone else either until its earned.
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I have no problem believing this could happen. I don't trust cops as the badge simply comes with to much trust and some are gonna misuse it, we're all human. For that matter I don't trust anyone else either until its earned.


^^^THIS^^^ X1,000,000 . FWIW, I don't trust anyone, period, been fucked too many times by those who I made the mistake of trusting.

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A couple thoughts:


-Not condoning the po's actions, but that guy doesn't exactly look like a s stand-up character.


-I love how the majority of society entrusts some of its greatest responsibilities (like gun ownership) to those in these positions, as if they are somehow superior to the rest of the population. Most aren't even college educated (though education =! good, honest, smart), let alone how they probably barely made it through high school. Not saying all are bad (I'm sure the majority are good), but I just don't see how they have acquired so much trust from society.

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Well, lucky you. ;) I've been searched more than once whether I liked it or not; with no actual just cause. (And I'm a polite sob whenever I'm pulled over.) I've also had an officer try to accuse me of a small bag of weed that he "found" near my location between me and my car. I laughed in his damn face. Strangely enough, he chose not to charge me with that in the end. "Oh thank you very much, sir." :rolleyes: That one was right here in grand ol' Ohio. His reason for harassing me? :confused: Boredom? Doesn't like out of state plates (shortly after I moved here) and a guy taking fucking nature pictures? I don't know.


My point is, who knows. Unless we hear a truthful, unbiased backstory (gl with that), we can speculate all day. Hell, maybe the guy AND the cops are dirty. lol Maybe, both parties even enjoyed it all just a little... ;)


Besides, seems silly to make uneducated assumptions. Especially when they're against all current evidence; given in this thread, of course.


I have been pulled over and my car searched a couple of times. Once the cop was a dick and said he found traces of weed on my floor. I told him it was dirt then he insisted it was weed, I told him I would gladly take a piss test then he looked at me and said "it's not enough to charge you for".


The other time I had a butterfly knife in the car, he asked why it was in there and I told him (the truth) that I had installed a car stereo in the truck the week before and used the knife to strip the insulation. He got a good laugh out of it when I told him the knife belonged to my mother. He told me to put it in the bed of the truck until I got home then put it away.


So I guess like most people I have had good and bad experiences with police. Sounds like this guy had a really bad expirence, and that officer needs repremanded so he understands he is no better than the average joe walking down the street just because he has a badge.

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I'm sorry but at what point do you simply say, "no, i want a lawyer" and that's it? I might give consent to search my vehicle and a 'pat down' search on my person because they're going to do that before they put you in the back of a police car anyway but anything further than that I'll just lawyer up and we can wait for my representation. I don't think that's a dick move at all.
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A couple thoughts:


-Not condoning the po's actions, but that guy doesn't exactly look like a s stand-up character.


"Not looking like a stand-up character" is not probable cause for any of the following:


-Being pulled over

-Search of a person

-Search of a vehicle

-Search warrant issued

-Being handcuffed

-Body cavity search

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"Not looking like a stand-up character" is not probable cause for any of the following:


-Being pulled over

-Search of a person

-Search of a vehicle

-Search warrant issued

-Being handcuffed

-Body cavity search


Totally agree. Just playing devils advocate. I'm not judging one way or the other though based on a chopped together video by one of the two parties involved.

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If you still don't believe cops have to much power just go to youtube and type in "officer harless"


In short, a Canton, OH cop that has a history "even on his dash cam" of threatening to execute black people, shoot concealed carry holders, etc. Guy is bad, sick, and he got fired but due to union laws was able to appeal and get his job back. As far as I know he's currently on the streets in Canton. Be careful.

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As far as I know he's currently on the streets in Canton. Be careful.



Harless will receive $40,000 from the city, a neutral employment recommendation and a retired-officer ID in exchange for his resignation.


Read more: http://www.cantonrep.com/article/20131105/News/131109669#ixzz3A7b4ru5O



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If you still don't believe cops have to much power just go to youtube and type in "officer harless"


In short, a Canton, OH cop that has a history "even on his dash cam" of threatening to execute black people, shoot concealed carry holders, etc. Guy is bad, sick, and he got fired but due to union laws was able to appeal and get his job back. As far as I know he's currently on the streets in Canton. Be careful.


Dude was definitely over the line, but the CCW carrier he threatened to shoot was with a known prostitute and her pimp. Again, this doesn't justify his actions, but if you're a known criminal (or with a known criminal) Police aren't going to treat you very well. Trust me, I know, I was a BAD kid, cops HATED me. They pulled the type of shit you see in the OP's video ALL THE TIME (short of searching mah butthole :lol: )

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There is a State Patrolman in my area handing out tickets and DUIs like crazy. He told a friend of mine, that is also his friend, that he is basically after the people that picked on him in highschool and is wanting to get them with the worst charges he possibly can.


Statey's are going NUTS on DUI's lately. Stalking people left and right (I mean riding their ass trying to get them to fuck-up, then doing a quick u-turn and riding someone else's ass). Goddamn Nazi's :nono:

Edited by acklac7
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